
"Hey system! Have you ever killed a human before?" While flying through the passageway, Ben suddenly asked a question.


"I see, that gives me 1 point over you." Ben chuckled in response to the system's answer.


"And I'm going to have two more points on my side soon," Ben said solemnly, his gaze fixed on the small campfire ahead. As he got closer, he could see the many white wagons standing next to the campfire, but there was barely any life energy coming from them.

"I wonder if I am even strong enough to kill humans and obtain human blood?" Ben asked making a confused face.

[Host is currently twice as strong as the average level 1 human. Although, there are barely any level 1 humans in this world, except for some countryside places.] 

Ben was about to respond, but a completely new scene appeared in front of his eyes as he passed through the campfire. A massive tree is covered in purple luminous light that reaches kilometers tall in the sky. Ben, being an international explorer in his past life, has seen many gigantic trees and structures, but not this thing in front of him! It was truly something otherworldly.

Huge purple leaves in the shape of the "Bodhi Tree" (AKA Peepal Tree) made each leaf large enough for one person to sleep on. Its brown steam radiated purple energy, and the entire tree, about infinite tall, could be mistaken for a mountain from a distance.

While Ben was admiring this tree, a thought occurred to him. "Hey, system? What kind of thing is this? If it's that big, how come I didn't notice it until I got this close?"

[Warning: host, what you are about to see is not something normal; rather, it is the Hell's tree, which you may not have noticed until now because it was concealed by a temporary barrier that has been broken.]

"Hell tree?" Ben muttered, with a serious expression, before he minimized his size to the smallest he could and silently flew near the tree.

[To understand the hell tree, you must first understand the world tree.]

"World tree? Isn't it true that those trees are mentioned in Norse mythology? The world tree's leaf connects heaven and earth, and the tree grants blessings in response to prayers." Ben inquired, cutting off the system's explanation in the middle.

[Indeed, although it's much more complicated, you can think of the hell tree as the opposite of the world tree. Its roots connect the earth to the depths of hell. While the tree offers contracts with devils in exchange for sacrifices. ]

"Sacrifices? Wait, does that mean those elven girls weren't going to be sold as slaves or used as a tool for pleasure?

[Host, your thoughts are spot on. These young elves, in my opinion, will be offered as sacrifices to make contracts with the devils.]

"Oh, I see; these things are becoming clearer to me. These aren't insignificant kidnappers or thugs. These people, to be specific, are members of a cult." Ben finished with a solemn expression.

Something was wrong from the moment he began following these elven girls. Human behavior was far too unusual for someone who intended to sell slaves. They weren't giving them anything to eat or drink. They weren't caring enough to untie their hands or mouths, let alone heal their wounds.

For most human traffickers, it doesn't matter how bad their intentions are; they will always treat their victims decently, if not luxuriously. After all, these are the items they intend to sell. But for cultists willing to make sacrifices, it all makes sense.

[Host, I advise you to stay out of these issues going forward. No matter what level of evolution you reach, you cannot defeat a person who can remove the magic barrier on the Underworld tree. ]

"The system is correct; if it had just been two fat guys kidnapping girls, I could have intervened, but now..." Ben reflected, a cold sweat dripping down his brow. His legs trembled with fear and nervousness. Before him stood forty to fifty people dressed in black cloaks, each holding a wooden wand emitting crimson red light as their lips mumbled chants.

Cries and pleas rang out in the air. Hundreds of girls of various races—mermaids, elves, and dwarfs—were bound by black pillars, and blood continued to drip on the ground. Flowing towards a red circular magical pattern, with one new-born baby lying in front of them

-Blood Vision-

Ben, who was looking at this from the top of the leaf, felt something wasn't quite right, so he decided to use his blood vision skill to re-evaluate the situation. And what he saw chilled him to the bone.

"All those newborn babies—all of them are lifeless," Ben muttered, looking at the scene before him. "Hey system, Is this because..."

[Yes, that is true. These are the children who were born after the cosmic error. Or, to put it another way, despite having healthy bodies at birth, these infants were soulless.]

"This is also why these people are being grazed here: to make deals with devils. Against making a sacrifice to revive these babies." Ben spoke sharply, ignoring the cosmic glitch part.

"But I still don't understand why someone would go to such lengths. Just to bring their lifeless baby back to life?" Ben inquired, perplexed. A heavy weight was pressing down on his heart, becoming heavier by the second.

[The answer, which is quite straightforward, doesn't require you to calculate it. People are greedy. ]

"Human greed! Are you referring to their parental love when you say "human greed"?" Ben inquired, perplexed by the system.

[No, host, far from it. Do you recall when I described the world's political structure to you? Nearly the entire world is governed by kings and queens. comparable to the empire structure in your world.]

"And these people happen to be some bigwigs with family ties. If they do not have any heirs in their family, someone else will take the throne." Ben muttered as he connected the dots.

[Indeed, host. They are not any common or low-class mages, but rather the imperial mages, they directly belong to the elite force of an empire. Every empire has only three or four thousand of them.]



Hey everyone, I read some of your comments...and it kinda makes me sick. 

First, the book's name is- "Reincarnated As A Mosquito", it follows a MOSQUITO mc reincarnated into a magical world. This will hold for the very last chapter of the book. 

Second, this is not a meme book. If you came here expecting a certain overused plot, harem, and smut, leave this book, it's not your thing. 

Now for the readers who are staying, I can assure you I have written this book to the best of my capabilities. The highlight of this novel is not the MC, but the world-building that I made as authentic as possible. 

 So, just read the book with an open mind and trust the process. You will get better than what you came here looking for.