Summary Arc2

[A/N: This is a summary of all chapters of Arc2 to avoid any confusion and recall the main turn of events necessary for moving into Arc3. ] 



After evolving into a vampire from a mosquito, Ben faced a freeze in his system and all its skills. While his stats slightly decreased after evolution, he gained a much greater physique advantage and flexibility. 


In a turn of events, while Ben tried to run from the devil's tree, he was stopped by a barrier and was forced into making a contract with the devil (Astroath Maleovalent, residing inside Freya). 


The slave crest follows a few conditions for Ben (the master) and Freya (the slave):


1. The slave can't run 500 meters away from the master, or it will cause the death of the slave. 


2. A slave can't attack or harm her master in any way.


3. The slave will have to follow any command from her master, whatever it is. 

