Bare escape

Ice shards began to materialize before him. On the brink of the moment, Ben pointed his palm towards the eye and chanted, "Flash bomb."

An intense sound and light filled the cave, completely obstructing the monster's vision and causing it to miss its target. A wave of fog and cold followed the flash bomb, and the battleground was soon covered in snow.

"Grrhhhhhhh!" The monster released a soul-chilling scream, looking around to find its prey. It continued to let out the sharp sound repeatedly, breaking the cave around it in frustration as if challenging its adversary to face it upfront.

But despite the cries, Ben remained unseen on the battlefield. No matter how much the monster tried to push further into the cave, it couldn't detect a single trace of him.

The monster continued to let out screams and launch random attacks, damaging the cave around it. After ten to fifteen minutes, unable to proceed further in the narrow cave, the monster decided to leave.