First Days in the Dragon Knight Academy

Amphere Harrison

Two Years Ago…

"Step forward and introduce yourselves," the directive echoed through the classroom, a familiar ritual that seemed to be a customary rite of passage at every school.

"Amphere Harrison," my name resounded in the air, but instead of an immediate response, I hesitated for a fleeting moment. Should I conform to societal expectations or make a daring escape from this seemingly mundane task? A wave of grumpiness washed over me, rendering me indifferent to the proceedings. All I longed for was the comfort of my own home, where I could confront Estoff and demand answers. Why did he deceive my parents by posing as a valiant Dragon Knight of the empire? In reality, the truth unveiled a stark contrast, as my destiny intertwined with the clandestine ranks of the notorious Arcadia, a formidable terrorist group.

As I faced the classroom, their collective gaze fixed upon me, amplifying the weight of the moment. The intensity was undeniable, yet I refused to succumb to the pressure. Instead, what surged within me was an overwhelming sense of disdain, an indignant resentment towards the world itself. Becoming a Dragon Knight had always been my aspiration, but this was not the path I had envisioned.

Maintaining a stoic poker face, I summoned every ounce of vocal strength to project my words as forcefully as possible.

"I'm Amphere Harrison. My mother forced me to come here. Don't touch me, don't talk to me, I don't like anybody. Thank you."

I retreated to my seat, met with an eerie silence from the class. Not a single reaction stirred among them. It was as if my presence had gone unnoticed, which, in a strange way, provided a sense of relief. On this crucial first day, the last thing I desired was any form of attention drawn towards me.

My approach to studying in this academy can be described as monotonous, almost colorless. I avoid any form of recitation, shun raising questions, and strictly forbid myself from ever raising my hand. Instead, I fixate on the professor's every word, opting not to take any notes, arrogantly assuming that I can commit everything to memory. Admittedly, my studious demeanor doesn't make me the life of the party, and my grades in high school were less than impressive.

The first day at this academy unfolded uneventfully. No one approached me, and I found myself devoid of any companionship. That is, until the final bell rang, signaling the end of my last class. It was then that a boisterous individual unexpectedly hooked his arm around my neck, as if we were long-time friends.

It was Rudolf. Yes, we were indeed close.

"I never imagined that we would end up attending the same academy after high school!" Rudolf exclaimed with such fervor that his words reverberated across the room, ensuring that everyone within earshot would bear witness to our connection. It was as if he were publicly declaring our friendship to the entire world.

"I had no idea you had aspirations of becoming a Dragon Knight," I remarked bitterly, unable to conceal my surprise. The truth was, during our previous conversations about our dreams, Rudolf had expressed his desire to pursue a career in computer engineering. Coincidentally, that was also the path I had chosen. Who would have guessed that fate would conspire to bring us together in the very same academy?

"Well, plans do have a way of taking unexpected turns," Rudolf admitted, scratching his head in contemplation. "But enough about that. What's with the grumpy attitude today? Did you have a bad meal or something? It seemed like you genuinely meant every word you said during your introduction."

I let out a sigh before responding, "Well, in a way, you're right. It's a long story, and it involves quite a drastic change of plans."

We bid farewell as we arrived at the main gate of the academy. Rudolf headed towards the dormitory located to the south, where the majority of students resided. As for me, I had found accommodation at a small inn owned by Estoff, nestled near the academy. Unbeknownst to many, it served as Arcadia's secret base in close proximity to the school. Compared to Airi's Inn in the slums, this place was remarkably cleaner and more spacious, making me feel much more at ease and comfortable.

As I pushed the door open, I found Estoff already seated at the round table, sipping from a can of beer. Despite it being early afternoon, he was already beginning to feel the effects of his indulgence.

"How was school?" he slurred, greeting me in a manner reminiscent of a drunken father figure.

"It was fine," I replied icily. "You know, as a Pentagram Knight, you shouldn't be wasting your time drowning yourself in alcohol."

"Bah! Shut up. It's my day off, and I can do as I please," Estoff retorted, his voice slurred. "Tomorrow is filled with paperwork. Do you even understand the hell that comes with paperwork? Being a Pentagram Knight is a pain in the ass, literally! Absolutely! Totally! … Oh, hey, Airi."

His rant abruptly ceased as he noticed the woman perched on my back. It was Airelina, clad in her sailor uniform. I couldn't fathom how I hadn't realized she was tailing me, but as soon as my classes ended, she had joined me. I had momentarily forgotten that dragonoids like her also attended the same school. Almost as if I had forgotten that I had a dragonoid companion. Perhaps it was because, in my younger years, I always returned home alone. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because I harbored some resentment towards her.

No, it wasn't that I hated her. I loved her because she was my first dragonoid friend. It was just that... I disliked the ulterior motives they were pushing me towards. The notion of infiltrating the Dragon Knight Academy to overthrow the empire felt ridiculously malevolent.

"It appears that we need to have a serious conversation," Airelina stated, fixing me with a penetrating gaze from her ruby-colored eyes. Her seriousness was palpable. "Totally."

I had a multitude of questions and complaints for Estoff, but I knew it wasn't the right time to address them, not in his current state. Besides, Airelina, with her formidable combat and leadership abilities, held the position of Arcadia's sub-commander. It made perfect sense to discuss these matters with her instead of that drunk Pentagram Knight.

I followed her to her room, and as she closed the door behind us, she spoke, "Hand."

I shifted my gaze slightly towards her, curious about her intentions.

"I said hand," she reiterated, and then gently took hold of my right hand with her warm palms. "Geez, totally!"

A profound silence enveloped the room, so potent that even the chirping of crickets dared not disturb the oppressively awkward atmosphere.

"Don't worry. We wouldn't do anything dangerous again. Not with you. Totally." She said serenely.

Arcadia fights tirelessly for the liberation of all dragonoids, aiming to put an end to the brutal exploitation of their power by mankind. The empire stands as the primary source of this malevolence, making being a part of Arcadia tantamount to defying the laws established by humanity and its empire. Witnessing the countless dragonoid casualties and their lifeless bodies has stirred a deep desire within me to join their cause. However, an internal conflict plagues my heart, torn between two opposing forces: logic and justice. The logical path suggests that I should prioritize self-preservation, going with the flow and disregarding my ideals. On the other hand, my unwavering sense of justice compels me to fight for the freedom of every oppressed dragonoid.

"Estoff and I discussed this yesterday," Airelina began, her voice gentle yet resolute. "We have no intention of involving you in our 'acts of terrorism,' I assure you. Your safety will be our utmost priority. You can trust us totally."

As she spoke, a warm, innocent smile graced her lips, accompanied by a charming blush. In that moment, all the negative vibes and uncertainties that had plagued me seemed to dissipate. I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of trust in her words.

For some inexplicable reason, her words managed to elicit a smile from me. Yet, despite my newfound trust, one thing remained elusive: the true meaning of the Vesryn Pulse.

All I understood was that it entailed a profound synchronization between the hearts of a human and a dragonoid. Did it involve rapid heartbeats, fluttering butterflies in the stomach, or even blushing? Could it be intertwined with the experience of being in love? Perhaps all of these elements were somehow connected to the enigmatic concept of the Vesryn Pulse.