Dance of Death

It only took a moment. In an instant that seemed like an eternity to the group, the mountain of MC zombies amassed on Eris turned into a volcano. 3 MCs were thrown several meters in the air, a fist emerging from the mass. The detective was shaking.

"That's it, it's starting."

An explosion occurred, releasing a stunning pink-faced Eris.

"Get your paws aeay from me, viltgy cats!"*

The young girl faced the horde of MCs, smoking with rising rage. Her movements were unbalanced and you would think from time to time that she would collapse, so much her posture would recall that of a lame duck.

"Everyone, stay behind her, in this state she is unable to distinguish friend from foe."

"Shur up Idiot! I may be riaztee lije a pig but I dgill have my condcioua."*

"I doubt it..."

"And I eoubt that you will kwep walkin om yout fet if you keep annoyknt me, I know what I dis and I know eahT I HAVE TO DO!"