111. The beginning of the story.

"A long time ago, when the first great demon kings ruled this land. When this land we all know as History town was still known as Athdar. A long long time ago it was." Three little yellow dots of lights slowly begin to glow in the air on the stage and now I can see the palm of the person speaking. I think.

"And it was a beautiful time." The little floating lights join together to form a bigger sphere and then the sphere suddenly bursts into the air and all around us. And as it does, the dusts of lights begin to form little people, and trees, huts and houses, animals all around us.

"Wow!" I exclaim as I touch a horse that walks on air past me. My fingers go into it and it scatters like when you put your fingers in the smoke coming from a cigarette. But then it forms again and moves on.