123: My own theory.

"I guess. But I don't think it is true either. Because if it were I, and I was as powerful as the stories depicted Draco to be, I'd stop her soul from leaving. I'd bring her back."

"I guess you're also right. That also makes sense. If he was that powerful, he might have been a necromancer too like you."


"So he could have easily brought her back to life before it was too late. So it makes no sense that he'd decide to kill himself instead." I say and Leonis nods in agreement. "What other version is there?"

"Let me see, uhh… Ah-ha, there is the version that says that Draco killed Erik, and then Vikka went totally insane and tried to kill him, but she was no match for his power so he ended up killing her too. He then committed suicide."