133. Can't kiss you.

About thirty minutes after my episode in the kitchen, Leonis is still staring at me like I'm a dying cancer patient. "I'm really fine now." I tell him for the umpteenth time. But it's like my words are not even reaching his earlobes!

"I know." He's saying again, just like he has been replying to me since! How do I explain to this demon that I am fine, I'm not going to fall on the ground and start shivering again. I think my body just had a really late reaction to all the crazy action last night. Just like he himself had said.

Is he really concerned for me? He looks worried, like he's assessing me, wondering if I'm going to fall down any minute now.

"Leonis I—"

"Alright. Fine. If you say you're alright now, the I guess you are." He ruffles my hair. I can never get used to him doing this. Why is he doing this all of a sudden? How did we even get to this point where he's worrying about me and I'm fine with him doing so?