135. No work, no food.

He might just be bluffing. Maybe anyone can break through this Shield. So stylishly, so as not to allow him notice, I do the same thing he did and place a finger on his own shield, but it looks like a bubble, but the shit is as hard as brick!

Wow! It really is food. Different kinds. Wait, I can even see meat on sticks there. Did that old woman send that? There are coolers and bowls of different food and fruits!

"Wow, there are real perks for being a king." I say as he slowly goes through everything placed on the ground. "Can you imagine they came all the way here from the town with all these things just to feed you and make you comfortable. But I thought you said these people don't care about who their king is?"

"And I told you they are loyal to the throne. They might not care about who their king is, but they sure would give him the honor he deserves if he happens to be among them." He explains