162. Personal Assistant Leonis.

Everything seems dark and cold. That cold is in my bones. But wait, what is that smell? I wonder, as a nice aroma floats into my nostrils and it's warming up my cold body.

It smells like turkey, boiled, spiced and then deep-fried. I smell something else. Like spaghetti and sauce. Meat sauce. I'm getting a hint of cheese in there somewhere. Wait a minute, is that casserole I smell? Sweet potato casserole to be precise.

Where are all these very mouth-watering aromas coming from? Slowly, I open my eyes. I need to go and find out where this aroma is coming from.

But wait, where is the man I was supposed to be comforting? I realize that the covers are around my body. Way to go, Kiva. You were supposed to watch over him and comfort him. You couldn't do that simple thing. He obviously ended up watching over me.

"Are you awake, My Lady?" I here his voice. I turn and look towards the foot of the bed and I instantly sit up straight. What is going on here?