290. Dropped.

The second the man steps into the room, Dera and Ophelia bow their heads, Lilly cries out the names of her brothers and me_ me, I can feel lost strength quickly returning to my limbs as the fear of what he will actually do to me feels me.

And I know my fears are not misplaced when his eyes fall on me.

"What happened? What about Gordon? Is it over? Did you defeat him?" Lilly is asking, but his eyes remain on me and his body too is slowly moving toward me.

Indeed, a burst of energy rushes through me and like a person possessed by some spirit I speak without being spoken to, "Don't come near me, Leonis." It's an order that has risen from fear. One I don't think he will listen to.

Everyone's eyes are upon the two of us. He isn't saying a word but I can see the clear anger in his eyes. Truly, what will he do to me if he handles me in that state?