Chapter 9: Aizawa Trial

The whole class was stunned. The person with the lowest score will be getting expelled. This motivated some to do their very best, but some students looked down, feeling like this is the end before it began.

Then, a student yelled out, "It's only the first day the person with the lowest score will get expelled. THAT'S COMPLETELY UNFAIR!!" The other students were agreeing with them. Aizawa looked at the students with an icey glare, silencing their chatter.

"The world it's self is unfair natural disasters, highway pileups, rampaging villains there are many misfortune in this world. Hero corrects that misfortune and unfairness. If you were hoping to spend your evenings hanging out at a burger shop, then I am sorry to tell you, but U.A. will crush you. Rising above unfairness, that is what Plus Ultra means." Aizawa said, quieting the crowd but also inspiring them to give it their all.

"He's right, I am going to have to give it my all if I want to prove that I belong in the hero course." Tamo said in his head, clenching his fist.

"Wait, should I really give it my all, though? If I do that, more than one person's gonna get expelled from how good I do!" Sento thought well, creaking his knuckles.

"Can this old man stop blabbering and get to the test already... He's dragging this on longer than it has to. Lame. Who would come to this school thinking this was lightwork? whoever did should've destroyed that video when they got it.. There's no need to waste time telling us stuff we should already know." A student with his jacketed unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled up said.

"Well said, Teacher," a girl with an angelic aura said. "we are heroes in training. Overcoming adversity is what we are going to have to deal with here and in the future as heroes." Multiple boys in the class were fawning as she spoke with her high ponytail and bangs flowing in the air, to the annoyance of the girls in the class.

Standing behind her a girl with pale skin and white hair and eyes like a spider let out a chuckle, brushing off what Aizawa and the girl said, having this aura that she is better than everyone here.

Aizawa, looking at the determined looks on the student's faces and said, "Now that you're all ready, the demonstration is over now it's for real first trial the 50-meter dash."

"3.04 seconds for Tenya Ida and 3.06 seconds for Abuki Sento." Aizawa said, stopping the stopwatch for the first group.

Sento walked over to Ida and patted him on the back and let out soft chuckle "Hey great job, I didn't think anyone else could outspeed me!" Sento said giving him a pat on the back Iida let's out a chuckle "Thanks you did great as well" as Ida was talking sento crouch down and looked at the exhaust pipes coming out of Ida's leg and asked "So do these exhaust pipes burn your legs whenever you use them?"

Ida was taken aback by the sudden question sento asked but regained his composure and answered "No my quirk is called Engine. I don't really need to explain what it does."

"So, do you run off of octane or diesel? Nah, I'm just messing with ya! he stands up and taps him on the shoulder with the back of his hand. You got a cool quirk! I'm Sento. By the way, my quirk is called Vertigo. I can mess with the kinetic energy of everything. That's why I can't stay still."

Quirk: Vertigo. Vertigo allows for Sento to mess with the potential and kinetic energy of another person or object that he contact with. Sento can create, shape, and manipulate kinetic energy, the energy possessed by any moving object, the necessary work for an object with a given mass to move from its resting position.

As Ida and sento walk off the track, the next pair gets on and does well. Ochako Uraraka scores a 7.15 after that, "Veri Yukazu and Yuga Aoyama, please come forward," Aizawa said as both Veri and Yuga get set on the track.

Aoyama then says in an egotistical voice, "Heheh, so unimaginable native of all of you if we can use our quirks." Then he gets into a squatting position. Veri, hearing this, had a smirk on his face. He takes a step forward as the gun fires off and yells, "TWIN IMPACT!" and rockets off like he is flying and crosses the line at 4.04 seconds.

Quirk: Twin Impact. Twin impact allows the user to, at the site of any initial impact, create a second impact remotely and at their discretion. The second impact will be double than the initial one. It can be used on objects or people. The main drawback is that the quirk inflicts Veri recoil damage. Once the attack is doubled using the quirk, half of the original impact is dealt back to Veri as recoil damage.

After Veri and Aoyama finished Aoyama getting a 5.51 second and other did their runs, it was time for the final students to do the 50-meter dash. "Tamo Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo step up to the track," As Tamo and bakugo were walking on the track, Aizawa was thinking in his head "they really are pushing their quirks to their limits. by seeing how much they've improved, I can see what they're really capable of and what they can't."

Tamo and Bakugo got set up on the track, as Aizawa's thoughts continued, "This is how they use creativity with their quirks."

Bakugo moves his arms into a cross position Tamo, noticing what he was going to do activated OFA, and it moves all through his body with white lightning forming over his body a gold glow came off the lighting.

as Aizawa starts the stopwatch, Bakugo yells out, "EXPLOSIVE SPEED!!" As he uses his quirk to launch himself forward while Tamo uses OFA to fly off at top speed leaving white and gold lighting behind him.

They let out a loud BOOM as they rocketed off, making a bunch of dust fly up in the air. Aizawa said, "4.12 seconds for Tamo, 4.13 seconds for bakugo."

Tamo deactivated OFA feeling some pain in his legs. "Looks like I have to even harder on reducing the drawback," Tamo thinks as he rubs his legs as he walks off.

He turns back to look at bakugo and sees that the blonde is suspiciously quiet he hasn't said a word or yelled, but Tamo just brushed this off and got ready for the next event grip strength.

everyone had this to use a special type of grip strength device to accurately get how strong they can grip.

The spider like girl had an arrogant look on her face as she gripped the device with all her strength, scoring a 41 kg which is way above someone of her height at 5'6.

A group of girls rush to her "Wow that's very impressive, Kyo." One of the girls said Kyo Mitsubishi has a huge smirk on her face, letting her fangs show, and she let out a chuckle.

As Kyo is about to say thanks when she heard a loud WOW and the girls rush over to where the girl with the angelic aura had scored a 51.1 kg Rumi Hamasaki was her name. she put on a soft smile and humbly thanked the crowd and encouraged them to give their all.

Kyo looks on in annoyance as she tries to grip the device harder, but the score is the same feeling motivated. She decided that Rumi will be her rival even if Rumi doesn't know that herself.

Sento was standing next to tamo, making casual conversation as he gripped the device, scoring a 47.5 kg a little over the weaker to average for no quirk males.

Sento turns to tamo and says, "Not the best first impression, but it's cool." In a joking tone, making tamo chuckle, he was starting to warm up to sento and could see them becoming friends.

Tamo then gripped the device and scored a 60.2 kg, and looked at Sento. "I guess I have a better first impression than you," he says with a joking smirk, making him and sento laugh.

Veri is looking at all the students as he stands in the corner of the room, uncomfortable by all people around him, and just gripped the device, scoring a 53.5 kg "Hmm good enough a little disappointing but every hero takes time to get stronger that's what she tells me. I'll keep that in mind always," he says in his thoughts.

the events start to pass by quickly, everyone giving it their all and trying their hardest doing well on the long jump, and side stepping test now they are on the final event the ball throw as the event was progressing normally Ochako throw the using her quirk and Scored infinity stunning the whole crowd expect for one person who was called up next.

"Sento Akubi, you're up next," Aizawa says as he toss him the softball. Sento walks up to the field and gets into position, activating his quirk messing with the kinetic energy of the ball building up way more kinetic energy then the ball could handle than he throws it, making it fly off with a big BOOM it didn't even look like a ball anymore as it kept on going. Aizawa sighed. "There goes another ball," he holds of the device that lets him measure and shows it to the class, another infinity stunning everyone again.

Aizawa reached in the bag that held more balls and pulled out another one, and called the next student, "Veri Yukazu, you're up next," he said as he tossed the ball to him.

Veri caught the ball and had an annoyed look on his face. "How am I going to follow that up?" he said in his thoughts as he walked up to the field and got into position. He calmed his mind and focused and then threw ball hard as the ball flew in the air. 30 seconds passed, and the ball started to fall, so veri closed his fist and yelled, "TWIN IMPACT," and the ball shot back off into the sky after a while finally the ball lands "550.5 Meter" Aizawa told veri as he shows him how far he went.

Veri walked back, feeling proud of his score. The next one up was Kyo. Instead of grabbing the ball like everyone else, she lets out a soft laugh as she shots out a web from her wrist and spins in place. In the mid spin, she throws the ball and shots off far and lands "460.9" Aizawa tells her Kyo has a happy smirk on her face.

Mutant Quirk Spider: Kyo is able to Wall Crawling/Surface Adherence and is able to crawl on any surface. Web shooting kyo is able to shoot webs from her hands, and the web are really sticky and tough to break out of. Venomous Bite teeth contain a venom that put bitten people in a trance state, disabling them from combat.

Next up was Rumi Hamasaki as Aizawa tossed her the ball, and she walked up to the field. The boys in the class had their eyes glued on her. She got into position and at throw the ball as hard as she could "Hmm I guess her quirk can't help her with the ball throw," Aizawa thought as he looked at the score 240.5 meter he showed it to her and she went back into the crowd.

Quirk: Divine magic:

Purify - Rumi can channel her magical energy through weapons. Whenever she strikes or lands a hit on her opponent, depending on her control and how much energy she channels into her choice of weapon this can end up injuring, handicapping, or wiping her opponent out totally because purification releases a bright luminous caustic acidic energy that burns or melts away organic tissue.

As more people did the ball throw, it's time for the final student to go. "Tamo Midoriya, you're up." Aizawa tossed him the ball as Tamo caught the ball, he thought."Everyone gave it their all. I shouldn't let up either. I have to be the best. " he got into position and gripped the ball hard as he could, focusing his mind and OFA through his body and lunched the ball with a big BANG. The ball went flying through the ball.

Aizawa face creeps into a smile as he looks at the score 876.5 meters. "These kids got potential," he thought as he was in his own thoughts while All might was standing behind a wall watching the whole with his own smile. "Great job, Tamo," he thought."