Chapter 6: Let's Go to Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina.

Here is the largest city in North Carolina and the second largest banking center in the United States. It has a mild and humid climate and four distinct seasons. It is known as the "Queen City".

In the southeast of Charlotte, the Stonehaven community, about 20 minutes' drive from Charlotte Christian School, is a settlement of middle-class and rich people in Charlotte. It has good security and beautiful environment, and is famous throughout Charlotte. A high-end community, the real estate developer's slogan is "walking on the streets here will make people feel peaceful".

But Dell Curry, the owner of one of the houses, was in a bad mood.

"Seth, you said you can't provide Stephen with a full scholarship?" He held up his phone and asked in disbelief.

"Dell, you know, there is already Nigel Manson on the team, and I just recruited talented high school students like Zabi Ando Dell and Harmon Gordon, there is really no extra guard position, if Stephen wants To play for the Hodges, you can only get a study scholarship and a one-year red shirt, but I believe he will get plenty of playing opportunities next year." On the other end of the phone, Virginia Tech Hodges coach Seth Serling Borg explained unhurriedly.

Red shirt players refer to athletes who postpone or suspend their participation in NCAA competitions so as to extend their qualifications. Many freshmen often find it difficult to compete with the veterans and star players in the team. They will choose to become red shirt players and concentrate on training for a year. Second chance to compete again.

"Stephen is my son, and I think he has the ability to get a full scholarship from VT (Virginia Tech for short)." Dell barely suppressed his anger, and emphasized word by word.

It never occurred to him that Virginia Tech would turn down his request.

That year, Dale Curry led the Hodges to two NCAA championships. He was a member of the Virginia Tech Hall of Fame and donated to the school many times. His wife, Sonya Curry, was once the top star of the Virginia Tech volleyball team. The school volleyball team has established a well-established youth program.

In his opinion, it should be a matter of course for Curry to get a full scholarship to join the Hodges, but Seth Selinberg actually let Stephen serve as a red shirt player for a year, so he might as well let his son join those transparent balls Team.

Schools such as Davidson College, Virginia Commonwealth University, Highbott University, and the College of William and Mary have all expressed interest in Stephen. How could he let his son spend a year on the bench.

"Dell, don't get excited, I am also very optimistic about Stephen, but he came a little late for trial training, we have already completed the recruitment of Zabian and Harmon, and only one full scholarship is left to reinforce the center position, There is really no way to give it to Stephen." Seth Selinberg said calmly.

Dell Curry is indeed a star of the Hodges, but the time when he led the Hodges to the NCAA is too long ago.

And Seth Selinberg is only interested in Curry. He doesn't believe that a player with such a thin body can gain a foothold in the NCAA. Even if the recruitment fails, the Hodges will have nothing to lose.

"If it wasn't for the full scholarship, Stephen could go to Duke or North Carolina to be a redshirt player. I hope you will look at me and think about it again. Stephen has extraordinary potential and deserves a full scholarship." Dell His tone was very sincere.

Of course he can afford his son's college tuition, but a full scholarship is not only a scholarship, but also represents the player's status in the team. Only the core members of the team can receive a full scholarship. Curry is interested in the NBA, and a full scholarship Being able to guarantee his playing time and team status is very important for his future development.

"Sorry, I can only give you a study scholarship, and Stephen is really too thin. He must go through systematic training in the first year, and he can only play games after he adapts to the intensity of the NCAA. If you can accept it, I very much welcome Stephen to join Huo Odds," Seth Selinberg said.

"Stephen only plays for universities that can provide full scholarships, and I don't think he can't adapt to NCAA-level confrontation." Dell Curry's voice was a little cold, and he hung up the phone.

Seth Selinberg put down his phone and shrugged. He couldn't see that the baby face had potential other than shooting more accurately.

Dell Curry slammed his mobile phone onto the sofa. The mobile phone hit the leather sofa cushion, bounced high, and fell to the ground, but it was unscathed. It is indeed Nokia.

It is very rare for Dell, who is usually gentle, to react so violently.

Sonya, who was cooking, heard the sound of the phone landing, walked out of the kitchen, saw Dell sitting slumped on the sofa, and asked:

"What's the matter? I seem to have heard you had a dispute with someone just now."

"Seth Selinberg told me just now that he was only willing to provide Stephen with a study scholarship and asked Stephen to serve as a red shirt player for one year." Dell said.

"What? Is he joking?" Sonya's eyes widened, her face full of surprise.

Dale didn't answer, but his wrinkled brow said it all.

"Let's talk to that guy tomorrow, you donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to VT, you are a Hodge legend, how dare they do this? Steph was so perfect in the workout, he hit all the shots, All!" Sonya had a fiery temper, walking back and forth in the living room, with strong anger in her voice.

"It's useless. The head coaches of those famous schools think Stephen is too thin. North Carolina, Duke, Wake Forest... Even if he shoots the ball again, they think Stephen will be too defenseless in the NCAA game. ' Dale sighed.

"They are talking nonsense! Those people can't see Stephen's fighting spirit, and they can't see Stephen's persistence! Stephen is the best in all the trials. He has the best shots and the best dribbles, but those people I just stubbornly think that Stephen is too thin, and he will fall apart when he is bumped, but we all know that it is not the case, Stephen is a tough guy!" Sonya was very emotional, and her voice became louder and louder.

"Of course we know, but the key point is that none of the head coaches of prestigious schools recognize Stephen. If this continues, he can only play for the most transparent teams." Dell said with a wry smile.

There is too much difference in the exposure rate between the traditional giants of the NCAA and the transparent teams. Stephen's goal is the NBA. If he does not get enough attention during college, let alone the lottery zone, he may not be selected in the first round, or even exist. Possibility of losing.

Sonya says:

"It doesn't matter, VT is unwilling to give Stephen a full scholarship, we will find other schools, as well as UCLA, Michigan State University..."


When Sonya was talking, the door was pushed open, and a tall and thin boy with a baby face came in. His big eyes made him look very handsome, and the pure and clear blue eyes gave people a strange feeling. The tenacious feeling, as if with a hint of divinity, he held a basketball in his hand and wore a sweat-soaked jersey, panting heavily.

He is Dell Curry's son, Stephen Curry.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Is VT willing to give me a scholarship?" Curry put the basketball by his feet and looked at Sonya expectantly.

Sonya and Dale looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Seeing the familiar expressions of the two, Curry had a bad feeling:

"Did VT reject me too?"

Dell was silent for a moment, and spoke with some difficulty:

"The Hodges are only willing to give you a study scholarship, and you have to be a red shirt player for a year, but I rejected it."

"Your father and I will contact other schools again, and it will definitely be successful." Sonya added hastily.

The look in Curry's eyes disappeared suddenly. He bent down to pick up the basketball, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his already soaked collar, and smiled reluctantly:

"I'm fine, Mom, I'll practice well, and there are schools like Davidson College and Virginia Commonwealth University to choose from."

He picked up a large glass of water on the table, raised his head and drank it in one gulp, lowered his head, and walked slowly upstairs.

Sonya and Dell sat on the sofa and looked at each other, and all they saw in each other's eyes were blank looks.

Even the most confident Virginia Tech refused to provide Curry with a full scholarship. Is it really necessary to let his son go to those transparent teams?

The atmosphere was a little heavy for a while.

Curry dragged his tired legs, returned to his room, took off his jersey, threw it on the ground, went to the bathroom to take a shower, wiped his body casually after coming out, lay on his back on the bed, covered his head with a towel .

How many times was this rejected?North Carolina, Duke, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech...

Maybe I was really too thin, and those coaches might be worried that I would be knocked off the court, so they refused.

Why don't you go to Davidson? Although coach Mike Lopp said I was too thin, he was at least willing to give me a chance to play.

A lot of chaotic thoughts emerged in Curry's mind, and he was rejected by prestigious schools repeatedly, which made him doubt himself a little bit with his tenacious personality.

He recalled the summer vacation in the first year of high school. Under the guidance of his father, it took him two full months to change his shooting posture. It was the most painful and unforgettable summer in his life.

Basketball is the dream he loves. He has been with basketball since he was born. He is willing to give everything for basketball, but now, his dream seems to die in the middle. Even Coach K is not optimistic that he can play NCAA. Can you really go to the NBA?

Curry doesn't know the answer.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a hasty knock on the door, and Curry's muffled voice came from under the towel:

"I'm not hungry, you eat first, Mom."

"Stephen, I just received a call from Coach Brown, and a school invited you for a trial training!" Dell Curry's uncontrollable excited voice sounded outside the door.

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