Chapter 8: You Can Do Anything

A sense of excitement rose in Curry's heart. After so many trial trainings, the coaches of those famous schools praised at most "You shoot very accurately", but the next sentence was "It's a pity you are too thin".

Only Zhang Yu showed his approval.

"Coach Ronan, I will definitely do my best!" Curry's eyes were firm, and he wanted to seize this last chance!

Zhang Yu patted him on the shoulder and said slowly:

"Stephen, remember, you can do anything!"

This sentence seemed to be a kindling, igniting the resentment that Curry had accumulated over the past month after being repeatedly rejected. He felt a slight heat all over his body, and his blood seemed to be boiling.

Afterwards, Curry moved his hands and feet a little. Matthew came to the basket and waited to pick up the ball for him. Zhang Yu personally passed the ball to him. In the trial training he experienced, the treatment was luxurious.

"Stephen, are you ready?" Zhang Yu asked.

Curry took a deep breath and nodded firmly. He had the illusion that his whole body was burning, and the basket became as wide as the sea in his eyes.

"Wait a minute!" Matthew Graves said suspiciously, "The place where you stand is still some distance from the three-point line, you can go one step further."

"He's been shooting from the NBA three-point line," Dell explained.

"?" Matthew asked with question marks all over his face.

A high school kid starting to shoot [-]-pointers from this distance?Many well-known NCAA shooters began to train NBA three-pointers after the draft.

He suddenly believed Zhang Yu's words.

After this episode, the test officially began. Curry needs to start from the left bottom corner and shoot 20 consecutive three-pointers, and then move to the left 45-degree angle, the top of the arc, the right 45-degree angle, and the right bottom corner. Each point shoots 20 three-pointers, and a total of 100 three-pointers are needed.

Curry came to the left corner and raised his hand to signal. Zhang Yu quickly passed the ball. After receiving the ball, Curry just glanced at the basket and shot a three-pointer.

Perhaps because of the lack of arm strength, his movements have a slight push element, coherent and smooth, the basketball draws a perfect arc in the air, and enters the net hollowly. The net only shakes slightly, Matthew Graves Standing under the basket without moving, the ball fell into his hands.

Zhang Yu passed the second ball. After receiving the ball, Curry did not make any adjustments. He raised his hand during the process of raising his head. When he saw the basket, the basketball had already been shot, spinning violently in the air, and when it fell , The Nets just bounced gracefully and slightly, and they are still hollow into the net!

Next, Curry made 20 consecutive three-pointers with precision. Matthew Graves, who was picking up the ball under the basket, barely moved. Zhang Yu, who is responsible for catching the passing basketball and passing it to Curry, does not need to move or think.

The serious expression on Matthew Graves' face has disappeared, and his attention is all on Curry's shooting, and his expression has become more and more incredible.

After the first point shot, Curry ran to the second point, looked at the basket, and opened his hands for the ball.

At this time, his face was expressionless, his eyes flashed with a sharp luster, the tension and youthfulness at the beginning disappeared without a trace, replaced by strong self-confidence and firm thoughts.

Dell watched Curry shoot from the side, as if he saw the figures of superstars who had been facing each other. He knew that Curry had entered a special state.

In this state, the player seems to be in a dream, everything in front of him will slow down, he can shoot as he wants, and the basket is as vast as the sea in front of him.

There is no doubt that Curry is in this state. He still has no false shots at a 45-degree angle on the left. He has made all 20 shots. So far, he has made 40 of 40 shots, except for a few three-pointers that came into the frame. , and the rest are all hollow into the net!

Matthew watched in a daze as Curry shot one three-pointer after another. That baby face looked so out of character. A high school student was actually doing what an NBA player could do!

Finally, Curry missed his first three-pointer, which was his 1th ball at the top of the arc, and then missed two consecutive shots, which made Matthew breathe a sigh of relief.

"Maybe he just performed supernormally just now..."

But Curry then hit 23 three-pointers in a row before missing the fourth ball, and Matthew's idea was also shattered.

And then, Curry's shooting speed became even faster, and he didn't miss again until the 100th ball was shot.


"Yes!" Curry watched the last ball go into the net, clenched his right hand and growled.

Panting heavily, he shook his sore arm.

He didn't feel it when he was shooting, but after all the balls were shot, Curry suddenly realized that he had shot 100 times in a short period of time, which was also a big burden on his arm. At this time, Curry Not a muscular "Golden State Behemoth", but a thin, baby-faced boy.

Matthew Graves caught the falling basketball, walked over in silence, looked Curry up and down, without saying a word.

Curry was a little hairy from his stare, and looked at Zhang Yu as if asking for help.

"Stephen, you did it, you will definitely become a super shooter!" Zhang Yu smiled happily, regardless of the sweat on his body, hugged Curry heavily, and looked at his assistant coach after letting go, "Matthew, you Still think Stephen can't make the NCAA?"

Matthew Graves finally spoke, full of admiration:

"Stephen, your shooting speed, range, and shooting stability are the best among all high school students I have ever seen, even surpassing most NCAA players. Although I don't think shooting is a talent, I must. Admit it, you can play in the NCAA!"

Even shooting in practice, being able to shoot 100 of 96 from the three-point line at NBA distance is very difficult, especially for a high school player, which is the level of many well-known NBA shooters!

If Curry hadn't been inspired by Zhang Yu's words to enter the zone state, he wouldn't be able to do this.

And with Curry's big heart and Zhang Yu's super chicken soup for the soul, Curry created a miracle!

Dale and Sonya came over and smiled relieved when they heard what Matthew Graves said.

They knew that their son should not be rejected this time.

Zhang Yu looked straight, and said slowly:

"Stephen, I formally invite you to join the Butler University Bulldogs. The team will provide you with a full scholarship. You will be the starting player for the Bulldogs. Would you like to join the Bulldogs?"

Curry's uneasy mood finally relaxed, and once the dark clouds that had been hanging over his head cleared away, God finally stopped embarrassing his devout believers, and he even had the urge to shed tears.

But Curry didn't agree directly, he needed to wait for his father to make a decision.

Zhang Yu looked at Dale, who was not very happy, but frowned slightly:

"Coach Ronan, thank you very much for your recognition of Stephen. The Bulldogs are also an outstanding team...but I have to ask, how do you plan to use Stephen?"

As a former NBA player, he has seen too many head coaches make promises and then renege on their promises, and Zhang Yu is too young, so he also has doubts about Zhang Yu's coaching ability. If he does not get a satisfactory answer, he will Rather let Curry continue to try out at other schools, or simply go to Davidson College.

Curry's fiery mood gradually cooled down. He looked at Zhang Yu intently, waiting for his answer.

These words will determine whether he will start his future basketball career at Butler University.

Everyone's eyes are also on the young head coach. Dell doesn't want Zhang Yu to use Curry only as a shooter. Although Curry's biggest advantage is his shooting, his goal is the NBA, and the shooter is participating in the competition. The disadvantage in the draft is too great.

Sonya's eyes were full of expectations. He only hoped that his son could get a full scholarship and be recognized. As for Curry's position in the team, he had full confidence in Curry and believed that he could step by step with his strength. type it out.

"Stephen will be the absolute core of the Bulldogs." Zhang Yu said lightly.

His voice was not loud, but it was like a thunderclap, which exploded in Curry's heart.

In the past month, he has encountered too many setbacks. Coach K even sentenced him to death, bluntly saying that he cannot play in the NCAA, but Zhang Yu actually said that he will be the absolute core of the team!

Dale didn't expect to hear this answer, and said in surprise:

"Coach Ronan, are you saying the Bulldogs are going to play around Curry?"

"That's right," Zhang Yu affirmed, "I repeat, Stephen is a genius, he has amazing creativity and talent, I plan to let him be the team's point guard, with unlimited shooting power on the court, let him Play at your own pace."

"Coach Ronan, I've always been a shooting guard," Curry reminded.

Zhang Yu obviously thought about it a long time ago, and said without thinking:

"But you should be clear that if you continue to stay at the shooting guard position, your height will become a huge obstacle to your future development, and if you play point guard, you can give full play to your advantages in speed and flexibility.

"And I've seen a lot of video of your game. You can often pass very imaginative passes. I believe you will be a very good organizer. Imagine, Stephen, when you become a player with a terrifying three-pointer." After being a threat, an organizer with breakthrough ability, the opponent can't defend you at all!"

"At that time, all big men with a height of 2 meters or more will become clumsy stakes in front of you. You can destroy the opponent's center through the pick-and-roll. Your three-pointer will become a nightmare for the opponent. You only need to raise your hand. The person in the position will jump up in panic and give you an unimpeded breakthrough route. When you enter the penalty area smartly, the opponent can only let go of the opponent to help defend. You can use a gorgeous back pass, Give your teammates a chance to dunk!"

Zhang Yu talked endlessly, his eyes became brighter and brighter, as if that wonderful scene had appeared before his eyes.

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