Chapter 18: Practice Match

Ben Slaton and Pete Campbell glanced at each other with excitement in their eyes.

They want to see, what can this baby face lead the bench to do?

Soon, the team was divided into two groups. Except for a few Wannian drinking fountains sitting on the sidelines, the rest stood on the court.

The starting team continued last season's starting lineup, point guard Ben Slaton, power forward Pete Campbell, small forward Mike Green, shooting guard AJ Graves, and center Drew Streicher.

Last season, coach Lickett almost made it to the NCAA tournament with this starting lineup, but lost to rival Indian State University in the semifinals of the playoffs, and was unfortunately out.

The strength of the bench team is much weaker. Except for Curry, small forward Julian Beko and shooting guard Willie Weasley, the strength of the rest has not reached the NCAA level.

Before the start of the training match, there was an episode. According to the usual practice, the head coach should coach the starting group, and the chief assistant coach should coach the substitute group, but Zhang Yu offered him to coach the substitute group. Surprised, but of course he would not object, the two exchanged.

Zhang Yu called up the substitute team in red training uniforms, looked around, and said:

"Do you think you are doomed?"

Everyone didn't speak, but looked at each other.

Julian Beko wondered in his heart:

"What question is the coach asking? I can't figure it out. We definitely can't win. Otherwise, it's their turn to start?"

"Don't forget, now your teammate is Stephen, the team's starting point guard!" Zhang Yu laughed, "Follow my tactics, and you will definitely win later."

"Coach, they cooperate very well, but we and Stephen haven't played with Stephen yet, can we play tactics?" Julian Beko scratched his head, very puzzled.

They haven't had any joint training with Curry, and no matter how subtle the coach's tactics are, they can't play them out.

"My tactics are very simple, and you will definitely be able to execute them." Zhang Yu said lightly, "Listen up..."

On the other end of the court, the starting team wore yellow training uniforms and surrounded Stevens.

"...Still playing according to the tactics you are familiar with. Ben holds the ball, and plays pick-and-roll with Drew and Pete according to the situation. If the opponent's defense is tight, give the ball to Mike for singles, and AJ runs without the ball. Understand?" Steve Vince arranged the tactics in a few words.

He didn't need to waste any more words, these were tactics practiced every day on weekdays, and they were all familiar with it.

After a while, the two sides stood on the field, and the training match began immediately.

Pete Campbell called everyone together and whispered:

"Give the ball to Ben later, guys, let him hit that babyface first."

"But Coach Stevens didn't arrange it that way..." McGreen hesitated.

"Mike, Ben's starting position is gone, can't he vent his anger on that baby face?" Pete Campbell said angrily.

"Okay." McGreen shrugged.


Brandon Miller blows the whistle and the practice game begins.

Elliott, a freshman at center on the bench, lost to Drew in the jump ball without any suspense, and the latter passed the ball to Ben Slaton.

Ben Slayton dribbled the ball halfway, and the others automatically dispersed, leaving him and Curry at the top of the arc.

Stevens' eyes widened, and he was about to yell at him, but after a second thought, he closed his mouth again.

Anyway, it's a training game, it's harmless, just to see how Curry's defense is.

Ben Slayton has been paying attention to the movement on Stevens' side. Seeing that he didn't say anything, he knew that he had acquiesced in his actions, so he decided in his heart and began to single-handedly hit Curry.

Curry put on the most standard defensive posture, ready to fight.

Ben Slaton didn't do anything, just lowered his center of gravity, handed the ball from his crotch to his right hand, put Curry on his left shoulder, and rolled it in.

Curry tried his best to block it, but he was too thin, and Ben Slaton was 5 kilograms heavier than him. He rushed past his defense just by relying on his weight and explosive power, leaning on his body, and stepped up after the confrontation. basket succeeded.

When returning to defense, he gave Curry a sideways glance. Although he didn't say anything, the disdain in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

On the sidelines, Zhang Yu folded his arms around his chest and shouted loudly:

"Stephen, do as I say!"

Curry took Julian Beko's serve and nodded calmly.

He has experienced this kind of scene too much. He will be picked and beaten in almost every game. He has long been used to being targeted as a weakness.

Curry dribbled the ball halfway, Ben Slaton stopped in front of him, his eyes were full of provocation, and he whispered:

"Come and blow me up, Babyface!"

Curry ignored him, and with a move, Elliott raised to the top of the arc to cover Curry. Drew didn't dare to neglect, and followed him. He could see clearly how accurate Curry's shots were. But he just stayed at the free throw line.

During normal training, he can interfere with outside players' shots when he is inside.

Ben Slayton was firmly blocked by Elliott, Curry took a step to the right, and made a direct three-pointer half a meter away from the three-point line!

Drew, who was waiting with open arms, was stunned. He was still two meters away from Curry, and he could only watch Curry make a move without any interference.

Ben Slaton, who was squeezing the screen, stopped, turned around and ran to the basket, ready to grab a rebound.

This kid is starting to shoot blindly. If this ball can score, I will stand on my head...


The basketball spun rapidly in the air, crossed a beautiful parabola, and fell straight into the net.

Ben Slaton looked at the falling basketball and silently swallowed the second half of the sentence.

OK, lucky you, get one.

After the ball was scored, Curry looked calm, without any excitement, and after high-fiving Elliott, he quickly returned to defense.

Ben Slayton dribbled to the frontcourt, and the others pulled away again.

"Ben's shooting is not good. You can just prevent his breakthrough and let him shoot..." Curry looked at the menacing Ben Slayton, recalling Zhang Yu's instructions in his mind, took two steps back, and used a provocative He looked at Ben Slaton.

That means obviously, I just made a three-pointer, how about you?

Ben Slaton's blood rushed to his head, he adjusted, and directly shot a three-pointer.


The basketball went out of the basket, and the long rebound fell into Curry's hands. Curry shot the ball forward and rushed from the right side of Ben Slaton.After taking a position, he used his body to block him with great experience, all the way to the basket, and after shaking off Ben Slaton, he made an easy layup.

Ben Slayton picked up the basketball, slapped it hard on the ground, stepped out of the baseline, and passed it to Mike Green who returned to the defense.

"This kid is very experienced..." Stevens rubbed his chin and chuckled.

Looking back, McGreen made a mid-range shot and it was the bench's turn to attack.

It was still Curry who dribbled the ball across the half, he called Elliott to come up to cover, the latter blocked Ben Slaton tightly, and Drew went up to the free throw line to prevent Curry from breaking through.

Stevens felt bad for a while, and shouted:

"Drew, come out, don't let him vote..."


Before Stevens finished speaking, Curry used Elliott's cover to directly shoot a three-pointer, and the basketball was still hollow into the net.

After the goal, Curry smiled and gave a thumbs up to Zhang Yu on the sidelines.

Zhang Yu smiled and clapped his hands. This is the tactic he arranged for the substitute team. Curry held the ball and played a pick-and-roll, and then he chose to finish or pass the ball.

The play is so simple it could be called "Curry and his pick-and-roll guys," but it works.

Stevens shook his head, and Drew spread his hands in confusion.

He has never seen Curry like this, using a single block to cover, pull up from outside the three-point line and shoot, the key is he still scores!

This, this does not talk about Wude!

"Drew, you must guard against him, and you must not let his three-pointers go. When necessary, you can switch defenses with Ben." Stevens urged.

Drew nodded. Although Ben Slaton wanted to prevent Curry himself, Elliot couldn't do it. The cover was solid, so he could only nod to express his understanding.

The round changed and the starting team attacked. Ben Slaton didn't shoot a three-pointer this time. He once again used his weight to crush Curry and rushed into the inside line, attracting Elliot's help defense. He threw the ball into the sky and followed Pete Campbell makes an empty catch.

Curry took the serve from the baseline and came to the frontcourt, still playing a pick-and-roll with Elliott. This time Drew directly mentioned the three-point line and switched defenses with Ben Slaton.

With a wave of Curry's hand, Elliott cuts inside, taking away Ben Slayton, and the rest of the bench team also dispersed, leaving the top of the arc to Curry and Drew.

Curry bent down and dribbled the ball slowly. Drew raised his left hand high to prevent Curry from making a sudden three-pointer.

Curry suddenly made a sharp change in front of his body, shaking Drew's center of gravity, and then pulled the ball back. With his left hand over the ball, he looked up at the frame, as if he was about to shoot a three-pointer.

When Drew saw it, he jumped up like a conditioned reflex, but Curry paused, his left hand swiped over the basketball, he got short, and jumped over from Drew's side.

A very wonderful worship!

After passing Drew, Curry rushed to the penalty area. Pete Campbell was forced to come to the defense from the left. Curry slowed down and waited for Pete Campbell to defend him before relying on his right hand to pass the ball to the Bulldogs The team's Wannian water dispenser, substitute insider Chris Poll.

At this time, there was no one around two meters around the latter. This black and hard dry ground plucked onions, and violently dunked with both hands, showing his strong physical fitness to the fullest.

Zhang Yu applauded vigorously on the sidelines and said loudly:

"Well done, Stephen!"

Ben Slaton's face became even more ugly. He thought he could teach this baby face a good lesson, but now it seems that he has fallen into a disadvantage instead.

You know, he has been a veteran of the NCAA for three years, and Curry is just a rookie who just graduated from high school!

After a few rounds, Curry gradually let go and returned to defense shaking his head, but Zhang Yu always felt that something was missing.

He suddenly turned his head and said to Terry Johnson:

"Tell me, do you want them to wear braces during training in the future?"

Terry Johnson:


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