Chapter 24: Coach, we won!

Ben Slaton didn't seem to expect that Zhang Yu would send him on the field, he was taken aback for a moment before he got up quickly, took off his training clothes, and came to the technical stage.

Zhang Yu walked over and whispered in his ear:

"Remember the tactics I asked you to practice a few days ago?"

"Remember, coach!" Ben Slaton nodded.

"Very good, we will play according to the tactics later, and you hold the ball." Zhang Yu patted him on the shoulder and pushed him onto the field.

AJ Graves returned to the bench panting, covered his face with a towel, Zhang Yu paced over and said with a smile:

"Why, don't you want to be replaced?"

"No... well, sorry, coach, I didn't guard Moore." Graves took off the towel with a frustrated expression.

"I replaced you not because of your poor defense, but because the team's offense needs it. Don't think too much about it. Take a good rest. The team still needs your performance." Zhang Yu said solemnly.

Graves nodded emphatically, and quickly picked up his training clothes and put them on to prevent excessive heat loss.

After Ben Slayton came on the field, he conveyed Zhang Yu's instructions to his teammates, took over Mike Green's baseline serve, and dribbled to the frontcourt.

Moore was close to Curry, making small moves, but Curry was off the ball at this time. With the help of Drew and Campbell's cover, he first circled into the inside line, and then ran back to throw Moore away.

Ben Slaton passed the ball immediately, Curry caught the ball and shot it, and the three-pointer went into the net!

At 38:45, the Bulldogs led by 7 points.

Looking back, Cole fought back and also hit an open three-pointer after running without the ball.

At 41:45, Indiana was clinging to the score.

The Bulldogs attacked, Ben Slaton still held the ball, and Curry ran without the ball.

He regained the feeling of high school, extremely agile, and made Moore dizzy, and McGreen was not idle, he was running off the ball on the other side.

Ben Slayton took this opportunity to play his breakthrough ability and rushed into the inside line of Indian State University, but Tang Nell and Woz strictly guarded the basket. He didn't find the opportunity and went around again.

Indian State's defensive formation was completely disrupted, and their defensive attention was put on Ben Slaton. The initial matchup was completely changed, allowing Curry to face Woz.

Curry received a pass from Ben Slayton, pulled the ball to the left under the crotch, took a dribble behind the back, passed the ball to the right hand, threw Woz out of the way, rushed inside and folded in the air One shot, dodged Tang Nell's block, and succeeded in picking the basket!

41: 47.

This is Zhang Yu's tactic, put on double point guards, let Curry play off the ball, Ben Slaton holds the ball, and release Curry's off-ball offensive ability, but when the opponent focuses their defensive attention on the ball holder , Curry attacked from the weak side with the ball, completely tearing the opponent's defense apart!

This kind of tactic can only be used by the Bulldogs. Although Curry is still very immature, his unparalleled off-ball running position in his peak period has begun to take shape, and he will never lose to JJ Redick in the lottery zone. He was selected as a top off-ball shooter, and his offense with the ball has reached the NCAA elite level after a season of training. Looking at the NCAA, except for Curry, there is no other player who can perfectly combine off-ball and on-ball player of.

Soon, Indian State's defense was turned upside down by Curry. He switched between the two offensive modes with the ball and without the ball at any time. Moore couldn't keep up with him even if he wanted to defend him, and Curry scored repeatedly.

However, Kerr's hand fell back at this time, and he missed three-pointers many times in a row. Facing the Bulldogs' zone defense, Indian State University could only rely on the player's personal ability to force the score, but the success rate was very low. The gap is getting bigger and bigger.

With 5 minutes left in the game, with Campbell's dunk, the Bulldogs 61:49 Indian State University, leading by 12 points.

The NCAA is different from the NBA. A game is not as long as 48 minutes, and it is not even 4 quarters. Instead, it is divided into two halves, each 20 minutes, and the time limit for an attack is as long as 35 seconds.

This caused the NCAA's game rhythm to be much slower than that of the NBA, and the score was also much lower. 12 points is already a big difference.

The fans at the scene thought that the team had won the game, and they laughed and laughed with each other with relaxed expressions.

Both Zhang Yu and Stevens were smiling. Although the 12-point difference was not as expected, judging from the situation of this game, it was still a great advantage.

But the charm of competitive sports lies in its unpredictability, no one knows what will happen in the next moment.

The situation on the court changed suddenly, Moore suddenly broke out, shot from inside and outside, and scored 7 points, including a difficult three-pointer, which boosted the morale of Indian State University, and worked very hard on the defensive end. caught off guard.

Seeing that the situation was in danger of collapsing, Zhang Yu immediately called a timeout and carefully arranged his tactics.

But in basketball, momentum matters, and right now, it's clearly on Indiana's side.

Although Zhang Yu reacted quickly, Moore had entered an unstoppable state. After returning from a timeout, he hit two three-pointers in a row like a convulsion, scoring 2 points in a row, and the Bulldogs' offense was in disarray. , the tactics arranged by Zhang Yu were not implemented at all. Only Drew relied on the second attack to score 13 points. General Indian State caught up to 2:62, and the score difference was only 64 points!

Zhang Yu quickly called another timeout. After this timeout was exhausted, he only had the last timeout left in his hand. The situation was very bad for the Bulldogs.

On the bench, Zhang Yu looked around at the panting players, his face was livid, and he said angrily:

"Look at what you are doing! Only Stephen is running according to the tactics, and you are all panicking like mice, scurrying around with your heads buried, not like NCAA players at all!"

The team members lowered their heads in shame, Zhang Yu paused, and continued:

"Wait Julian will replace Campbell, AJ will replace Ben, the defensive end will be man-to-man, all shrink the basket to protect the rebound, offensive end, you cover for Stephen, Stephen, you come to the pick-and-roll, shoot when you have the opportunity , If you don't have a chance, you will be singled out. If you are caught in a bun, you can pass the ball to your teammates in time, understand?"

Curry was stunned, the coach gave him unlimited fire rights!

"No problem, coach!" But he just froze for a moment, and then agreed.

Curry has never been a person who backs down. In the face of difficulties, he will only face them.

Soon, the timeout ended and the game continued. The fans on the scene were no longer relaxed, but cheered loudly for the team.

"Ronan, Drew is the only insider. Isn't it too risky? The insider can't defend the opponent at all." Stevens looked at Zhang Yu puzzled.

"Compared to playing defense, I prefer to believe in the team's offense," Zhang Yu said lightly, "And I don't believe that the Indian State Conference focuses on the inside. Moore is in such a good state, McKenna will not give the ball to others."

While the two were talking, the referee blew the whistle to continue the game and it was the Bulldogs' offensive turn.

On the other side of the technical table, McKenna looked at the lineup of the Bulldogs and felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

The Chinese actually removed the power forward and sent a small forward as a substitute?

Isn't he afraid of the collapse of the inside defense?

McKenna felt incredible. He had seen a lot of lineups with one big and four small ones, but that required a very strong center who could support the inside offense and defense at the same time. Plenty of space to overwhelm in the penalty area.

But the center forward of the Bulldogs is just a blue-collar, and that young man dared to put on such a show, wouldn't he be giving up on himself?

No, they still lead by 2 points...

Not to mention how suspicious McKenna was, Moore, who was standing in front of Curry at this time, didn't care about the change of the opponent's lineup at all. He now feels that he is omnipotent. The basket is as wide as the sea in his eyes. Who will defend against him? He doesn't care.

Curry did not choose to single Moore, but made a gesture, and Drew came up to cover him.

Unexpectedly, Drew did not block Moore, and his seemingly generous body was pushed aside by Moore.

But after Moore rushed through the first block, Campbell stood in front of him again and stopped him. Curry called a double screen!

It's a routine for the Bulldogs, and if Moore sprints past Campbell's screen, he'll find Mike Green yelling at him 45 degrees to the left.

Stevens saw the tactic Zhang Yu designed for Curry for the first time, and named it "Curry and his pick-and-rollers."

This tactic is to create space for Curry to shoot. For this reason, the Bulldogs, except Drew, all retreated to the three-point line, almost giving up the fight for offensive rebounds.

After Curry got rid of Moore, it was power forward Woz who stood in front of him.

Facing Woz, who is 2 meters tall, Curry, who is only 1.85 meters tall, lowered his center of gravity and began to dribble, while Woz watched Curry's every move as if he was facing an enemy.

After a game of contest, Indiana University players have a deep and full understanding of Curry's strength. This baby face looks harmless to humans and animals, but he is an absolute cold-blooded killer on the court!

At this moment, Curry made Woz feel a sense of despair. He just made a simple change of direction and rushed past Woz. His huge body was as clumsy as a wooden stake in front of Curry. clean.

After Curry broke through Woz, Arnold immediately came up to help defend. Curry made a breakthrough, but flicked the ball to the left and passed it to Mike Green who was emptied. The latter caught the ball and made a three-pointer!

At 62:66, the Bulldogs led by 4 points.

Looking back, Moore made a difficult emergency stop jumper and kept the point difference at 2 points.

Zhang Yu was overjoyed, he bet right, McKenna did not focus on the inside!

The Bulldogs attacked, this time Curry used the cover to get an open opportunity, pulled up and shot, and hit a three-pointer!

At 64:69, the point difference was widened to 5 points.

When the round changed, Zhang Yu suddenly shouted loudly:

"Let him shoot threes! Let him shoot!"

AJ Graves looked at Zhang Yu in astonishment. After his reappearance, he shouldered the task of defending Moore again.

Zhang Yu repeated it again. Although Graves was puzzled, he still did as he did. He took two steps back, preventing a breakthrough but not a shot.

When Moore heard Zhang Yu's words, he was furious and dared to look down on me so much!

He dribbled to the top of the arc and shot a three-pointer directly.


The basketball went into the net hollow, 67:69, and the point difference was only 2 points!

After the goal was scored, Moore glanced at Zhang Yu provocatively.

If you have the ability, continue to let me go!

Zhang Yu ignored him, but gave Graves a thumbs up:

"Fine, just do it!"

This made Moore even more angry, and vowed to make the opposite look good.

Looking back, Curry switched Tangnell in front of him through the pick-and-roll. He made a three-threat posture.

Round transition, Indian State's offense, or Moore's possession of the ball, McKenna gave him unlimited fire rights.

This time Graves was still standing three steps away from Moore, Moore was not polite, adjusted a bit, and shot a three-pointer.


This time, the basketball did not get into the basket as expected, but knocked against the front of the basket and bounced out. The basket was suddenly chaotic, and the two sides competed fiercely.

Eventually, the rebound was grabbed by Julian Beko, who immediately dumped the ball to Curry.

Curry advanced with the ball, but Indiana State University had retreated in place and did not give him a chance to launch a fast break, but he dribbled the ball to a place two steps away from the three-point line, adjusted slightly, and his steps did not stop , Directly shoot a super long three-pointer!

Moore was caught off guard and had no time to block the shot. He could only watch the basketball pass over his head, spin extremely fast in the air, and finally fell straight into the net!

At 67:75, the Bulldogs extended their lead to 8 points.


The moment the goal was scored, there was an explosion of cheers in the Hinkle Arena, and all the fans were boiling. Qi Qi stood up from their seats and shouted frantically. At this time, there were only 46 seconds before the end of the game. The ball almost sealed the victory!

McKenna punched angrily on the sidelines, called a timeout, and arranged the next tactics.

During the timeout, the big screen in the middle of the stadium repeatedly replayed Curry's ultra-long three-pointer, and the shouts of Butler fans never stopped.

Curry, who returned to the bench, enjoyed heroic treatment. His teammates either slapped him hard on the back with big hands, or jumped up to collide with him. Drew was the least authentic. Big hands rubbed hard on the top of Curry's head.

The timeout ended quickly, but McKenna looked at the Bulldogs lineup and almost dropped the tactical board in anger.

I saw that Zhang Yu brought Campbell, Chris Ball, and Ben Slaton to the field. Except for Curry, the Bulldogs were all defensive players!

In Indian State's offensive, McKenna pinned all his hopes on Moore, but Moore was no longer miraculous. He shot a desperate three-pointer and the rebound was grabbed by Chris Ball, who immediately passed it to Curry.

After two months of training, every player of the Bulldogs has deeply rooted in his heart the consciousness of "finding Curry with the ball".

At this time, there were 21 seconds before the end of the game. Arnold quickly fouled Curry, and Curry made two free throws, opening the point difference to 10 points.

Eventually, with another [-]-point attempt by Moore hitting the iron, Indian State gave up on the offense,

After grabbing the rebound, Curry stood in place, threw the ball vigorously into the sky after the whistle sounded, ran up to Zhang Yu excitedly, threw himself heavily, and shouted:

"Coach, we won!"