Chapter 34 The Humble Champions Parade Bang!

wow wow wow-


In his sleep, Louis was awakened by a sound that was not too loud but continued. He turned over with difficulty, opened his hazy eyes, looked at the watch beside the pillow, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Stephen, what are you doing, it's only 6 o'clock!"

Curry, who was getting dressed, restrained his movements. He was standing in front of the mirror, carefully arranging his clothes.

"What time did we go to bed yesterday?" Louis gradually regained consciousness, "It seems to be 1 o'clock, right? Why did you get up so early?"

After the Bulldogs won the final last night, fans reveled outside Hinkle Arena until midnight.

Louis is of course one of them. It was already 12:30 when he and Curry returned to the dormitory, washed up a bit, and didn't go to bed until 1:[-] in the morning.

"Have you forgotten? There will be a championship parade on campus this morning, and I'm preparing for it." Curry explained while putting on his tie.

He just dug out the suit that he never wore after the entrance ceremony, tidied it meticulously, and prepared for today's championship parade.

Stunned, Louis hurriedly got up from the bed, found the socks that were dropped yesterday from the floor, and hurriedly put them on his feet:

"Wait for me, I'll be fine soon!"

The two got dressed, found a bag of bread, filled their stomachs hastily, and went out to Hinkle Arena.

At this time, the sun was just rising, and the reddish glow shrouded the whole school. It was March, and the weather was not so cold. There was only a trace of icy breath that refreshed the heart with the breath.

The Butler campus, which used to be quiet in the past, is extremely noisy today, and many students have already gone out on the road.

Many of them were still celebrating wildly outside the Hinkle Arena last night. They didn't know what time they fell asleep after they dispersed, but they still got up early to participate in the championship parade.

For a small school like Butler, the school team often plays the role of accompanying runners in various competitions, but this year's Bulldogs won the Horizon League championship with an unrivaled posture, which greatly inspired the students' enthusiasm enthusiasm.

Of course, the most important reason is that today is Sunday, otherwise few students would dare to skip class to participate in the celebration.

After one season, Curry has become an absolute man in Butler University, with almost [-]% turning heads on the road.

He has been used to this kind of treatment since high school, but Louis waved his hands in a serious manner, as if people were watching him, which made Curry a little dumbfounded.

When the two came to Hinkle Arena, a high platform had been set up overnight. Zhang Yu and Stevens had already arrived, talking and laughing under a tree, surrounded by other members of the coaching staff and some Bulldogs players.

Curry and Louis parted ways and trotted over:

"Boss, Coach Stevens, you guys are here so early."

Zhang Yu looked back and found that it was Curry, and said with a smile:

"Our hero is here."

Curry smiled, shrugged, and made a proud expression, which caused everyone to laugh before standing with his teammates.

Seeing this familiar scene, Zhang Yu felt that he had returned to his previous life and was watching the Warriors game.

After one season, Curry lost the sense of strangeness he had when he first joined the team, and gradually revealed his childlike side, becoming the most popular person on the team.

As the sun rose higher and higher, more and more people gathered outside Hinkle Arena, and finally the Bulldogs were fully assembled.

Mikael Shrewsbury also came to the scene. Stevens raised his eyebrows when he saw that he was the only one with a few basketball operations coordinators:

"Aren't any of the 'lords' on the board here?"

Mikael Shrewsbury hurriedly looked around and waved his hands nervously:

"Brad, there are too many people here, so pay attention to what you say."

Stevens sneered:

"The team just won the league championship, but they didn't even come to the championship parade!"

"When the team goes further in the championship, they will express their support for the team." Mike Shrewsbury sighed.

"Okay, Brad, we are the champions, so be happy." Zhang Yu comforted.

He knew that the conservative members of the board of directors were still not optimistic about how far he could lead the team, or in other words, they were unwilling to see a yellow man look proud after winning the championship.

This is Indiana, which is both a land of fanaticism and a city of old-fashionedness. Although it is located in the north, the traditional white power here is very strong.

The crowd waited for a while, and seeing that thousands of people had gathered around them, Michael Shrewsbury signaled the start of the celebration.

Zhang Yu took the lead on the high platform, followed by the coaching staff and players, and finally the basketball operations department led by Mike Shrewsbury.

Although it's called the "Champions Parade," it's really just a small celebration. After all, the Bulldogs just won the conference championship.

In the eyes of Americans, March Madness is the real beginning of the NCAA each year. The previous regular seasons and playoffs of each league were just appetizers. Excited to get into March Madness.

Zhang Yu came to stand in front of the podium, cleared her throat, and the guttural voice spread through the microphone to the entire lawn outside Hinkle Arena, attracting the attention of all fans, and the scene gradually quieted down.

He deliberately waited for a while before speaking:

"Everyone should know me, right? There are many Chinese in Butler, but I should be the only one who can stand in front of the bench and yell at your stars."

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

"I'm not kidding," Zhang Yu said sternly, "We defeated Indian State University last night. To be honest, I didn't like those guys a long time ago. What's there to pretend for them? Isn't it just a Larry Bird?" Well, they never made it to the NCAA Finals after Bird went to the NBA!"

He paused, and suddenly frowned:

"Hey, it seems like we haven't made it to the finals yet?"

The audience laughed even louder, some boys whistled, and the players and coaches on the stage also smiled.

"Ahem, this time it's really serious!" Zhang Yu coughed twice pretending to be serious.

He turned sideways, swept the people behind him one by one, and said in a low voice:

"No matter how pale our past is, we won Indian State University. After four years, we once again set foot on the stage of March Madness! We have the best coaching staff, the best players, the most Good director of operations ... and of course the youngest head coach."

"Before the start of the season, there were a lot of people who didn't like the Bulldogs, who didn't like my coaching, who didn't like Steph, but now, it turns out they were wrong. I don't want to say too much because the journey of the Bulldogs has just begun. Please look forward to our performance in March Madness," he continued.

"But please forget about March Madness today, because...we are the champions!"

Zhang Yu held up the championship trophy on the podium, and the players behind him gathered around, put their hands on it, and shouted loudly:

"Bulldog, let's go!"

The atmosphere in the audience broke out suddenly, enthusiastic cheers, sharp whistles, and chaotic applause rang out all at once.

Zhang Yu held up the trophy for a while, then turned around and walked down the stage. Everyone behind him followed, and the fans also cheered and surrounded him.

They will parade around the campus, and this humble but passionate championship celebration will come to an end.

Zhang Yu, who was walking in front of the team, handed the trophy to Curry, shook his slightly sore wrist, and smiled at Stevens:

"I like the feeling, you say if the team can win the championship, what will it be like?"

"The platform should be higher, more people will speak, and more people will participate in the parade, that's all." Stevens said lightly.

"'s just like that." Zhang Yu sighed.

Seeing that Zhang Yu seemed really disappointed, Stevens burst out laughing:

"Do you really believe it? If Butler can win the championship, the entire Indianapolis will be in a carnival. The last time an Indiana university won the championship was 20 years ago. We will become the heroes of the city!"

"Let me just say, it doesn't make sense that NBA champions can parade across the city, but NCAA champions can't." Zhang Yu laughed.

"Ronan, I believe you can lead the team to win the national championship, just like you recruited Stephen and defeated Indian State University. You have been on the road to victory." Stevens suddenly said seriously.

Zhang Yu looked at Stevens in amazement, and kept looking him up and down.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?" Stevens was a little terrified by him, and quickly checked his clothes.

"It's okay, I just didn't expect you to praise me, are you possessed by aliens?"


Zhang Yu was pushed by Stevens, but there was a faint smile on his face:

"This is just the beginning, we still have a long way to go, you have to help me."

"Of course, I would like to add a 'championship team assistant coach' experience is also good." Stevens said.

He looked at the energetic Zhang Yu, and a scene that impressed him very deeply appeared in his mind.

It was two mornings before the final, and Stevens arrived at the office at 07:30 for work.

He walked up to the second floor and saw Zhang Yu's office door was ajar.

"You came quite early..."

Stevens smiled and talked to himself, and came to Zhang Yu's office door, only to find Zhang Yu half lying on his back on the chair, snoring slightly.

He took a closer look, and on the screen was the Indian State University game video, which was being played in a loop, and there was a half-baked hamburger on the table, which was already cold.

Zhang Yu's body moved suddenly, and his legs shrank back on the chair. Stevens shook his head and laughed, took the coat from the side, covered him, and murmured:

"Let you stay up late to watch the video again! I should open the window and let you get the flu. I wonder if you dare to stay up all night..."

He tucked in the corner of his clothes, took one last look at Zhang Yu, who was unaware, and quietly backed out, closing the door.

"Ronan, you will perform miracles..." Stevens murmured in a low voice.