Chapter 39:Can you still shoot three-pointers like this?

Curry turned sideways, protected the ball with his left hand, and with a glance, Drew immediately came to cover.

After a season of running-in, Curry's teammates have become mature screeners, and they know very well when to screen for Curry.


Noah yelled behind Dollingrin when Drew was up, and the latter leaned back and tried to squeeze past Drew.

But when he tried his best to squeeze the screen, Curry twisted his body, turned one body forward and walked to the other side of the screen, completely throwing him away.

And Noah was also behind Drew, and there was no one in front of Curry, so he adjusted and made a three-pointer!


The basketball crossed a beautiful parabola in the air and entered the net hollow.

3: 2.

After the ball was scored, Curry's tense expression relaxed a bit. He patted his chest hard and raised his finger to the sky while returning to defense.

Looking back, Tauring Green and Horford again pick and roll, this time Campbell followed, Horford pointed to the inside, Tauring Green accelerated suddenly, and rushed into the interior with the help of Horford's cover.

Behind Drew is Noah. He didn't dare to come up to help the defense, but just stretched out his hand to scare him. Tao Linglin made an easy layup.

3: 4.

Drew sent the baseline ball, and Curry came to the frontcourt after being entangled by Tauring Green. Instead of playing the pick-and-roll, he passed the ball to Mike Green at a 45-degree angle on the left, and ran to the baseline by himself.

Tauring Green followed closely, and Curry's off-ball ability was shown at the last moment against Kentucky State, and he dared not take it lightly.

Curry came to the left bottom corner, paused, and then cut to the inside. Tao Linglin followed behind him, pulling his clothes corners with his hands from time to time where the referee couldn't see, but they didn't let Curry's Slow down.

He ran to the edge of the penalty area, as if he was about to rush to the basket, but suddenly he ran back and rushed to the top of the arc. Tao Linglin's center of gravity was shaken by him, and when he followed up again, he was half a body behind. In a hurry, he accelerated, but was blocked by two people at the free throw line.

Only then did he realize that Drew and Campbell were standing at the two corners of the free throw line, one left and one right, and when Curry ran to the top of the arc, they closed in the middle, as if the elevator closed, blocking him behind.

After he was blocked, Curry, who came to the top of the arc, was unguarded within two meters of him. He received a pass from Mike Green and made a neat three-pointer.


The basketball passed the net again, 6:4.

Donovan frowned, he had never seen this tactic before.

After the goal was scored, the cheers of the University of Florida fans became weaker, and the Butler fans began to cheer.

Although Butler has few fans, it is impossible for the NCAA committee to sell tickets only to Buddha fans. There are still many Butler fans in the stadium who came to the scene to cheer.

After the ball was hit, Curry's expression was completely relaxed, and he raised his hands and waved, indicating that the Butler fans' voices should be louder.

I didn't expect the "elevator door" tactic arranged by the boss to be so effective!

Noah came to the bottom line to serve and snorted after seeing Curry celebrating. Horford came over to remind him:

"Pay attention to the screens on the 32nd and 34th, the quality of the screen they gave Curry is very good, you have to go around early."

"I see." Noah nodded unhappily, and sent the ball to Tao Linglin.

Those two guys didn't do anything, they just blocked him like wooden stakes, which made him very unhappy.

A real man should be head-to-head in the low post, and only cover for the defenders. Do you still have the dignity of being a center?

After serving the ball, he ran to the front field without thinking. When he looked up and saw Tao Linglin waving to him, he ran over to cover without thinking.

Really fragrant.


However, Tao Linglin used his cover to rush to the three-point line, and made a quick stop jumper to hit the iron.

The rebound was protected by Drew, and Noah had to retreat quickly.

Drew is not only a mature screener, but also a very mature rebounder. After grabbing a rebound, he doesn't do anything. He looks for Curry first, and quickly passes the ball after finding it.

Curry took the ball forward and pushed forward quickly. Mike Green and AJ Graves split into the left and right wings and plugged in, standard three-line fast break!

But the University's retreat was also quick. Brewer and Humphrey went directly to Mike Green and AJ Graves, not giving them a chance to cut inside, and Tauring Green was stepping back in front of Curry. It also prevented him from speeding up his advance.

But after Curry came to the frontcourt, he slowed down a little, didn't look at his teammates, and directly shot a three-pointer two steps away from the three-point line!

The single-action shooting made his shots so fast that Tao Linglin didn't react at all, and he never thought that someone would shoot such a long three-pointer in a fast break.

He could only stand there blankly, looking up at the basketball spinning extremely fast, flying over his head, and then falling straight into the net.

9: 4.

Curry made three consecutive three-pointers in the opening game!

Tao Lingren's mouth was half open in a daze.

Can you still shoot three-pointers like this?

Not only had he never voted, he had never seen one.

Donovan on the sidelines also frowned.

According to his prediction, even if Tauring Green can't defend Curry, he can still have great restrictions on him. Coupled with the assistance of his teammates, Curry should be struggling.

But now Curry is scoring again and again, and there is a tendency to be uncontrollable.

He hesitated whether to call a timeout to talk about it, but in the next round Horford singled Campbell in the low post, the ball went into the whistle, and the score was 2+1, which made him laugh at himself.

So what if Curry shoots accurately?

The University of Florida's offense is unstoppable, and it is multi-point blooming. The firepower can last the entire game. He does not believe that Curry can be accurate for the entire game.

When Horford made a free throw, on the other side of the technical table, Stevens sighed softly:

"Buddhist University's attack is really too strong. It can be inside or outside, and it can't be stopped at all."

Zhang Yu looked at the field expressionlessly, and said in a deep voice:

"I never thought I'd be able to defend against their offense. Let's see."

Horford made an extra free throw, 9:7, and the Bulldogs had the ball.

This time, Tauring Green's defense against Curry was tighter, and Donovan also asked Humphrey to go up the line at the right time, and there was a faint tendency to double-team Curry.

Facing the NCAA scoring champion, no one dares to be careless.

Curry did not run without the ball this time, nor did he let his teammates come up to pick and roll, but waved his hands to signal his teammates to pull away.

He wants to single out Taoling Green.

McGreen and AJ Graves quickly went to the bottom corner, took away the opponent, and left Curry with the position at the top of the arc.

Brewer and Humphrey wanted to leave them alone, but both of them were very threatening for open three-pointers, and the University of Buddha did not dare to let them go.

Curry lowered his center of gravity and began to dribble, and Tauring Green was ready to watch his movements.

Curry first pulled the ball to the right, then quickly changed direction to the left, causing Taolinggreen's center of gravity to tilt slightly to the right.

He shook his shoulders, making a gesture to break through from the left, and Tao Linglin subconsciously slid to the right.

But Curry then handed the ball from his crotch to his right hand, and Tao Linglin has completely shifted his center of gravity to the right, and the door is wide open!

Curry sprints right into the paint from the left of Tauring Green, clears him, and hits a mid-range throw before Noah comes up to help.

At 11:7, Curry dominated the Bulldogs' first 11 points.

Zhang Yu quietly let go of his tightly clenched right hand, and smiled softly:

"Brad, did you see, our offense is no worse than Buddha!"