Chapter 46: "With me here, Butler is a wealthy family."

Musk secretly hated, and Curry was about to take the bait, but Zhang Yu messed up the situation.

He ignored Zhang Yu and continued to ask Curry:

"Stephen, you are Butler's leading star. You missed the last shot and caused the team to lose the game. Who do you think is responsible for the team's loss? Is it Julian Beko?"

This question is very vicious. If Curry blames Julian Beko, he can write that Curry blamed his teammates and Butler had infighting.

If Curry takes the responsibility on himself, he will write that Curry admits that he did not dare to make a move at the last moment, a softie.

No matter what Curry says, Musk can get what he wants from it.

Why is it said that journalists are "uncrowned kings"?

It is because unscrupulous reporters have controlled the right to speak and wantonly distorted the facts, making it hard for people to argue.

Curry hesitated for a moment, and was about to speak when he was cut off by Zhang Yu:

"Didn't you hear clearly? I'm all responsible. Stephen and Julian Beko executed my play perfectly, but it was wrong from the beginning. It was my pick-and-roll that made Stephen get double-teamed. His last The pass was also at my behest, so I take full responsibility for the loss."

Curry looked at Zhang Yu in astonishment.

Boss, that's not what you said just now!

What about honor and responsibility?

Another reporter stood up:

"Stephen, I'm Jack from USA TODAY. You've had an amazing performance this season. Will you participate in the draft after March Madness is over?"

Curry pondered for a moment and said:

"I still have a lot to improve, and, I want to bring Butler a championship, I will not participate in this year's draft."

"As far as I know, the top [-] is already the best result in Butler's history. Is it too difficult for you to win the championship? That is the patent of the giants." Musk questioned.

"I have confidence in the team." Curry said succinctly.

Musk asked persistently:

"I admire your courage, but who gave you the confidence to compete with those giants?"

"With me here, Butler is a wealthy family." Zhang Yu said lightly.

"..." Musk couldn't think of how to refute for a while.

The reporters looked at each other in blank dismay, John Wooden didn't dare to say that!

Who gave you confidence?

"Since no one asked any questions, let's stop today's interview, thank you."

Zhang Yu looked around for a week, got up straight, and left the news room without looking at the unbelievable reporters.

Curry naturally followed closely behind, leaving the reporters in the room staring wide-eyed.

"I must report this rude Chinese truthfully when I go back!" said the male reporter who asked the question just now angrily.

"He's too arrogant. He obviously lost, so why is it like he won? He's still a rich man, shit!"

"That's right, the most important thing is to prevent us from asking questions about Curry. How can he be as popular as Curry?" The reporter expressed the aspirations of everyone.

Even though Zhang Yu is the youngest head coach in the NCAA, he is Chinese. Compared with Curry, who is emerging all over the United States, he is still much less topical.

Musk was even more angry. He was about to get something out of Curry, but Zhang Yu interrupted him.

This is to cut off his source of income and make his teeth itch with hatred.

"You wait for me!"

Musk roared in his heart.

On the way back to the locker room, Curry caught up with Zhang Yu:

"Boss, why do you..."

"Are you saying that I take the responsibility for the loss?" Zhang Yu said.


Zhang Yu slowed down and smiled:

"Because it's my responsibility."

"It was because I didn't implement the tactics you arranged that the last attack failed..."

"But I'm the head coach, remember, no one can tell my players what to do except me!"

Zhang Yu spoke loudly, but Curry did not answer, and the passage fell into silence for a while.

"Thank you, boss, I know what to do in the future." When the two were about to walk to the locker room, Curry suddenly said, his voice firm.

"Don't be in a hurry to say thank you, after returning home, practice one hundred three-pointers every day!"

"Huh? But I'm already practicing more every day!"

"This is a punishment for your missed shot! By the way, you must practice in a tired state after regular training, which can exercise your shooting stability in the limit state."

"Boss, don't..."

Curry's wailing echoed in the locker room, and Zhang Yu walked in front with a faint smile on his lips.


The next morning, the entire Bulldogs arrived at the airport, half an hour before the flight from St. Louis to Indiana.

Unlike NBA clubs, NCAA teams do not have special planes.

"Phew... Coach Z, all the newspapers that reported yesterday's game are here."

A coordinator of the basketball operation department trotted to Zhang Yu's side, panting heavily, and handed over a stack of newspapers.

Zhang Yu took the newspaper, and before he could read it carefully, he heard the boarding prompt on the airport broadcast.

He followed the team to board the plane, found a place to sit down, put away his things, and opened the newspaper to read.

Sitting beside him, Stevens said with a smile:

"After each game, you can't wait to read the newspaper. It's okay if you win, but don't you want to be angry if you lose?"

"What do you know? I'm distinguishing between friends and enemies. Don't be indistinguishable from enemies at critical moments... lend me a pen." Zhang Yu took out a notebook from his bag and spread it out to Steven without looking up. S held out his hand.

Stevens handed him a ballpoint pen, Zhang Yu took it, opened the newspaper, and began to record.

"The dark horse trip stopped, Butler narrowly lost to the University of Buddha, coach Z became angry, uttered wild words, and left the venue in the middle of the interview... Well, Musk of "Sports Illustrated", right, you were the one who disgusted me after losing to Purdue University, It was you again yesterday, don't let me meet you again, or I'll kill you..." He muttered in a low voice, writing quickly in his notebook.

Stevens maintained the posture facing forward, and secretly glanced at Zhang Yu, but found that he could not understand Zhang Yu's writing at all.

""Sports Illustrated", Musk, on March 2007, 3, set Stephen up and slandered my reputation..." Zhang Yu repeated the content recorded in the book in a low voice in Chinese that Stevens could not understand , took the next newspaper.

"Let me take a look, hehe, "USA Today"! Yes, the report is more objective and neutral, and we can cooperate more in the future..."

Stevens skillfully put on the earphones while Zhang Yu muttered, and watched the movie.

He has to go through this after every away game, and he is used to it.

St. Louis is only 400 kilometers away from Indiana, and the plane soon landed at Indianapolis International Airport.