Chapter 48: Tombal's Boy

In the following month, the Bulldogs players who lost the game worked hard, trying their best to maintain training while preparing for the final exam, very hard.

They are not like players, and they are satisfied with reaching the top [-].

Especially Julian Beko, Drew, Mike Green, AJ Graves and others. They will be in their senior year soon, and with their strength, they are destined to miss the NBA.

Next season will be their last season in the NCAA. They don't want to leave any regrets, and they all work very hard.

Although Zhang Yu didn't mention it and Curry didn't complain, the players all knew that if they were stronger, the team wouldn't lose even though Curry scored 39 points.

If they used to mess around in the regular season every year, they wouldn't work so hard, anyway, the results are the same every year.

But the appearance of Zhang Yu and Curry gave them the hope of breaking through the top [-]. After all, in the just-concluded March Madness, the University of Buddha won the championship, and they only lost to the University of Buddha by two points!

In order not to hold back the team, everyone worked hard, Curry also trained hard as always, and the Hinkle Arena was always echoing with the sound of basketball slapping.

When the players are working hard, the coaching staff is not idle.

Another year of recruiting season, Matthew Graves began to get busy, adding fresh blood to the team.

But this year is different from the past. In the past, he was almost only active in Indiana, but now he needs to fly all over the United States, because none of the candidates Zhang Yu listed are in Indiana.

After Curry was crowned the NCAA scoring champion, Matthew Graves was sincerely convinced by Zhang Yu, and he naturally went all out to fulfill the request he made.


Zhang Yu's office.

"They all rejected us?"

Looking at the two scouting reports in his hand, Zhang Yu frowned.

Matthew Graves was sitting opposite him, and upon hearing this, he quickly replied:

"That's right, Draymond Green has long received the attention of Michigan State University, and he himself has always dreamed of playing for the Tigers. He rejected our recruitment when he first contacted him, and he didn't even listen to the conditions. "

"And Klay Thompson has also emerged. It is said that under the help of his father Michael Thompson, he reached an agreement with Washington State University and declined us."

Matthew Graves's face was full of self-blame. These two high school students were the key candidates that Zhang Yu specially urged, but he didn't win any of them, which made him feel very guilty.

Zhang Yu threw the scouting report on the table and sighed:

"We were the sweet sixteen last season! Is it so unattractive?"

Matthew Graves smiled awkwardly:

"Draymond Green's willingness to go to Michigan State University is very strong, and Washington State University is a traditional strong team and has a good way of training shooters. They seem to have given Klay Thompson very good conditions, although I also promised The same conditions, but his father Michael Thompson still has doubts about your... "

"Just say it straight. He thinks I'm too young, right? This kind of antique is really hard to deal with." Zhang Yu laughed at himself.

Michael Thompson was the No. 1978 pick in the NBA in 20. He once won two championships with the Lakers. He played 10+[-] in his peak season and is a famous Lakers legend.

The basketball philosophy of this kind of ancient star is often quite traditional. A 24-year-old head coach is obviously very unreliable in his opinion.

Even though Zhang Yu led the team to the top [-] last season, Michael Thompson was still worried about entrusting his children to him.

Matthew Graves couldn't take it well, so he could only laugh there.

"The conditions offered by Michigan State University to Drummond Green should not be as generous as ours, right? I promised him a full scholarship and a starting position." Zhang Yu was puzzled.

"That's right, Michigan State University only promised him a substitute position and a full scholarship... But Ronan, that's Michigan State University! The top giants in the NCAA!" Matthew Graves helplessly spread his hands.

Zhang Yu frowned, and said bitterly:

"A wealthy family... Butler will become a wealthy family sooner or later! You don't need to spend your energy on them anymore. Since we are not a wealthy family, let's find players who are not favored by a wealthy family."


Houston, Texas.

This world-famous "Space City" is the largest city in Texas and the fourth largest city in the United States. With a developed economy and a mild climate, it is the economic center of the Gulf Coast.

But like all other American cities, beneath Houston's glamorous exterior, the slums are ugly burns on an ornate blanket, lurking on the city's fringes, breeding poverty and sin.

Tomball, located in the suburbs of Houston, is such a black community. The residents here are engaged in the lowest jobs in the city and live in poverty. Most of their children grow up on the street and cannot receive a good education.

Only in the basketball court surrounded by barbed wire on the street corner is the world that belongs to these teenagers alone.

At this time, on a basketball court, a group of teenagers were playing basketball.

One of them, a boy with a height of about 1 meters, is particularly eye-catching. He is tough on defense, hits the basket frequently on the offensive end, and often performs flying dunks. His strength is obviously better than others.


He once again stole the opponent's basketball, flew to the frontcourt, and dunked with both hands, causing the onlookers to cheer:

"Jimmy! Jimmy!"

The tattooed teenager who was stolen by him shouted angrily:

"You're a thug, bastard!"

Jimmy's good friend Jordan Leslie was furious and stepped forward to push him:

"Who do you say is a wild species?"

The tattooed teenager shows no weakness:

"Who am I talking about, you should know in your heart, it is the bastard that was thrown away by his mother!"

"You..." He waved his fist and was about to rush up, but Jimmy grabbed him.

"Forget it, Jordan, let's go, it's time to eat later." Jimmy persuaded.

"But he said you're a bastard!" Leslie was furious.

"We can't fight Banks, his brother is a gangster!" Jimmy whispered in his ear.

When Leslie heard this, his momentum suddenly weakened.

And the tattooed teenager is even more domineering:

"A wild species is a wild species. You have no guts at all. Just because you still want to go to college? There is no school that wants you!"

Leslie felt furious and rushed towards him, but was still grabbed by Jimmy and half-dragged and half-dragged out of the court.

"Ronan, is this the child you were talking about?"

In a corner outside the court, Matthew Graves and Zhang Yu were impressively watching this simple street game.

"Yes, what do you think of him?" Zhang Yu asked.

Matthew Graves nodded:

"Jimmy Butler... the defense is really strong enough."

 Due to the needs of the plot, some slight changes have been made. The time for Clay and Green to enter the NCAA has been advanced by one year.

And this is the End of first season ( volume)

see ya later