Chapter 54: Butler's Progress

United States, Indiana, Butler University.

The sun had just risen in the morning, and the sky was covered with a reddish morning glow. Before the start of school, there were very few pedestrians on the campus.

Butler was walking on a quiet path with his bag on his back, gnawing on a piece of bread.

He looked at his watch. Today is August 8th, and the school will start in a few days, and he is about to become a college student.

But he didn't have much expectation for this identity.

In the past two months, he has visited almost every corner of Butler University, and has adapted to the life of college students in advance.

Of course, the focus of his life is still on practice.

Except for the first two weeks, he wandered around the campus out of curiosity, and then went to Hinkle Arena to practice every day.

And he went earlier than the security guard, and left later than the security guard.

The security uncle simply gave him a key to save him from waiting outside for a long time.

After Curry, he is the second person to achieve this achievement.

Butler finished his bread on the road, came to the arena, changed his clothes skillfully, and started a day of training.


The first tentative three-pointer hit in the air, and he had a smile on his face.

It seems to feel good today.

The training plan formulated by the coaching staff for him is very complicated and includes various aspects, but the focus is on fixed-point shooting and defense.

In the past two months, he has been training seriously according to the plan, and his level has greatly improved.

In Butler's focused training, the whole morning passed quickly.

Near noon, he finally finished the last training task of the day, lying on the court exhausted, out of breath.

In fact, there is not so much content in his training plan, but he quietly added some private goods, such as turning 50 fixed-point three-pointers into 100, and [-] sets of slide training into [-] sets...


Butler panted heavily and looked at the ceiling, but his mind had already flown to other places.

What should I have for lunch today... Oh, by the way, I have to ask the coach for some money. The living expenses are not enough, and I can only last for 2 days at most...

He calculated carefully, feeling a faint sense of satisfaction in his heart.

These two months were his happiest.

You don't have to worry about where your next meal will be, and you don't have contemptuous eyes and comments from your peers, and you don't need to pay attention to your image all the time like in Leslie's house.

Here, he just needs to practice the ball.

He can stay with basketball to his heart's content, without worrying about life, and without being discriminated against by others.

This is the life he dreamed of.

He knew that all this was brought by Zhang Yu.

The coach gave him the opportunity to go to college, let him come to the school to practice in advance, let him live in the apartment for free, and gave him living expenses on a regular basis. Every time he called, he told him not to save money, but to eat well .

Butler is not good at words, he will not say thank you, but he silently remembers everything Zhang Yu has done for him.

He has nothing to repay, he can only practice hard, hard and hard, and he will contribute all his strength to the Bulldogs.

The coach didn't put forward specific requirements to him, so he tried his best to do his best.

After resting for 10 minutes, Butler stood up with difficulty and finished stretching meticulously.

This is an important reason why he can sweat every day without fear of muscle soreness the next day.

After stretching, he took a shower, packed his things, locked the gate of Hinkle Arena, went to the restaurant to buy a good meal, and walked to the apartment.

Usually, Butler returns to the arena after lunch to take a rest, and continues to practice in the afternoon.

But today is Sunday, he does not practice in the afternoon, this is his only rest time every week.


With only one turn of the key, the door lock opened smoothly.

Butler was a little puzzled, he clearly remembered locking the door when he left in the morning...

"Are you back? Let's eat, this is the food I brought from China."

He opened the door, and a familiar voice sounded in his ear.

Zhang Yu, who had been away for two months, was standing in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

"Coach, you're back!" Butler shouted in surprise.

"Jimmy, are you going to practice?" Zhang Yu looked Butler up and down.

"Yes, I went to buy lunch just now." Butler lifted the plastic bag in his hand.

"Come on, try these, my mother made them, they must be better than restaurant food."

Zhang Yu pulled Butler to the dining table and sat down. On the table were the dishes he had just heated up in the microwave.

Butler forked a piece of fried meat and put it in his mouth, showing a look of surprise:

"Is this pork? It's not greasy at all!"

"Eat more if it tastes good. This is a special delicacy in my hometown...Are you still practicing in the afternoon?" Zhang Yu laughed.

"Hmm... no more practice." Butler stuffed another piece of fried meat into his mouth and said vaguely.

Eating boiled chicken breast every day, he almost vomited.

But the effect is obvious, he is obviously much stronger than two months ago, and he has also grown a little taller.

"That's just right. I'm going shopping in the city in the afternoon. Do you want to go?"

"Really? Great!"

In the afternoon, Zhang Yu took Butler to the city for a big purchase, and had fun for half a day.

For the next week, Zhang Yu guided Butler to train every day, and found that his shooting and dribbling had greatly improved, which made Zhang Yu very gratified.

A week later, when school finally arrived, the Bulldogs regrouped and started training in preparation for the new season.

The player who has improved the most is Butler.

He has grown 4cm this summer, reaching 1 meters tall and 97 meters tall with shoes on. His confrontation ability and athletic ability have also been greatly improved, and his shooting has improved significantly, especially the open fixed-point shooting, which has reached the NCAA elite level.

The most surprising thing is his defense.

Although Butler still couldn't defend Curry in the training game, after his physical fitness improved, he showed a strong single-defense ability and excellent defense judgment.

He seems to have a natural instinct on defense.

Zhang Yu is looking forward to how much Butler's defense can improve after experiencing the baptism of the game.

In addition, Curry also showed further improvement in confrontation and dribbling ability.

Before college, he mainly played shooting guard and didn't put much effort into handling the ball.

Last season, his breakthrough was excellent, but far from sharp.

But after a year of experience accumulation, Curry went back to practice dribbling and passing hard in the summer, and made remarkable progress.

Of course, he didn't let go of his shots, not only more accurate than before, but also farther away than before.

After testing, his three-pointers not only fully reached the NBA level in terms of range, but also had high accuracy.

In the past, Curry had to shoot ultra-long three-pointers without confrontation, otherwise he would be easily disturbed.

Now, the ultra-long three-pointer has become one of his regular weapons.

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