Chapter 64: Resolute Double Team

Curry looked serious, and wanted to single-handedly hit Zabian, but before he started to operate, Harmon surrounded him from the side without even looking at Graves.

Curry: "???"

This is just the beginning, is it going to be double-teamed? !

Are you polite?

He took a step back, but Harmon and Zabian still rushed towards him very resolutely.

Curry had no choice but to pass the ball to Graves.

After receiving the ball, Graves found that there was no one within two meters of him.

He simply adjusted calmly before making a three-pointer.


But the ball ended in a strike, and Graves didn't care. His hand was still a little cold at the beginning, and it will be fine later.

The rebound was protected by Lewis, and the Bulldogs retreated quickly without giving the opponent a chance to break fast.

Zabian steadily advanced to the frontcourt, dribbled the ball steadily on the outside, and directed his teammates to move steadily...

Under the tight rotation defense of the Bulldogs, the Hodges have not found a good opportunity to attack, and the time has been going steadily until there are 6 seconds left in the attack time.

Zabian looked at the timer and found that he couldn't go on steadily anymore. He gritted his teeth and rushed in sullenly.

Curry's confrontation ability is indeed not as good as Zabian, and he was carried and squeezed into the inside.

But Zhang Yu had already prepared for this. When arranging defensive tactics, Curry's defensive weakness was considered, and other people escorted Curry.

Butler broke out from the diagonal stab just right, blocked Zabian's breakthrough route, and cleverly blocked his passing vision.

The timing of his help is brilliant, right when Zabian is on the edge of the lane, but still some distance from the basket.

Not only that, Campbell and Graves also moved in coordination to cut off the passing line between the opponent behind him and Zabian on the outside where he and Curry double-teamed Zabian, and Drew took a step forward , waving his hands, as if covering the sky, not giving Zabian a chance to pass the ball to the basket.

In an instant, Zabian was caught in an ambush from all sides!

He hurriedly looked up to look for his teammates, but all he could see was the waving arms of the Bulldogs.

He managed to see Harmon on the weak side out of the corner of his eye, and immediately threw the ball over, as if he was holding a hot potato.

This flustered pass was easily intercepted by Graves from the air and passed to Curry. At the same time, he and Butler rushed to the frontcourt from both sides of the court, like an arrow off the string.

After receiving the ball, Curry quickly advanced, forming a three-line fast break with Graves and Butler on the two wings, and quickly rushed into the opponent's half.

The Hodges' retreat is not slow. Salinberg has studied a lot of Bulldogs game videos and knows the horror of their fast break. He arranged targeted retreat training before the game. The players kept his teach.

After losing the ball, retreat immediately!

It's just that although their attitudes are correct, they may not necessarily bring good results.

It is true that the three of Curry have people retreating in front of them, preventing them from picking up their speed, but the Bulldogs' fast break is not just a one-shot deal.

After finding that he couldn't hit the basket in the first place, Curry deliberately slowed down, but Butler and Graves sped up again, came to the bottom corners on both sides, and then cut to the inside line together, making a cross screen on the bottom line .

The Hodges chasing and defending the two players had communication confusion and did not switch defenses immediately, leaving a gap for both of them. Curry passed the ball to Butler.

Jeff Allen rushed towards him in a hurry, but Butler didn't rush to shoot, but dribbled the ball outside the 45-degree three-point line.

At this time, Curry started.

The attention of everyone in the Hodges team was attracted by Butler holding the ball. Curry quietly made a big circle and ran from the baseline to Graves' back.

Harmon noticed his off-ball movement and rushed to help, but was blocked by Graves.

And just as Curry used Graves' screen to find an open spot, Butler's pass was also delivered in time.

When Curry caught the ball, before he could fully turn around, he jumped up, turned halfway in the air and shot a three-pointer!


The basketball crossed a beautiful high arc and entered the net hollow!

3: 0.

Zhang Yu nodded frequently on the sidelines, this is the attack he wanted!

He glanced at the big screen, only eight seconds had elapsed on the shot clock, and it was an unmistakable blitz.

From the failure of the fast break, it quickly transformed into a semi-fast break dominated by off-ball running. The Bulldogs' offense was as smooth as clouds and flowing water, and it was extremely enjoyable.

When the goal was scored, Lewis and Drew had just arrived in the Hodges' half, and then had to run back non-stop.

"nice shot!"

The Butler fans at the scene also cheered. They couldn't see the subtlety of the tactics contained in this ball, but Curry's quick shot had a smooth rhythm, which was more beautiful than a dunk in their eyes.

Selinborg frowned. Curry can also restrict it by double-teaming when he has the ball, but what about when he doesn't have the ball?

Can't you send two people to follow him without giving an inch?

The more he watched the Bulldogs' game video, the more confused Selinberg was. How could there be a player like Curry?

Not only is the ability to hold the ball extremely strong, but also the running without the ball is top-notch. It can also seamlessly switch between the two modes, and the offensive methods are changeable, which makes people feel at a loss.

In desperation, he could only stand up and shout to the Hodge players:

"Pay attention to Curry's off-ball moves, don't give him an easy chance to score!"

The round transition, the Hodges attacked, Zabian still controlled the ball steadily at the top of the arc, and the Hodges still had nothing to do with the Bulldogs' impregnable defense.

This time Zabian did not choose to break through by himself. He passed the ball at the last moment. Jeff Allen made a mid-range shot and the basketball bounced out of the frame.

Seeing that the Hodges' attack was blocked, Zhang Yu was not surprised.

The Hodges' ability to enter the top [-] was due to shit luck. Their opponents in the first two rounds were not very strong, but facing the Bulldogs with a strong defensive discipline, they could not come up with a higher-level offense. Resources seem so weak.

In fact, the Bulldogs' defense is not very strong, relying more on the tight rotation and the enthusiasm of the players, but it is enough to deal with the half-toned ball handlers of the Hodges.

In the final analysis, the Hodges have no star players who can force points.

Why doesn't the Hodges have a star?

This has to start with the trial training two years ago...

On the field, the Bulldogs attacked, and Curry once again faced double-teaming from the opponent, and could only pass the ball to Butler who was open.

Butler has worked hard on fixed-point shooting for a season, firmly grasped the opportunity, shot the ball as soon as he caught it, and hit the net with a three-pointer.

I'll see when you can double-team me!

Curry, who was holding his breath and wanted to blow up the Hodges, could only continue to endure.