Chapter 83 I will leave it to you to worry about things like victory.

The next day, the Bulldogs stayed at the Wes Hotel.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, under the influence of his biological clock, Butler opened his eyes on time.

He turned sideways and found that Drew, who was in the same room as him, was still sleeping soundly, snoring lightly.

In order not to disturb his roommate's rest, Butler gently got up, washed, and walked out of the room, not forgetting to close the door gently.

He has the habit of exercising in the morning. When he was in school, he went to the Hinkle Arena to practice. Now he does not have this condition, so he can only go to the gym to lift irons.

The corridor was very quiet, butler walked briskly to the gym and walked in.

There were only a few people in the gym in the early morning. Butler looked around and found a familiar figure.

He took a closer look and saw Curry jogging on a treadmill.

"Good morning, Stephen." Butler said with some surprise.

The team has been in San Antonio for several days, and he comes to the gym every morning, and this is the first time he has seen Curry.

"Morning, Jimmy," Curry replied, continuing to run.

Although Butler was curious, he never had the habit of inquiring about other people's affairs, and started his own daily exercise instead.

After a while, Zhang Yu pushed the door in. He also has the habit of getting up early every day to exercise.

After Zhang Yu greeted Butler, he was a little surprised to see Curry jogging:

"Stephen, why are you here?"

The Bulldogs have been traveling from city to city since March Madness, and he has never seen Curry in the gym.

"He got here earlier than me this morning," Butler interjected.

Curry stopped running, came to Zhang Yu, and said with some embarrassment:

"Boss, I don't know what's wrong today. I woke up very early and couldn't fall asleep, so I just came for a run."

"Why, are you nervous?" Zhang Yu smiled.

"One thing... well, when I think about participating in the NCAA Finals, I feel like I am dreaming. There is always an unreal feeling. Boss, can we win?" Curry looked expectantly. To Zhang Yu.

Last season, the Bulldogs lost to the University of Florida and stopped in the top [-]. Although Julian Beko made the last shot, Curry blamed himself very much afterwards. He thought he had a chance to shoot a three-pointer, but passed the ball Going out is the primary responsibility for the team's loss.

This time, he didn't want to miss the chance to win again.

Zhang Yu stepped onto a treadmill and shook his head:

"I do not know."

Curry was taken aback, he didn't expect Zhang Yu to give such an answer.

In Curry's mind, Zhang Yu has always been confident and gave them all kinds of encouragement. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he is full of confidence.

Zhang Yu smiled and said:

"I'm not a prophet, how can I know the result in advance, I hope to win every game, but last year we lost to Buddha University, when we played North Carolina before, I thought the team was going to lose, but you were in the second half Stand up, no one can say anything about the competition."

"Okay..." Curry lowered his head in disappointment.

Zhang Yu looked straight:

"Stephen, every great player has a firm belief, maybe the championship puts too much pressure on you, but I hope you can remember the halftime game against North Carolina, the words you wrote on your shoes "Don't stress, just be yourself."

Curry took a deep breath and nodded heavily:

"I understand!"

He thought of his teammates' encouragement to him after that bad first half, and how hearty he was after making consecutive difficult three-pointers in just 6 minutes of the second half.

At that time, he had no concept of winning or losing in his mind, he just wanted to shoot the damn three-pointer.

"Boss, I'm in charge of scoring. I'll leave it to you to worry about victory." Curry suddenly smiled, imitating Zhang Yu's movements, patted him on the shoulder, and then ran away.

"Brat..." Zhang Yu looked at Curry, who was smiling again and ran out of the gym, and smiled helplessly.

However, I don't seem to be too old, right?

Zhang Yu suddenly realized that he was only 24 years old, and no matter how he spoke, he sounded like a middle-aged person.

Is it too much chicken soup for the soul?

Will it be embarrassing if I coach players older than me in the future...


After exercising, Zhang Yu went to the hotel restaurant, took breakfast for himself and Stevens, and returned to the room.

Stevens is already up and watching game tape on his laptop.

After Zhang Yu came in, he didn't lift his head, but just moved the computer to free up a small piece of the desktop.

Zhang Yu skillfully placed Stevens' breakfast there, moved a chair, and sat down beside him.

This is the daily life of a coach. There are a lot of game videos to watch, not only to study opponents, but also to study players. Many times, he also watches with assistant coaches, finds problems in communication, and discusses tactics.

Although the coach does not need to train as hard as the players, there must be no less preparation.

Behind every victory, hard work is required.

"How is it?" Zhang Yu picked up a piece of bread and took a bite.

Stevens frowned:

"It's hard to deal with. Stephen is a genius, and Ross is another kind of genius... His breakthrough is unsolvable."

Zhang Yu looked at the young player on the screen who changed direction at high speed, broke through to the inside of the University of Kansas, folded in the air and dunked, and nodded in agreement:

"The popularity of the No. [-] scholar really lives up to its reputation."

Butler University's next opponent is the University of Memphis Tigers led by Derrick Rose.

After yesterday's game between Butler and UCLA, the University of Memphis and the University of Kansas played a big fight in the evening.

The University of Kansas is more integrated, and the University of Memphis has better stars.

After a fierce battle in overtime, the University of Memphis finally relied on Rose's mid-range shot to kill the opponent and advance to the finals with its head held high!

In the previous life, the University of Memphis lost to the University of Kansas in the finals, but now they defeated their opponents in the semifinals. They have changed their fate.

"Not only Rose, but Douglas is also very difficult to deal with. His average score per game is even higher than Rose. He is a very comprehensive scorer. The Tigers' backcourt combination is too powerful. Do you have a way to deal with it?" Stevens asked, picking up his hot dog and munching on it.

Zhang Yu had thought about it a long time ago, and said without thinking:

"Let's go to a small lineup. Tigers' center Joey Dorsey is a blue-collar player. Their power forward Robert is also inclined to support. His offensive ability is not strong. Let Jimmy do more defense and try to limit the breakthrough of Rose and Douglas...Cali Parry's tactics were a bit annoying."

"That's the only way to go." Stevens nodded.

The head coach of the University of Memphis is the famous coach John Calipari, and his famous tactic is the "DDM" tactic.

The essence of this tactic is to reduce the time of each attack as much as possible and complete the attack as quickly as possible. At first glance, it looks somewhat similar to running and bombing.

But running and bombing emphasizes fast break, while DDM tactics are mainly positional warfare. The offensive center stands on the weak side, and the other four players stand outside the three-point line. Under the circumstances, the ball is given to the teammate who was emptied, and the receiver will shoot if he has a chance, and pass it back to the defender if he has no chance, so that he can continue to break through.

Simply put, the DDM tactic is a cycle of breakthrough-division-breakthrough until a good finishing opportunity is found.

In DDM tactics, almost no pick-and-roll is played, because the screen cooperation such as pick-and-roll will hinder the breakthrough route, which requires the guard to have strong breakthrough ability and ball distribution ability, and Rose is obviously one of the best.

He is like a fish in water in this tactic, and with his explosive talent, sharp breakthrough and excellent vision, he has attracted the attention of scouts all over the United States, and he has become the No. [-] pick in one fell swoop.

Many reporters revealed that the Heat, which has a 25% probability of winning the No. [-] lottery, has already set Rose as the primary target when they have Wade in the team.

Not only because Pat Riley believes that the two can coexist, but most importantly, Rose's talent is too tempting.

Almost everyone believes that Rose will become a superstar in the future.

On the other hand, Curry, although he is the two-time NCAA scoring champion and scored high scores many times in March Madness, his draft prediction is only 6-13 picks, and some experts even believe that he can't even enter the lottery zone go.

Compared with Rose's visible physical talent, Curry's shooting is his biggest advantage.

In the eyes of experts and celebrities, shooting is very unreliable. Curry can kill the Quartet in the NCAA. In the NBA with a higher level of confrontation, he may not even be a substitute.

There are too many examples of this kind of NCAA super shooter who has become a drinking fountain administrator in the NBA.

In the eyes of many people, physical talent is the most important thing for a player, and other things can be developed.

"What about the offensive end?" Stevens continued.

"Just follow what we discussed before, with me as the main player, and play our own tactics," Zhang Yu said.

Since there is only one day between the semifinals and the finals, the coaching staff has prepared plans for the University of Memphis and the University of Kansas before playing UCLA.

After Zhang Yu fully discussed with everyone, he found that the University of Memphis did not have obvious defensive weaknesses, but it did not have a defensive leader like Butler. Generally speaking, it was a team with strong offense and weak defense.

The Bulldogs don't need to be too focused on the opponent's defense, it is enough to play their own tactics.

This is a duel of hard power. The two sides have fully exposed their own strength in the previous 5 knockout games, and the tactics are all on the bright side.

To be able to reach the final, the two teams are naturally not weak, and their strengths are also very similar.

If you want to win the championship, it depends on who is in better condition and has better luck without making mistakes.


In the afternoon, the Bulldogs went back to the hotel after a light workout to keep them in shape.

When Zhang Yu returned to the room, he received a call from Mark Baum.

"Mark, how are things on Wall Street?" Zhang Yu asked.

He remembered Mark Baum saying earlier that he was going to Wall Street for a seminar on subprime mortgage securities.

"The formal meeting is tomorrow night, and I've met and attended a few small discussions over the past few days, and it's unbelievable how many people are still optimistic about the housing market," Mark Baum said.

"No one wants their securities to become worthless, it's normal." Zhang Yu laughed.

"But their hopes are about to be shattered. The trend of subprime mortgage securities is very bad these days, and the day of collapse should not be far away." Mark Baum said gloatingly.

"It seems that you don't care about the financial crisis anymore." Zhang Yu joked.

"Whatever, I have invested all my wealth, and the dollars I get are the most real thing. I am not a savior, I am just a capitalist, and capitalists are cold-blooded." Mark Baum said indifferently.

"By the way, congratulations to the Bulldogs for entering the finals. I have too many social activities these days,and I don't have time to watch the game. I only found out when I read the newspaper in the afternoon." He said apologetically.

"You should concentrate on recovering all your wealth first... There should be more than 100 million in my company's account. If it is not enough for the compensation amount next month, you can lend me some. If you are liquidated, you will fall short." Zhang Yu reminded road.

"No problem, but I don't think the subprime mortgage market will survive next month." Mark Baum agreed.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Yu sat there, feeling a trance in his heart.

It has been almost two years since his rebirth.

In the past two years, he has become the head coach of the Bulldogs, led the team to the NCAA finals, and is only a stone's throw away from the championship. He also made heavy bets in the financial market and experienced things that were unimaginable in his previous life. .

Although Zhang Yu always looks confident in front of others, he has a lot of uneasiness and uneasiness in his heart.

In this world, he is the only one who knows that he has robbed Stevens of being the coach.

In the previous life, Stevens led the Bulldogs to the NCAA Finals for two consecutive years, allowing Butler University to jump two divisions in two years, and entered the Big East from the Horizon League. It took just 6 years. Be the greatest coach in Bulldogs history.

Zhang Yu worried that he would not be able to lead the Bulldogs to such heights.

When he first took office, this emotion was not so strong, and he was even a little complacent about his title of "the youngest head coach in the NCAA".

But then he found that coach Lickett treated him well, Stevens also gave him his best assistance, and the players trusted him even more, including Micka Shrewsbury, who defied all opinions and gave him coaching Chance for the Bulldogs.

Coach Lickett could have recommended others, and Stevens could have competed with him on the basis of his skin color and seniority, but they all chose to trust Zhang Yu and believed that he could bring victory to the Bulldogs.

Zhang Yu gradually realized the responsibility on his shoulders. He wanted to bring the Bulldogs a championship, at least he couldn't lose to Stevens, otherwise he couldn't even get over the hurdle in his heart.

That's why he forgot to sleep and eat, read books, watch game videos, discuss tactics with the coaching staff, and constantly improve himself. Even if the Bulldogs dominated the Horizon League, he never slacked off for a day.

Now is the time to test it all.

"Tomorrow is the final...I must win!" Zhang Yu murmured.