Chapter 92: World-Class Problems

"I knew you could!" Butler rubbed Curry's hair vigorously.

Curry quickly avoided other people's hands, he didn't want to be bald at a young age.

Everyone returned to the bench, and Curry came to Zhang Yu and said happily:

"Boss, did you see, I'm in!"

He is like a child waiting to be praised, with his baby face, he is very happy.

Zhang Yu smiled:

"Great three! But I'm going to take you off later."


Zhang Yu picked up the tactical board:

"There are still 14 seconds until the end of the game. What we need to do is defend. Pete, you replace Stephen, guard the penalty area with Drew, and the most important thing is to protect the rebound...Jimmy, this time you don't pinch Rose early. Personally, keep an eye on your opponent, AJ, and guard against Rose's shots. He would rather let him rush inside than let him shoot a three-pointer! If we do this defense well, the championship is ours, understand?"

Everyone nodded in unison, only Curry was a little unwilling. He didn't want to be left on the sidelines at the decisive moment.

But he also knows that his defense is indeed a bit poor, especially in confrontation.

I'll gain weight when I go back!

Curry felt ruthless in his heart. He had grown to 1 meters half a year ago, and he hadn't grown at all since then, and it is unlikely that he will grow taller again in the future.

The timeout ended quickly, and the two sides returned to the court to finish the last 14 seconds.

The Tigers served the frontcourt ball, and Rose came out from the inside with the help of Joey Dorsey's screen and received Douglas' serve.

Graves immediately pressed forward, the distance was very tight, and he was not given a chance to shoot a three-pointer.

Rose tried to wobble, but Graves would rather give him room to break through than stick to him.

Rose took a look and knew that the hope of grabbing a three-pointer was shattered. He could only rush past Graves and enter the three-point line.

Drew and Campbell stood up on the left and right. Rose did not make a hard charge, but pulled up at the free throw line and shot a mid-range shot.


He didn't miss under the pressure, and the basketball obediently got into the basket.

66:64, with 9 seconds left in the game.

Zhang Yu immediately called a timeout.

He picked up the tactical board and drew the tactics:

"Stephen comes on and replaces Mike. The Tigers will definitely foul later. You have only one task, and that is to deliver the ball safely. This is a world-class problem..."

"AJ, you come to serve, don't rush. Drew will set the first screen for Stephen. Pete, you are the second wall. After you finish the screen, you will immediately cut to the basket. If there is an unexpected situation, AJ can give Pete the first screen. The lob pass...Jimmy, you go down to the corner, take a defender, and if Steph gets blocked, Drew comes over to cover for Jimmy, and Jimmy, you catch the ball at 45 degrees and wait for the guy to come Fouls... the most important thing is to get the ball out, understand?"

Zhang Yu finished all the tactics in one breath, and the lines drawn on the tactics board were also very complicated.

The players nodded without hesitation, expressing that they understood.

This is a serving tactic they have trained, and they are all memorized. Zhang Yu just reminded them again.

Every tactic the players run on the field is all practiced repeatedly. No coach will slap his head, come up with a brilliant tactic, and then arrange it for the players on the spot.

In that way, the players will only look confused and ask three soul questions about who I am, where I am, and what I am doing, instead of immediately mastering it, and then following the head coach's arrangement to kill the Quartet.

After the timeout ended, the two sides returned to the field, and Graves served the sideline ball.

Curry came out from the inside with the help of Drew and Campbell's cover and successfully received the basketball.Rose hugged Curry immediately without hesitation.

The referee's whistle sounded at the right time, and Curry stood on the free throw line.

Campbell, who cuts to the basket, and Butler, who is ready to run to the line, don't even appear in the camera. In the eyes of the audience, this is just an ordinary serve.

Only the coaching staff and the Bulldogs knew that it took hundreds of drills for that serve before it turned into a miss.

Amidst the interference from the Tigers fans, Curry relaxed and made two free throws.

68:64, 7 seconds left in the game.

There is no timeout in Calipari's hands, and Zhang Yu will naturally not help him. The Tigers can only serve from the backcourt.

After Rose received the ball, he rushed to the frontcourt like an arrow from the string. Curry stopped in front of him and was easily broken by him.

Rose rushed to the front court, trying to grab a three-pointer, but Graves and Butler stood outside the three-point line, one on the left and one on the right.

With little time left, Rose didn't dare to delay, rushing inside was a slam dunk.

68: 66.

"Ross rushed the audience and scored 2 points. This blitz took only 5 seconds, but there were only 3 seconds left in the game. There was no timeout in the hands of the Tigers. Unless there is a miracle, the Bulldogs are already winning!" Gray Grambel said.

Tigers players rushed to the frontcourt, entangled those around them, and wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

But Curry didn't give them this chance. He ran towards Butler, who was serving the ball, as if he was going to catch the ball, and then turned around and rushed to the frontcourt.

Rose flies to foul Curry, but Curry tosses the ball in the air, short enough to avoid Rose's hand.

As the basketball fell, the red light came on.

"Ross failed a foul, the time ran out, and the game ended. The Bulldogs narrowly beat the Tigers with a score of 68:66 and successfully won the championship trophy of the 2008 NCAA Tournament! Congratulations to the Bulldogs, they created the best in history Grade!" Greg Gamble yelled.

At the moment of the end of the game, countless ribbons and fireworks slowly fell from the sky above the Alamo Dome, and the Bulldogs fans jumped up excitedly.

Louis and Christie kissed deeply, Dell and Sonya showed gratified smiles, Seth was happy that he was about to get the game console, and Duan Ran looked at Zhang Yu and shook his head in amazement.

The Bulldogs' bench was also boiling. Julian Beko took the lead and rushed into the field, followed by others. The crowd formed a circle centered on Curry, with their hands on their shoulders, and their mouths made meaningless noises. Roaring, venting the joy in his heart.

On the sidelines, Zhang Yu looked at the frozen score, laughed loudly, hugged Stevens with his backhand, and shouted in his ear:

"Brad, we did it, we're champions!"

Stevens also said in ecstasy;

"That's right, Ronan, we won the championship, we beat Memphis, we beat UCLA, we beat North Carolina, we beat VT... We are well-deserved champions!"