Chapter 102: Let's go chat in your car?

Auckland, Arena Street.

Yan Shu was sitting in her second-hand Volkswagen Beetle, looking at the Oracle Center in the distance, her heart was pounding with nervousness.

She felt like she was going to find big news.

As an intern reporter on the sports page of the "San Francisco Chronicle", Yan Shu's salary is very meager and she can only do some basic routine work.

Of course, the post-match interview was not her turn. She could only run around by herself, trying to find news.

Today, Yan Shu came to the Oracle Center and wanted to try his luck to see if he could interview the management of a certain Warriors team. If he could meet Larry Riley, that would be great.

Waiting outside the arena for half an hour, Yan Shu saw Chris Cohan entering the arena, feeling nothing in his heart.

As everyone in San Francisco knows, Chris Cohan is an asshole boss.

After he took over the Warriors, he turned the team into a mess, and it got worse every year.

No one would walk into Oracle Center and give this vampire money if they didn't really love the team.

There was no valuable news to be found from Chris Cohan. Yan Shu continued to wait, observing the surroundings intently.

This process is very boring, but Yan Shu is just an intern reporter and has no contacts in the San Francisco sports circle, so she can only rely on this stupid method.

If new journalists want to find big news, they don't want to sit comfortably in the office and drink Coke with the air conditioner on. That's the privilege of big journalists.

Yan Shu waited for another hour, and her patience was gradually exhausted. Just as she was about to drive away, a Bentley drove into the parking lot.

Three people got off the car, Yan Shu glanced over there habitually, and then froze.

Wait, why does the person walking in the front look so familiar?

Yan Shu picked up the binoculars on the co-pilot and pointed it at the leader. In the lens was a yellow-skinned young man in a suit and leather shoes, smiling all over his face.

Coach Z!

As a sports reporter, Yan Shu is no stranger to this man who frequently made headlines on the sports pages of major newspapers during March Madness this year.

How did he come to the Oracle Center?

Reminiscent of Chris Cohan who entered the arena before, a bold guess emerged in Yan Shu's mind-is Coach Z going to join the Warriors?

Coach Z is capable, and his age and nationality can also bring a lot of attention to the Warriors. With Chris Cohan's mercenary character, it is indeed possible to do so.

Yan Shu stared closely at the entrance of the Oracle Center, preparing to interview Coach Z. If her guess is true, as long as she writes this report, she will definitely be able to become a regular.

After waiting patiently for an hour, Yan Shu saw Coach Z and his team walk out of the Oracle Center, followed by Chris Cohan who saw them off.

This made her feel more and more that her guess was correct, so she picked up the camera and quickly took a few photos.

After Chris Cohan and Coach Z separated, Yan Shu took a few deep breaths, tidied up his appearance, picked up the recording pen, opened the door and got out of the car.


"Mark, are you going back to Indiana today?" Seeing Chris Cohan leave, Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

Although the two parties have signed the contract, the contract has to be submitted to the league. After two-thirds of the team owners agree, he can really join the Warriors.

Before that, he was not the master here.

"I came to Oakland to help you sign, of course I have to go back after signing." Mark Baum said.

Zhang Yu shrugged:

"Well, I wanted to treat you to dinner."

"Bring me to dinner? McDonald's?" Mark Baum said contemptuously. He knew what Zhang Yu's favorite food was.

"Of course it's Chinese food. San Francisco's Chinatown is very famous..." Zhang Yu said, suddenly stopped and looked to the front right.

Mark Baum followed his gaze and saw a yellow-skinned young woman walking over.

After she walked in front of her, Mark Baum saw her appearance clearly.

The woman is about 1 meters tall, with a pure white shirt on her upper body and light blue jeans on her lower body. She has light makeup on her face and a delicate face. Her long black hair is draped softly, just reaching her shoulders. Her gentle temperament reveals a kind of ability. Voice recorder in hand.

"Hello, Coach Z, can I take a few minutes of your time?" It was Yan Shu who came, and she said in Chinese with a smile.

For the sake of our compatriots, you should agree...

She looked nervously at Zhang Yu in front of her, thinking about it.

When Zhang Yu had an American companion, Yan Shu deliberately spoke Chinese, which was actually a little impolite, but she hoped to arouse Zhang Yu's empathy in this way.

"Are you a reporter?" Zhang Yu glanced at the recording pen in his hand.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Yan Shu, an intern reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle. Can I interview you for a while? Just five minutes." Yan Shu said sincerely, her voice soft.

"Hey lady, can you respect me? I can't understand what you're saying," Mark Baum complained.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm a reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle. I want to interview Coach Z." Yan Shu bowed slightly to Mark Baum to apologize, but still looked at Zhang Yu with hopeful eyes.

Zhang Yu's thoughts turned sharply. He almost guessed what Yan Shu was going to ask, nodded and said:

"no problem."

"Thank you! It will be ready in just a few minutes." Yan Shuxi said.

Mark Baum approached Zhang Yu's ear and whispered:

"Ronan, this is a reporter. Don't you want to secretly buy the Warriors? If you accept his interview, this matter will definitely be reported."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

"Coach Z, shall we start now?" Yan Shu turned on the recorder and was about to start the interview.

Zhang Yu looked around, made sure there were no other reporters or photographers, and said:

"Not in a hurry, um... are you here by car?"

"Yes, that's my car." Yan Shu was a little puzzled, but still pointed to her Beetle.

"Let's chat in your car?" Zhang Yu smiled.

"Uh...Okay, sorry to trouble you." Yan Shu was stunned for a moment, and then said with some surprise, she didn't expect Zhang Yu to be so easy to talk to.

"Mark, wait a moment, I'll be back soon." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he and Yan Shu walked towards the Beatles.

He took the co-pilot's seat, and Yan Shu got in from the other side.

"Coach Z, thank you for accepting my interview, here is my ID." Yan Shu handed over her work ID.

There were only two people in the car, and she took the initiative to change the language to Chinese.

Zhang Yu looked at it and handed it back to Yan Shu:

"The "San Francisco Chronicle" is a big newspaper. Are you so good that you can intern at such a big newspaper...Are you Chinese or Chinese?"

"I'm from Huaxia, from Huaiyang Province. I'm studying for a master's degree at the University of California, Berkeley, and I'm about to graduate soon."