Chapter 105: No, Your Best Choice Is A Warrior

Dell's voice was very gentle, and after Curry heard it, infinite power seemed to emerge from his body.

Curry nodded heavily:

"I get it, Dad, I can't change anything else, but I'm going to practice hard and have a great game!"

Dale nodded gratified:

"I think that's what Ronan wants to see."

Jeff Austin listened quietly on the sidelines, adding a bit of confidence to Curry's future.

Dell has taught his children well. Growing up in such a family, Curry should not be like those black stars who came out of the slums.

Jeff Austin had a hunch that signing Curry would be a turning point in his agent career. He must do his best to help Curry become a real superstar!

He put down the water glass in his hand and said:

"Since you have no objections, I will contact Donny Walsh. The Knicks' No. 8 pick is definitely not enough to pick Stephen. They will work hard and trade up. What we need to do is to help the Knicks create Momentum..."


At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Curry got up to open the door, but Jeff Austin could only stop temporarily.


Curry opened the door, and a familiar voice sounded outside the door:

"Stephen, long time no see!"

I saw Zhang Yu standing outside the door, followed by a 30-year-old Caucasian man.

"Boss, why are you here, and you didn't say anything in advance... Please come in!" Curry welcomed the two of them in surprise.

Zhang Yu and the white man entered the room, and Dell introduced:

"This is Stephen's manager - Jeff Austin, who is also my friend... Jeff, Ronan doesn't need my introduction, does he?"

Jeff Austin reached out:

"Coach Z, I've heard of you for a long time."

Zhang Yu shook hands with him, and introduced the white man around him:

"This is my assistant, Jason Johnson."

Dell looked at this person with some doubts. When did the head coach need a personal assistant?

Several people sat down and exchanged a few pleasantries. Zhang Yu asked straight to the point:

"Stephen, what do you think of the draft?"

Curry said:

"Mr. Austin thinks the Knicks are the best fit for me, and my dad and I agree with him."

Jeff Austin smiled at Zhang Yu at the right time. He knew that Zhang Yu had a high status in Curry's heart.

Zhang Yu shook her head:

"No, your best bet right now is the Warriors."

Jeff Austin was taken aback, and then repeated his analysis of the Warriors:

"...Coach Z, I don't think the Warriors are a good choice. If Stephen goes to Golden State, it will waste a lot of time."

Zhang Yu nodded approvingly. Jeff Austin was right. After Curry was selected by the Warriors in his previous life, the first three years were almost wasted, which greatly hindered Curry's growth.

But now, it's completely different.

He said slowly:

"Your analysis is very thorough. If it was before, I would have suggested Stephen go to the Knicks... But starting today, there is only one team that is most suitable for Stephen, and that is the Warriors."

Zhang Yu glanced at Jason Johnson beside him, who quickly took out a contract from the briefcase he was carrying and put it on the table.

"have a look."

Dell and Jeff Austin looked at each other in surprise, and finally Dell picked up the contract and looked through it carefully.

His expression kept changing, the shock on his face became more and more intense, and the speed of flipping through the pages became faster and faster. After reading it, he raised his head and looked at Zhang Yu in amazement, and stammered:

"Ronan, bought the Warriors?"

When Jeff Austin heard it, he didn't care about etiquette, and directly snatched the contract from Dell, browsed it quickly, and exclaimed:

"500 million dollars! Coach Z, you... you bought the Warriors for 500 million dollars?!"

The three looked at Zhang Yu in unison, and the room fell into silence.

Especially Curry, he couldn't imagine that the head coach who watched the game video every day bought an NBA team for $500 million.

He quietly approached Jeff Austin, but found that he couldn't understand the content of the contract at all.

"Mr. Austin, is this true?" Curry asked quietly.

"It's true. Although I haven't seen this kind of contract to buy a team, I have seen Chris Cohan's signature..." Jeff Austin was still in shock, his voice sounded very dry.

When Curry heard the words, the conversation between him and Zhang Yu at the Pacers' home court after Christmas in 2006 suddenly appeared in his mind, which happened to be a Warriors game——

"Stephen, maybe I became the head coach of the Warriors before you entered the NBA."

"Then I'll go to the Warriors to play for you!"

Although the boss has not become the head coach of the Warriors now, he has become the owner of the Warriors...

"Boss, are you the super rich second generation?" Curry looked at Zhang Yu in a daze.

"Do you think I look like a rich second generation?" Zhang Yu asked back.

"It's not like..." Curry shook his head.

He couldn't connect Zhang Yu, who had french fries in his left hand, hamburger in his right, and drinking Coke with a straw in his mouth, with the word "rich man".

"That's it. My family is very poor... I earned this money in the past three years." Zhang Yu said softly.


Everyone's attention was attracted by a slight noise, and it was discovered that the contract in Jeff Austin's hand had fallen to the ground.

He looked at Zhang Yu with a dull face, and then he realized that he picked up the contract, wiped it carefully with the corner of his neat suit several times, then stood up, and put it on the table in front of Zhang Yu.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I lost my temper." Jeff Austin sincerely apologized.

As an agent, he has seen many stars who became rich overnight after signing big contracts, and he has also met many rich people, but he has never heard of a 26-year-old champion coach who can rake in hundreds of millions or even Billion dollars, and buy an NBA team.

If anyone told him it was true, he'd throw coffee in that person's face.

But now, Zhang Yu's contract to acquire the Warriors is placed in front of him.

Facing a team owner, a top rich man, Jeff Austin's attitude changed immediately.

"Jeff, just call me Ronan. I just got lucky and made a fortune in the subprime mortgage market." Zhang Yu laughed.

Jeff Austin's heart trembled when he heard it.

Subprime mortgage market?Isn't that the source of the financial crisis!

Even Lehman Brothers, which has been standing for more than 150 years and ranks as the fourth largest investment bank in the United States, went bankrupt because of this financial crisis. Zhang Yu actually raked in hundreds of millions of dollars in the subprime mortgage market...

Jeff Austin's mind was full of thoughts, and when he faced Zhang Yu, his attitude became more respectful.