Chapter 107: Sorry, I have nothing to comment

D'Antoni nodded and said seriously:

"Donnie, as long as Steph is my starting point guard, the Knicks will make the playoffs next season, give me five years... no, three years, I only need three years, the Knicks will appear in the Eastern Conference Finals on the stage!"

After he finished speaking, the two met and smiled, as if they had seen the day when the Knicks ushered in a revival under the leadership of Curry.


Just then, Donny Walsh's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Jeff Austin calling.

"Jeff, have you talked to Stephen? When will he come to New York?" Donny Walsh answered the phone with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, Donnie, Stephen can't go to New York to participate in the trial training." Jeff Austin's deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Haha, it's okay, tell me the time, I will definitely send someone to the airport... Wait, what are you talking about, Stephen can't come to the trial training?" Donny Walsh laughed at first, then suddenly reacted, and said in astonishment.

When D'Antoni heard this, he was also stunned, and subconsciously slapped the table with his right hand, but slapped a newspaper on the ground.

Donny Walsh turned on the speakerphone, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice:

"Jeff, haven't we reached a consensus? The Knicks are the best choice for Stephen. If you have any doubts, just raise them. I can assure you that the Knicks will train Stephen as an absolute core! Maximum salary , popularity, status... I can't guarantee anything other than the championship, what Stephen wants, I will give!"

Donny Walsh's voice was firm and powerful, and he waited confidently for Jeff Austin's answer.

He believes that no team can give better conditions.

"Mr. Walsh, I know your sincerity, but Stephen really can't go to New York to participate in the trial training, please understand." Jeff Austin also said very sincerely, but quietly changed his address.

"Can you tell me why?" Donny Walsh asked.

"Sorry, no comment, but I can make a promise that if the Knicks draft Stephen, he will be happy to play for the Knicks." Jeff Austin said.

Donny Walsh's thoughts changed sharply. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he blurted out:

"Jeff, Stephen is hurt, right?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then Jeff Austin's slightly blunt voice came:

"Sorry, I have no comment."

"Beep..." After saying this, Jeff Austin hung up the phone.

Donny Walsh threw the phone on the table and said helplessly:

"Mike, you heard that Curry is not coming to New York for the workout."

"Not only that, take a look at this." D'Antoni looked a little ugly, and held up the newspaper that fell on the ground. It was a "San Francisco Chronicle".

This was sent by the team staff this morning, but he hadn't had time to look at it, he just glanced at it.

Donny Walsh took it over and took a look, only to see the headline on the second page of the sports section of the newspaper read:

Jeff Austin, the agent of popular rookie Stephen Curry, revealed to this newspaper that Stephen Curry will miss the joint tryout in Chicago two days later. Jeff Austin also said that Stephen Curry, due to personal reasons, Will not accept any team's invitation to try out..."

He carefully read the entire report, accompanied by a few photos of Jeff Austin being interviewed, and it was reported by a big newspaper such as the "San Francisco Chronicle", so its authenticity is beyond doubt.

"Curry should be injured, and the injury is not serious, otherwise Jeff Austin would not have issued such a statement." Donny Walsh said firmly.

D'Antoni tapped his fingers on the table, frowned and thought, and suddenly said:

"You said...will there be other teams who have promised Curry that he has nothing to worry about before he dares to do so?"

Donny Walls pondered for a moment, shook his head and said:

"Impossible, they have no better option than us, the Knicks are the best fit for Curry, unless the Clippers commit to pick him with the No. Signed on Curry."

"You're right. When I heard that Curry wasn't coming to try out, I panicked." D'Antoni smiled wryly.

"Mike, from Jeff Austin's reaction, and his statement in the San Francisco Chronicle, Curry is likely injured, and it may be serious, otherwise Jeff Austin's tone would not be so tight , are you still obsessed with choosing Curry?" Donny Walsh asked.

D'Antoni was silent for a while, nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice:

"Donnie, Curry is worth our bet this time. He has the potential to become a superstar. I have a feeling that his future achievements can surpass Nash. I still tend to choose Curry."

"Okay, then I will act according to the established plan. Once Jeff Austin's statement comes out, it will be beneficial to us." Donny Walsh also became ruthless, and said heavily.

James Dolan didn't give him much time, and he had to quickly let the boss see the improvement of the team.

This time, Donnie Walsh chose to believe in D'Antoni and put Bao on Curry.

He picked up his phone from the table and sent Jeff Austin a message:

"Jeff, no matter what happens, I will choose Curry, and the promise I made before remains valid."

A few minutes later, he received a reply from Jeff Austin:

"Mr. Walsh, thank you for your recognition of Stephen. I will say the same thing. If the Knicks choose Stephen, he will be happy to play for the Knicks."

Donny Walsh smiled slightly, put away the phone, and said:

"Mike, tell me, who can I touch on the team?"

D'Antoni recalled the game film he watched this morning, saying:

"I just want Curry, you can trade anyone!"


As Donny Walsh kicked into action, Jeff Austin's statement gradually spread, and Curry did indeed withdraw from the Chicago Combine workout he had previously signed up for.

For a while, rumors about Curry were rampant. Some people speculated that he had reached a consensus with a certain team, and his refusal to participate in the trial training was a smoke bomb for the purpose of matching that team's draft.

But this statement was quickly refuted. No matter how good Curry's performance in the NCAA is, his physical talent is there. He is not Griffin, and no team should dare to bet so much.

Some people also said that Curry suffered a major injury, and the agent was covering it up for him. If a team chooses him by then, just wait for bad luck.

In addition, some people say that Curry is a parallel importer and dare not participate in the trial training, otherwise he will reveal his secrets...

Among the many messages, the most media think that Curry was seriously injured, and this statement is also most recognized.

After the public opinion fermented, no matter what reason Curry was unable to participate in any trial training, his draft market began to decline, and his predicted pick dropped to 4-14. The volatility was extremely high, and he almost fell out of the lottery Area.