Chapter 120: Is this the legend that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?

He was interrupted by Silas before he finished speaking:

"Wait a minute, what do you mean I'm not satisfied? The players you recruited are all good. We beat our opponent by 24 points. I'm very satisfied!"

Larry Riley was stunned for a moment, before he said cautiously:

"You just said that they are all doing well?"

"That's right, especially those three undrafted picks. The characteristics you marked on the roster are very accurate, allowing me to arrange tactics that suit them. We have to keep them all. They at least have the strength of the bench, Wesley Matthews still has a lot of potential to tap." Silas laughed.

Larry Riley was stunned. Could it be that the boss is really paying close attention to these unwanted low-level players, and also knows their strengths and characteristics well?

"In fact, they were all asked by the boss to recruit me into the team, and the marking on the player list was also made by the boss..." He explained with a wry smile.

He didn't dare to take the credit for this credit. If Silas praised him kindly in front of Zhang Yu at that time, he would have to reveal it immediately.

"What? The boss asked you to find them?" Silas was also stunned, he never thought in this direction.

Not long after Zhang Yu acquired the team, how could it be possible to find three quite capable players in just one month, and they also fit the Warriors' tactics very well?

Even many experienced scouts can only rely on luck in the summer league. Zhang Yu, a rookie head coach, has such a vicious vision, which makes Silas very incredible.

He knew that Zhang Yu discovered Curry and Butler, but in the past month, Zhang Yu had to be busy with Curry's draft and trade, as well as stabilizing the team, and had no time to investigate new players.

Doesn't it just require talent to play basketball, but also talent to be a coach?

Silas suddenly realized that it was not unreasonable for him to be an assistant coach for so many years. If it weren't for Zhang Yu's mark on the player list, he would not be able to see the excellence of the three of Wesley Matthews.

Go to the fucking coaching dream, I want to go home...

When his mind was tumbling, Larry Riley suddenly said:

"Steven, have you met the 26-year-old team owner?"

"never seen it."

Silas sighed, not only had he never seen it, he had never heard of it.

"Where is the 24-year-old champion coach?"


Silas was in tears. He was 34 years old and an assistant coach.

"The world of genius is beyond our comprehension, let's do it according to the boss's arrangement." Larry Riley sighed.

Silas nodded mechanically and hung up the phone.

He suddenly felt that he seemed a little useless. The boss ordered Larry Riley to find the players, Butler was selected by the boss, Lowry was traded by the boss, and the tactics were arranged under the written guidance of the boss... …

Is this the legend that with great power comes great responsibility?


The next day, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Curry drove and took Zhang Yu to a small arena in the city.

He parked the car in the parking lot, and the two got down and walked to the arena.

"Boss, do I really not have to go to the summer league? Griffin and Harden have all gone." Curry asked in a low voice.

After the draft, he was ready to participate in the summer league. He also found Silas through Dell and communicated with him in advance.

But Zhang Yu told him that he didn't need to go to Las Vegas to play the summer league. He even came to Charlotte yesterday, saying that he was taking him to a place, and the two came here.

Hearing Curry's question, Zhang Yu smiled lightly and said:

"Stephen, summer league doesn't challenge you at all, and it doesn't work as a workout. It's a waste of time for you to participate."

"Okay, but I saw some media saying that I'm afraid of fighting if I don't play in the summer league..." Curry muttered.

After the draft, the outside world knew that the Warriors tried their best to trade to Curry because Zhang Yu bought the Warriors. This actually caused many experts who predicted before the game that Curry would be selected at a high position to overthrow their own statements.

They began to question whether Curry could adapt to the intensity of the NBA's confrontation, and whether he would become another parallel importer.

But soon someone refuted them, and Bill Simmons wrote:

"I can't understand the brain circuit of these people. Their attention may be spent on looking at the smooth and white thighs of the cheerleaders, but it is a pity that these old men can only watch helplessly...

"If Stephen Curry is really as fragile as the donuts I eat every morning as they describe, then Coach Z doesn't have to hide it at all, as long as he is generous enough to let Curry participate in the joint tryout Scaring off the contenders and taking Curry with the 7th pick instead of wanting to hide him in the closet for fear of people noticing him..."

"Obviously, Coach Z was worried that Curry's workout results would be too amazing, causing other teams to loot him, just like my dear wife does to the things on the supermarket shelves every Black Friday, so he joined Curry. , teased everyone... I think Curry will shock everyone in the new season, he will play a very good performance!"

This article, which is very in line with the sharp and spicy style of Bill Simmons, won the applause of a large number of fans.

The Internet is also divided into two factions, one headed by traditional columnists, they bad-mouthed Curry, thinking that Curry's style of play will definitely encounter a serious setback in the NBA.

The other faction is headed by cutting-edge ball commentators who focus on statistics and efficiency. They are optimistic about Curry with a more cautious attitude.

Curry's efficiency is too exaggerated, so exaggerated that they think that Curry will definitely drop after entering the NBA, but this style of play that focuses on three-pointers is highly respected by them.

And Curry was also affected by seeing the controversy against him on the Internet, and wanted to prove himself in the game.

Zhang Yu smiled and said:

"Don't be swayed by the voices of the outside world. The summer league is irrelevant, and the new season is the most important thing."

When the two were talking, they had already reached the entrance of the arena, and a strong white man in his 30s greeted him:

"Coach Z, I've been waiting for a long time."

Zhang Yu held his hand and said with a smile:

"Brand, just call me Ronan."

The white man smiled and said to Curry:

"Stephen, welcome to the Basketball Acceleration Training Camp!"

"Training camp?" Curry was a little dazed.

"That's right, the training camp, let's come in and have a look." The white man smiled, stretched out his hand and led the way.

The two followed, and Zhang Yu introduced:

"This is the originator of the basketball acceleration camp and one of the best trainers in the business - Brand Payne, who was previously the head coach of Wingate University."

Brand Payne said modestly:

"The basketball acceleration training camp has just started, and I'm just a new trainer."