Chapter 130: Neither of us can guard against it, so why should you embarrass me?

Silas and Ron Adams came to Zhang Yu, Silas hesitated and asked:

"Ronan, is our goal really the playoffs? Will it be a bit difficult?"

In front of the players just now, Silas would not dismantle Zhang Yu, but now he has to persuade Zhang Yu, and it is best to dispel the dangerous thoughts in his mind.

Yes, you're a champion coach, but that's the NCAA championship, and the waters in the NBA are too deep for you to grasp.

Silas was very worried that Zhang Yu's heart was higher than the sky. As a result, after the start of the new season, he was brutally abused by those strong teams in the West. In the end, he was crushed by reality, and his will was depressed.

This is not the most important thing, he is mainly afraid that Zhang Yu will throw the blame on him...

As long as the team has a poor record, the first choice for blame is the head coach and management.

But in the Warriors, Zhang Yu is the team owner and took back all the power of Larry Riley. He is the management, and he is the head coach. How could he take the blame?

Something happened, and Silas felt that he must be the one to blame.

He very much hoped that Zhang Yu would be more pragmatic and let these young people level up for a year first, and then wait until they have accumulated enough experience.

But Zhang Yu shook his head and said:

"No, I think that simply entering the playoffs is not the team's limit. It's just that if it goes further, I'm afraid they won't be able to bear the pressure, so let's forget it."


"Okay, you guys go and watch the physical test, and play the training game after the data is collected." Zhang Yu patted Silas on the shoulder, smiled at Ron Adams, and walked towards Curry.


Silas reached out to grab Zhang Yu, but his raised hand was stopped by Ron Adams.

He shook his head slightly at Silas, and whispered:

"Ronan has his own ideas. He is not the kind of person who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. Don't forget his exquisite operations before the draft. Trust him."

"He's too young..." Silas just wanted to refute, but recalled the detailed and accurate markings on the player list in the summer league, and couldn't help but nodded.

Although their head coach is young, he is by no means a fool. On the contrary, he is a genius, but he has not yet proved himself in the NBA.

"The only thing we can do is to follow in his footsteps. Don't forget, he is our boss, and he pays our salary." Ron Adams laughed.

Silas raised his head and looked forward, Zhang Yu walked with his back straight, exuding a powerful aura all over his body.

He said softly:

"I see, Ron, subconsciously I've been treating our boss as a young man, and now I know what to do."


An hour later, with the joint efforts of the trainers and the coaching staff, the physical test was soon over.

It may be because of the change of the new boss and head coach. Old players like Biedrins and Turiaf wanted to make a good impression on Zhang Yu, so they did not stop training, and their body fat percentage and weight were maintained at a reasonable level. level, and there was no decline in athletic ability.

As for those young players, it was the time when they were fighting for a big contract. They almost spent the summer in the arena, and their physical condition was very good.

Especially the three rookies Butler, Curry, and Matthews have made great progress compared to the summer, and Curry is the most obvious.

Brand Payne's "crazy science training method" has a remarkable effect. Curry has gained 3 kilograms, but his athletic ability has not declined.

Although he still doesn't look strong enough, that seemingly thin body contains amazing strength, which is much stronger than that of his rookie days in the previous life.

In the afternoon, the Warriors organized a training game.

Zhang Yu randomly divided all the players into two groups, A and B, and he and Silas each coached a team.

At the beginning, the performance of the players was a little stiff.

But Curry didn't care about that, and Azubuike didn't raise his hand against him. He just made two three-pointers to break the stalemate.

Curry is such a contradictory body, as humble as he is off the court, he is as ostentatious on the court.

"Kelana, defend well, do you still want to play? Let me see your enthusiasm!" Zhang Yu, who coached Azubuike's team, immediately shouted angrily.

Azubuike didn't dare to be careless anymore, and quickly posted it, but was easily passed by Curry with a bow, and the free throw line was thrown successfully.

Zhang Yu's complexion became more and more ugly, and he growled word by word:

"Kai, Lan, Na!"

In the subsequent training match, everyone cheered up and never dared to slack off. They also tasted the "Ronan brand" hair dryer for the first time, and Azubuike was the worst.

Azubuike played against Curry at the beginning, and he didn't know Curry at all. In his opinion, his defense was in place, and he stood half a step outside the three-point line. He played last season I have never stood so far outside.

But Curry's consecutive ultra-long three-pointers made him confused. Can he still shoot three-pointers like this?

He has faced Kobe, Wade, Ray Allen, Roy and other outside stars. Although it is very difficult to defend, no one has ever played like this.

He glanced at Zhang Yu in disbelief, the meaning was obvious, don't you care about him, how could he shoot a three-pointer like that?

Old Nelson is one of the most favorite three-point coaches in the league, but he doesn't allow his players to shoot like this!

Look at Curry's shot just now, there are still two steps away from the three-point line.

This is outrageous!

But instead of reprimanding Curry for his actions, Zhang Yu waved at Azubuike:

"Kelana, what are you doing, defend yourself!"

In desperation, Azubuike could only devote all his energy to defending Curry.

But he tried various methods, but he still couldn't limit Curry's offense. Zhang Yu replaced Matthews with Curry, and the result was the same. He simply replaced Azubuike again.



Neither of us can guard against it, so why should I embarrass myself?

In the first training match, Curry's Group A won.

Zhang Yu then made a second grouping, and divided Matthews, Butler and Lowry into Group B, where he coached, and Silas coached Curry's Group A.

This time, Zhang Yu asked Lowry to lead the defense against Curry, and Butler and Matthews were ready to help defend at any time, firmly restricting Curry.

Lowry's biting defense makes it difficult for Curry to get shot space. Although his confrontation ability has been greatly improved compared to before, but Lowry has played in the NBA for three years. He has rich experience and is very good at using his body. Advantage, it is very uncomfortable to defend Curry.