Chapter 135:Bang!

The Warriors were unlucky and met the super god Ariza.

Zhang Yu did not adjust the game plan because of Ariza. He rotated normally and replaced three starters at 8 minutes in the first quarter, allowing Curry to lead Matthews, Anthony Toliver, Biedrins, Reggie Williams Si continued to fight and run away.

In terms of three-point ability alone, these substitute players did not lose much to the starters. Zhang Yu's instructions to them were to boldly throw three-pointers, shoot if there is a chance, and rush if there is no chance. In a word-just do it!

This is exactly what they wanted. In just 4 minutes, Reggie Williams contributed 2 dunks and 1 dunk. Matthews made 4 three-pointers, but only scored 1. One, only Anthony Tolliver has few chances to perform.

Instead of being angry, Zhang Yu clapped his hands and shouted to the field:

"Well done, don't hesitate, just do it!"

Silas pulled Zhang Yu's sleeve in fear and said:

"Ronan, won't you go back to the old way of last season?"

Zhang Yu smiled slightly;

"That's right, I just want to use the style of play from last season!"

This is called teaching because of money. The three of Matthews all get a basic salary. It is really embarrassing to ask them to have the awareness of sharing the ball.

If they can shoot three-pointers, have passing vision, and are tough on the defensive end, unless the other teams are blind, it is impossible for them to wander around for so long without the ball to play.

At the end of the first quarter, the Warriors ran and bombed smoothly, but the Rockets relied on Ariza's outburst to bite the score. The two sides fought at 26:28, and the Warriors led by 2 points into the second quarter.

Curry and Biedrins rested after playing the first quarter, Lowry and Big Z came on the field, and the Warriors' firepower became more intense.

Lowry first tried to instigate a fast break, but his vision was lacking compared to Curry's, and he was also inaccurate for three-pointers.

Zhang Yu quickly changed his tactics and asked Lowry and Big Z to play a pick-and-roll. Big Z covered Lowry and then rolled out. Landry, the Rockets guest center, was only 2.06 meters tall and could not interfere with Big Z's shooting. Frequent success in investment.

But looking back, Big Z couldn't prevent the attacks of Scola and Landry, and the two sides still exploded each other.

In the 6 minutes of the second quarter, when Zhang Yu sent all the starters back to the game, the score was 38:44. The Warriors were even better in the attack and extended their lead to 6 points.

This is not only because the Warriors have blossomed on the offensive end, but also because of Ariza.

After the super god in the first quarter, Ariza was super ghost in the second quarter.

As the Rockets were full of injuries and short of major generals, Ariza played 3 minutes into the second quarter.

Immediately after he came up, he ignored Reggie Williams in front of him, pulled out two three-pointers, and the result was bang bang.

But this did not dispel Ariza's self-confidence at all, McGrady is injured, I am the new McGrady of the Rockets!

He continued to make two three-pointers and scored one on the board, which made Ariza even more inflated.

Like a superstar, he reached out for the ball after halftime. He had no opponents or even teammates in his eyes.

But he didn't have the feel of the first quarter at all. In just 6 minutes, Ariza made 7 of 1 three-pointers, and the Rockets were only 6 points behind.

But after Zhang Yu returned to the starting lineup, the Warriors have improved both offensively and defensively, especially on the defensive end. Biedrins' frame protection and Butler's assisting defense have repeatedly destroyed the Rockets' offense.

Fortunately, Curry has not been able to stretch his muscles in 6 minutes. He is more of an instigator and organizer, driving the offense of his teammates, and he doesn't score much.

And Aaron Brooks brought a lot of trouble to the Warriors defense with his speed and impact, and helped the Rockets stabilize the situation a little.

At the end of the half, the Warriors entered the intermission with an 64-point lead 56:8.

In the locker room of the home team, Zhang Yu praised the players greatly:

"Very good. We played the tactics we wanted and gained a lot of advantages. We will continue to work hard in the second half and we must implement the established tactics well. Although the Rockets lack two core players, they are very resilient. Don't take it lightly. ."

In the locker room of the visiting team, Adelman frowned to appease the emotions of the players and arranged tactics:

"Trevor, you have to pay attention to cooperating with your teammates, and then shoot when you have a good opportunity... Aaron, you and Louis play more pick-and-rolls, and if you have a chance, go to the basket and try not to challenge Biedrins. He's helping out, and he's handing the ball to Louis for isolation."

The 15-minute intermission ended quickly. After the start of the second half, Aaron Brooks was very active. He passed the pick-and-roll with Scola and hit the basket twice in a row.

Zhang Yu reacted quickly, replacing Azubuike with Lowry and focusing on Aaron Brooks.

Lowry's speed is not slow, and he can squeeze through Scola's cover with his strong physical fitness. His biting defense makes Aaron Brooks very uncomfortable and curbs his momentum.

The Argentine diamond stood up, and his gorgeous low-post footsteps are the foundation of his foothold in the NBA, and he is also a must in the league.

He made Varejao dizzy with simple and beautiful movements. Zhang Yu changed Biedrins to match Scola, but he still couldn't defend.

The Rockets relied on Scola's low-post offense to increase points again and again, and their success meant that the Warriors could only serve the bottom line, and the fast break after the defensive counterattack was seriously hindered.

In this case, the point difference between the two teams gradually narrowed. At 6 minutes into the third quarter, the score became 70:75, and the Rockets were still 5 points away from tying.

Zhang Yu called a timeout, and arranged tactics in a cold voice:

"Jimmy, you're going to double-team Scola later, you can't let the Argentine continue to ravage our inside, let Ariza go to shoot. Since the fast break can't be done, turn to the positional battle, Stephen, you have unlimited fire Quan, other people will open up space for you, and you will be responsible for blowing up the inside of the Rockets!"

The short timeout ended quickly, the Warriors had the ball, Varejao screened for Curry, and Scola switched to Curry.

Curry singled Scola and hit a three-pointer with a step back. 70:78, the Warriors led by 8 points.

Looking back, Scola continued to play singles inside, but Butler came over to help defend in time, and he could only distribute the ball to Ariza.

Butler had no intention of returning to his position at all. There was no one within two meters of Ariza. He hesitated and shot a three-pointer.


The basketball bounced out of the hoop, and the long rebound fell into Curry's hands. He quickly advanced to the frontcourt with the ball, and at a place two steps away from the three-point line, he raised his hand and scored a super long three-pointer!


The basketball is hollow into the net, and the Oracle Center cheers thunderously!