Chapter 150: Kid, do you want to fight?

James stopped in front of him and waved at him:


Curry smiled slightly, and didn't intend to single out James at all. Instead, he threw the ball to Lowry and ran without the ball.

He grew up in an NBA arena since he was a child. He is not a simple rookie. He has never seen any kind of trash talk, so he won't lose his mind by a few words from James.

James reluctantly kept up, but was quickly thrown off by Curry. The weak defensive line formed by the Cavaliers' substitute players couldn't stop Curry at all, and he easily ran out of an open space. Just shoot the ball and hit a three-pointer.

Zhang Weiping praised:

"Good shot, the Cavaliers are really not good at defending off the ball, how does Curry make shots!"

After scoring the goal, Curry chewed on his braces and shrugged at James.

Seeing his smug expression, James suddenly felt an urge to hit someone.

This expression is too arrogant and cheap!

In the next 2 minutes, the Warriors relied on the advantage of starting as a substitute to take the initiative on the scene. Not only did Curry's off-ball offense work again and again, but others also seized the opportunity to attack Mo Williams' defensive weakness.

Fortunately, the Cavaliers still have James. When Mo Williams was restrained by Matthews, he once again carried the team on his shoulders, hitting the basket against the Warriors' defense, and stabilized situation.

At 6 minutes and 23 seconds of the fourth quarter, the Cavaliers' starter finally returned to the field because of a foul and dead ball, but the center changed from O'Neal to Hickson.

Mike Brown doesn't want to set a target there for Curry to target.

Yang Yi straightened his expression and said:

"The current score is 108:105. The Warriors are leading by 3 points. The Cavaliers' starters are all back on the court, and the Warriors' starters have been on the court for a long time. The two sides are about to have a final battle. Director Zhang, what do you think about this game? What do you think of the outcome?"

Zhang Weiping chuckled:

"Who would have thought that these two teams could play a confrontational battle. The Warriors are really resilient. But I am still more optimistic about the Cavaliers. Have you noticed that James is fighting with all his strength today, probably because Zhang Yu's pre-match The interview was stimulating, and this game is likely to be a critical moment, so I am more optimistic about the Cavaliers, they have superstars in charge."

Yang Yi thought for a while and said:

"I am more optimistic about the Warriors. There is actually something wrong with the Cavaliers today. James played almost a game and only got 5 assists. Many times when he had a chance, he didn't pass. Instead, he chose to play by himself. Although the Warriors The defensive effect is not good, but after all, it can reduce his success rate of attacking the frame. If he is still obsessed with finishing by himself, this may be a hidden danger."

Yang Yi didn't say anything else. James has played for 35 minutes. He is not a superman. He must have consumed a lot of physical energy. He doesn't believe that James can still maintain the peak state.

At the same time, the number of viewers watching the game across the United States began to soar. Under the eyes of everyone, the last 6 minutes began.

After playing for more than 40 minutes, the two teams are familiar with each other's style of play and know how to score.

As soon as the dead ball was over, the Cavaliers attacked, and James wanted to attack the inside, but Zhang Yu waved his hand from the sidelines, and Matthews came out from the diagonal stab and hugged him from the air!

James was caught off guard, staggered and almost fell to the ground, but Matthews hugged him "intimately".

After James stood firm, he immediately turned around and pushed Matthews:

"what are you doing?"

Matthews raised his hands high, with an innocent expression on his face:

"I just took it away."

"I think you did it on purpose!" Monta Ellis rushed up.

"Boy, do you want to fight, don't you? I'll stay with you to the end!" Stephen Jackson opened his mouth wide, almost spraying saliva on Matthews' face.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way!" Curry was the first to rush up, facing several strong men who were a head taller than him, and pushed forward without fear.

Butler clenched his fists with a cold face, his muscles tensed, and he walked quietly to Matthews.

The experience on the street told him that if he could not call before making a move, he would not call, otherwise he would suffer a loss.

It seems that Stephen has never fought before, so he has to teach him well when he goes back...

Butler has seen this kind of confrontation many times, and he has experienced a lot of fights that are several times more tragic than this, so he still has time in his heart to tease Curry.

Just as players from both sides gathered around, the referee intervened in time, inserted into the middle of the crowd, and tried to separate the two sides:

"Calm down! Calm down!"

"He pushed people first!" Azubuike pointed at James.

"It's obviously that bitch... that guy fouled maliciously!" Hickson pointed at Matthews and shouted.

The referee said profusely:

"calm down..."


After a while of confusion, the scene was finally controlled by the referee.

After appeasing the emotions of both parties, the trio of referees came to the technical table and watched the playback several times, and finally gave Matthews a common foul and James a technical foul.

Of course, the Cavaliers were dissatisfied and appealed to the referee one after another, but the referee's reasons were also very good:

"Matthews went for the ball without any intention of hurting anyone, and he also made sufficient protective actions. It is impossible to call a malicious foul."

The Cavaliers players were still unwilling, but seeing the referee's increasingly cold expression, they finally dared not say anything more.

Then James executed free throws and made one of two free throws. The Warriors made a technical foul free throw by Curry.

109: 106.

Zhang Yu crossed his arms on the sidelines, smiling and watching the farce on the field, with a relaxed expression.

Silas whispered beside him:

"Ronan, how did you know James would be so irrational?"

Zhang Yu shook her head:

"I'm not a prophet, how could I know that his reaction would be so big."

Silas was stunned:

"Then you still let Matthews foul so hard..."

Zhang Yu spread his hands:

"I just wanted to chop James. He scored two points when he rushed in, and free throws were not necessarily the case. Who knew he would cooperate like this."

"Then will it still be cut later?"

"Chop! Unless he hits all free throws, I will keep chopping!" Zhang Yu replied without hesitation.

He had planned the scene in front of him a long time ago, and deliberately let the players control the fouls. None of the Warriors' starters fouled more than twice, so that the last few minutes could be used to attack James.

"But James' free throws are good, with a 78% hit rate, and cutting him is likely to be self-defeating." Silas said.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly:

"I know, but what else can we do?"

Silas was taken aback, Zhang Yu continued:

"We don't have a heavy center forward, and the front line is full of young people. It is impossible to guard James, or even limit him... As long as he breaks in, it almost means scoring. I can accept that after he flickers, he struggles to get up. The basket is successful, but you can't watch him rush in and it's a dunk!"

Silas said with some hesitation:

"But James played nearly 40 minutes, and his energy consumption was very high..."

"Our physical energy consumption is also very high!" Zhang Yu interrupted, "Don't forget, he is James, he is a monster, he will not get tired after playing for 48 minutes! I don't want to pin my hopes on his own misses, and Even if he can make a penalty, I will interfere with his mentality. Victory is achieved by myself...even if the means are not glorious."

He looked at the court, Curry faced Stephen Jackson, suddenly pulled up after a tentative step, and made a three-pointer.

Zhang Yu clapped his hands and said softly:

"We are still not strong enough... If we can rely on strength, who is willing to use these small tricks?"

After his words fell, James took the ball to the inside of the Warriors and killed him.

He successfully broke through the first line of defense, but was hugged by Azubuike who rushed from the side. Azubuike seemed to want to grab the ball, but he slapped James hard on the back of the hand.


The referee's whistle sounded and James went to the free throw line.

He flicked his right hand, and Azubuike's strikes were measured. The back of his hand looked intact, but the faint pain would not disappear immediately.


James' right hand trembled slightly, and the first free throw hit the front of the basket.

He took a deep breath and dribbled the ball a few times before taking the second free throw and hitting it firmly.

112: 107.

In the round transition, Curry and Biedrins played a pick-and-roll, missed a three-pointer after a single-block screen, and the rebound was grabbed by the Cavaliers.

James dribbled to the frontcourt, still chose to break through, and was sent to the free throw line again.

This time he learned to be smart, adjusted for a long time, and made two free throws steadily.

112: 109.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu immediately stopped the team from fouling James.

His goal had been achieved, as evidenced by James' smoldering eyes.

He never thought that chopping the shark could be used on himself, the warrior looked down on him so much? !

At this time, James is not a thirty-year-old old man, but the little emperor, the proud son of heaven. Can he bear this anger?

Even Lao Zhan has broken defenses against the Suns in the playoffs, and he can't return his defenses, not to mention the young and vigorous James.

He only has one thought now, and that is to hold the ball and blow up the opponent!

But before that, he had to defend first.

James once again stood in front of Curry, and at the last moment, he took over the team's offense and defense.

Curry tried running off the ball, but he quickly found he couldn't get away from James -- because his energy was dying.

Continuous road trips and running around in the air made Curry's state not good.

As a rookie, he was able to play his best in the first half, and then used a lot of off-ball running to wrestle with James for nearly the entire second half, which is already doing his best.

Curry felt as if his legs were filled with lead, and he exhausted his whole body every time he took a step, but he still couldn't get rid of Zamus who was chasing behind him.

If it weren't for Brand Payne's hellish training over the summer, he wouldn't even be able to make it this far.

He circled back to the top of the arc, stretched out his hand to pass the basketball from Lowry's hand, panting quickly.