For the next two days, I remained at home.

I didn't leave the bedroom, at all. I didn't eat. I refused to play with my daughters. They, understandably, became very upset. But I... I just couldn't. I couldn't look them in the eyes. I felt like a total wreck.

Miko was with me every waking moment, going away only to feed the children. She comforted me and kept me company, watching me, and hugged me tenderly when I allowed her, curling her tail.

During those two days, I received two phone calls.

The first call came in the evening on the first day. It was from Jared.

"Thank you for saving my life, Drago," my best friend said without preamble. "And please send my thanks to Miko-san. I learned she had played quite a... large part, convincing the Yakuza to let me off the hook."

I ruminated how subtle Jared could be in his humor, from time to time. I looked at Miko, who was lying next to me on the bedpile and gazing back silently. She gave a tiny nod.

"Heh, no problem, dude," I replied tiredly. "Just don't go overthinking the situation, okay? I don't want to hear about any Japanese bullshit like life debts or somesuch. Got that, ?"

"Yeah, yeah," Jared said, chuckling warmly. "Right you are, dino dude. And, after all, you did totally wreck my car – that alone I'd count as a life debt myself."

We both laughed heartily, even if I did a little less so.

"Joking aside," Jared continued, "I'd really want to say you owe me a new car, but given how I already owe you a million thanks, I'm gonna call we're even. Besides, you or Miko can repair it with magic, right?"

I said nothing. Jared, at least, was quick on the uptake. "Look, I won't bother you anymore until you've recovered fully. What happened to you, Drago, is a really nasty piece of shit; I don't wish it on anyone."

"However," Jared added, "I want to inform you, even if it's a tiny bit of comfort, Tanaka may yet receive her just deserts. That tank shell, in particular, has destroyed someone's house on the outskirts. Nobody has died only because the owners have been having a late visit at their friends' place.

"Bottom line is, that bitch abused too much of her power yesterday. Many of the locals have grown sick of her crazy shit. I hear rumors they plot to get rid of her somehow. So at least that's something to look forward to," Jared concluded with a vengeful air.

"Yeah, thanks for the info," I said lightly, almost absentmindedly. My thoughts were already somewhere else.

"Drago, if there's anything I can help you with, just say–"

"I know the drill, Jared," I cut him off, and ended the call.

The second call came next morning. It was from Mr. Takeda, who wondered why I wasn't at work.

I stuttered, trying to give some explanation and apologizing at the same time in haphazard manner. I didn't make much sense in either case. Without warning, Miko grabbed the cellphone with a telekinetic spell, and let it hover next to her earfin.

<"Ohayou gozaimasu, Takeda-san,"> Miko said. <"Miko to moshimasu. Dorago no tsuma de gozaimasu. Yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu."> She then proceeded to explain in direct but utterly formal Japanese that her husband was nearly raped the other day and is currently recovering from the ordeal.

Miko's conduct, I imagine, was received with a fair amount of shock. I couldn't overhear Mr. Takeda's reply, not precisely. But Miko shortly after hung up the phone and told me in a level tone that Mr. Takeda has no objections whatsoever to my absence, that he apologizes formally for having disturbed me and my wife, and gives me official leave, wishing me full and complete recovery.

Funny, how brutal honesty worked wonders sometimes.

Miko gave back my cellphone. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, Drago" she said quietly.

I sighed and lay back, gazing at the shafts of light coming down from the veiled ceiling.


On the third day, Miko decided I had enough moping about, and took matters into her own hands – literally.

She shooed our daughters early in the morning, and when we were left alone, she grabbed me, smothering me with her bulk. She began brushing against me in a most sensual way, very slowly and gently. It was very nice, arousing even – yet I struggled against her on a purely instinctual level regardless.

"Shh, shh, it's okay," Miko whispered, keeping me pinned. "Everything is all right." I squirmed and twisted, trying to get away, my mind at war with itself. "Everything is all right, Drago," Miko repeated, mashing my head against her ginormous breasts. Her tail slithered underneath my genitals, caressing them, and wrapped itself around my own tail.

"We love each other," Miko continued softly. "I am your dream wife, Drago. I can heal you, if you just let me do so."

"I am your dream wife," she breathed again, slowly, in time with her undulations. "Please, let me heal you, Drago, my husband, my love, my soulmate."

I kept struggling involuntarily, yet at the same time I grew hard and erect. Meanwhile, Miko had slowly shifted herself one movement at a time, putting herself in position where she could insert me in herself. She at last did so, and I let out a small sound, something between a sob and a lusty moan. Miko then began to rock back and forth gently, all the while shushing me and murmuring in my earfins, as she guided me so to release.

Finally, after a long time of this subdued lovemaking, I climaxed. As I gushed, I abruptly relaxed. Something akin to a huge fog lifted from me, and I felt myself again. I closed my eyes, breathing deeply, and let the trauma from Tanaka's near-rape evaporate from my memory like morning dew.

I opened my eyes again and met Miko's lambent amber gaze. My dream wife watched me with kindness and relief, glad to see me restored. I loved her with the entirety of my soul.

"Would you like some milk, my noble lizzy?" she asked with a smile.

Suddenly, I felt ravenous. I hadn't eaten for over two days straight. "Give me your tits," I agreed hungrily. Miko happily obliged, and I glommed one of her dark-azure nipples, feeding myself with great, impatient gulps.


Later, having sucked Miko nearly dry, I lay contently on the huge bed, again watching the sunlight rays filtering from the ceiling. This time, however, I enjoyed the view. I was alone in the bedroom; Miko had gone to meditate, abruptly very tired. I was concerned, but she'd said everything was fine and she just needed some time alone. And so I lay by myself, resting on a full stomach.

At some point, my daughter Kiki peered inside the bedroom.

"Dad, there are some people out front," she said anxiously. "They aren't soldiers, but they say they've come to see you and mom," she added with some confusion.

I frowned at this, and hurriedly rose, putting on my cargo shorts. "Thank you, Kiki. I'll greet the guests myself; Mom is currently meditating."

Kiki bobbed her snout, and led me to the front courtyard. There, to my complete surprise, I found Mrs. Kawano and the girl I had saved from the mugger. They were standing just beyond the courtyard proper, at the end of the pathway leading to the shrine temple.

<"Konnichiwaaaa, Kaiju-sama!"> the girl waved energetically upon seeing me.

"Stay here," I told Kiki, and then approached the guests. ", young miss," I greeted. "Remember, just call me Drago."

"Oh, right, sorry, Dorago-sama!" the girl quickly amended. "I never managed to introduce myself! My name is Kauri," she said, bowing politely, "and this is my mother, Kawano Damote."

I bowed, somewhat woodenly. "Nice to meet you, Kauri-chan. And I already have the pleasure of being acquainted with Kawano-san," I said, trying to be polite in words, if not in tone; I couldn't fully hide my distaste.

Throughout the exchange, Mrs. Kawano stayed silent. Her stern, almost imperious demeanor was cold and forbidding. She was a wiry woman of indeterminate age, with piercing, perceptive eyes. She was dressed in some formal, almost ceremonial kind of robe in dark red and black, her auburn hair held in a bun with hairsticks made of finely-crafted jade.

Mrs. Kawano looked pointedly at Kiki and some of my other daughters, who watched the unknown guests surreptitiously from various corners. "Is your family so destitute that you aren't able to provide clothing for your children, Raveloff-san?" she asked in disapproving tones.

"We don't use clothes when there are no humans around," I replied stiffly. If Mrs. Kawano would act high and mighty, I was going to play the monster card – society shunned us, so we had no obligation to adopt its moral codes. But then I contrasted this double standard by turning and calling, "Little starlets, go put your kimonos Mom made for you last week! We have guests again!"

The children went at once to fetch their clothing. Meanwhile, I turned to the guests and said, with effort, more mildly, "I invite you most formally in my humble abode. Please, come for tea and refreshments in the dining pavilion." I made another slight bow.

Mrs. Kawano wasn't impressed. She eyed my threadbare attire censoriously. It wasn't quite an evil aunt stare; no, it was something much more potent, and far more dignified. I became acutely aware of my bulging belly, having gorged earlier on my wife's tits. I felt shame, something I haven't experienced in a long time. (If we discount the street racing night.) Then, very briefly, Mrs. Kawano nodded. "We accept your generous hospitality," she said flatly.

During that, Kauri watched us confused and a bit wary. I then led her and Mrs. Kawano to the back of the shrine temple. En route, I grabbed a clean bucket and filled it from the stone basin with fresh water.

Behind the shrine temple, there was a very large walled pavilion, which served as a kitchen and a dining hall for my family. The pavilion was made of plain wooden planks, smoothed with magic and lacquered with clear resin. It was an utilitarian structure, unadorned but comfortable. Inside was a single huge elliptic table, made on two levels to accommodate mine and Miko's sizes (with out respective daughter-types), and simple seating mats. At the back was a collection of counters filled with tableware, an icebox (magically enchanted), and a stone oven.

I offered Mrs. Kawano and Kauri to sit, then went to the stove to prepare tea. I glanced surreptitiously over my shoulder, and murmured quietly a spell to light the fire. Within a few minutes, I had prepared tea and a quick snack.

Unfortunately, I didn't have much in the way of snacks.

", my hospitality is quite poor," I apologized as I served tea and bowls of plain rice. "I am sorry I cannot offer you a more appetizing palate."

Mrs. Kawano said nothing. But she again inclined her head slightly, accepting the offering with grace. We sat down to drink tea.

Abruptly, Kauri spoke to her mother. ", can I go look around?" She peered through the pavilion's wide windows, watching my daughters, who were playing in the backyard. Her desire to go meet with them was completely transparent.

"You may go and light some incense in the temple, Kauri," Mrs. Kawano said reluctantly. "After all, this is a sacred place," she added, glancing askance at me.

Kauri leapt at once, pausing at the door only to bow awkwardly at me, and then disappeared.

Me and Mrs. Kawano remained alone, drinking our tea.

", why have you come here, Kawano-san?" I asked after a minute of tense silence.

"Do you know what is the greatest treasure in the world for a parent, Raveloff-san?" Mrs. Kawano said, seemingly ignoring my question.

"Their children, of course," I snorted, annoyed.

Mrs. Kawano nodded, as if I had answered correctly during a test. "My daughter Kauri is something more than a treasure," she said with emphasis. "She is the world to me, Raveloff-san."

I said nothing, watching her.

"I would do anything for my daughter," Mrs. Kawano continued. "Anything, to ensure her safety and happiness. You have children of your own, Raveloff-san. I trust you understand me perfectly."

"You are correct, Kawano-san," I agreed respectfully, waiting. I was beginning to see where this was going.

"My husband passed years ago," Mrs. Kawano said. "Kauri was too young to remember – perhaps for the best. I was left alone to tend the family business." There was slight emphasis on . "It is difficult for me to manage so, made even more difficult in recent times.

"Kauri is my only child – my light that keeps me going. I continue to do my duty because of her. To ensure her future. To preserve the legacy she shall inherit."

I listened, somewhat confused. What?...

"My daughter told me how you saved her," Mrs. Kawano continued, changing her tone. "She was also greatly impressed how you have defended her robber's honor, despite him being a criminal who endangered her life. She said to me she has never seen someone act so noble.

"According to her, you are a creature of honor, Raveloff-san," Mrs. Kawano concluded.

For a moment, I thought I misheard. Japanese was a tricky language sometimes. "You mean a person of honor, Kawano-san?" I asked cautiously.

Mrs. Kawano paused for a moment, as if she expected a different answer. "I meant what I said," she spoke at last. "In my world, precise articulation is very important, Raveloff-san."

I had a growing suspicion, but before I could inquire, Mrs. Kawano spoke again.

"I also know that you have saved the life of your friend, Raveloff-san," she said, almost solemnly. "And that your wife has lent her aid in this task, too." Mrs. Kawano lifted her hand, forestalling my startled reply. "My daughter was there that night, and she has seen everything. While I do not approve of her methods, I cannot deny Kauri is a very bright person," Mrs. Kawano said cryptically. "And she does learn quickly."

I frowned, and suddenly things clicked for me.

"You are mages!" I said, my eyes going wide.

"We are more like guardians," Mrs. Kawano acquiesced with another brief nod. She looked toward the shrine temple, her expression softening. "As was the previous owner of this place," she added with respect.

I followed Mrs. Kawano's gaze, feeling a pang of sadness. For an instant, I regretted more than anything not knowing the old man's name.

"What do you guard against?" I asked.

"Against monsters like you," Mrs. Kawano said.

I didn't know how to respond. But then Mrs. Kawano continued.

"There are always exceptions in the universe," she spoke, half to herself. "As well as exceptional beings. That is one of the fundamental truths." Mrs. Kawano looked me in the eyes. "And I consider you and your family, Raveloff-san–" in that moment Kauri raced past the pavilion, pursued by two of my daughters, their kimonos barely covering them, all three laughing and shouting joyously, "–I consider you out of the norm. In a good way."

"This is the reason for my visit," Mrs. Kawano said, visibly gathering her resolve. "I came to apologize officially to you and your kin, Raveloff-san. And in order to properly do so, I invite your family most sincerely to visit my spa center and enjoy its comforts. I offer you full hospitality and service as recompense. I believe this is something that your family will enjoy greatly, Raveloff-san."

Well, I was utterly speechless and make no mistake.

I managed to stop staring after an embarrassingly long time. I stood and bowed gratefully to Mrs. Kawano. "It will be a great honor and my sincere pleasure to accept your invitation, Kawano-san."

Mrs. Kawano also stood and bowed with genuine respect. "It will be an honor to receive your family, Raveloff-san," she said. "You can come tomorrow and expect a proper welcome to our establishment."

We sat down again, and finished our tea. We didn't exactly chat, but the atmosphere was a great deal more relaxed. Mrs. Kawano asked about Miko and I told her my wife was regretfully busy and could not be disturbed. Mrs. Kawano expressed polite disappointment for the unfortunate circumstances yet opined she would have ample opportunity to meet my wife in the very near future.

We left the pavilion on courteous terms. Mrs. Kawano called her daughter as I escorted her to the front courtyard. Kauri quickly came by her mother's side, accompanied by all my children. They all waved heartily and -ed their goodbyes.

"Allow me to escort you to your abode, Kawano-san," I said gallantly, carried away by the moment. "Or at the very least to Makinata-proper; the forest isn't exactly safe these days."

"Thank you for the offer, Raveloff-san," Mrs. Kawano replied with a thin smile. "We will manage perfectly on our own. My daughter may still be in training, yet I am more than capable of fending off trouble."

Mrs. Kawano and Kauri then left, on foot, walking down the forested pathway. I stood watching after them, thinking. I certainly didn't expect things to turn out this way – not only I had won the privilege to visit the spa center again, but I also had come into the good graces of genuine occult practitioners.

I dared to hope, if only briefly, that things were beginning to turn out for the better.