That night, I had a shark-themed dream again.

I dreamed of being a giant anthropomorphic female shark. Yes, female. I was swimming in the ocean again, all alone with no other life in sight. No, wait; I wasn't alone.

Because I was monstrously pregnant. I was so tremendously gravid that my belly was three times bigger than me, bulging out ludicrously under me, skin and tissue and muscles stretched to the absolute maximum. My breasts were also gargantuan in size, each as large as my body in terms of volume. The only reason I was not crushed by the enormity of my pregnancy was because I was underwater.

Despite my freakish nature, I felt hopeful. My form symbolized a future full of possibilities and numerous opportunities; on their own, such burdens would be crushing, if I hadn't cast myself free already. The ocean was that freedom; and the crushing weight was the paralysis of choice within one's limitless life. Entwining the two, I could forge my own destiny, and choose to walk my own Way among the stars.

So I swam onward in the ocean, carrying my titanic weight with ease, my monstrous breasts leaking milk in whitish trails on either side of my monumental abdomen. I swam toward the future, whatever it might hold; because I knew I wasn't going to face it alone ever again.

A distant call echoed through the azure waters. My soulmate was joining the endless journey.


November 11th.

The day I was born.

The day my family was born.

The day my deepest desires were granted.

The day I was made whole.

The day I was left still wanting, yearning, incomplete.

The day when everything changed, back then–

–and now.


I woke to the sound of my daughters jerking off. I opened my eyes and saw Roro and Ruru next to me, rubbing their big erect shafts. They sat on the ground, their huge, curvaceous bodies in sharp contrast against one another – Roro's azure and magenta scaled skin next to Ruru's black and red – which made them look even more alluring than they already were.

"Morning, Dad," Roro rumbled.

"You look so sexy while sleeping," Ruru growled. "I wish we could just ravish you on the spot, but Mom has forbidden us having sex with you or between each other."

"Yes, just so, my radiant starlets," I said, stretching contently. The view was nice. "In a few months we'll mate as often as you want. Where's your mother?"

"She went to meditate," Roro said. "Got that look on her when she's really focused on something."

I frowned a bit. When Miko got pensive, usually it was time to sit up and take notice. "And where are your younger sisters?" I asked.

"With Mom," Ruru said. "She took them to be safe with her."

I nodded, approving. "And Kiki and Keke?"

"They should be somewhere around," Roro said noncommittally.

"Hey, Dad?" Ruru called.


"Get a load of this!"

Roro and Ruru simultaneously turned to me, their throbbing shafts erupting like geysers. The deluge of sperm covered me completely, the twin gushing streams strong enough to make me lean back. My daughters lost the main pressure of their ejaculations shortly, spending themselves.

I spat, wiping semen from my face (uselessly), while Roro and Ruru growled with laughter.

"Nice joke," I said crossly, but my own erection betrayed my true feelings. "Are you quite finished?"

"We are, Dad, but you seem to need some assistance," Roro said mischievously.

"Thank you, I got claws of my own. Great," I muttered, still wiping spunk, "now I have to take a long bath to clear all of this."

"Why do you not use a spell to clean yourself?" Ruru asked, she and her sister mildly perplexed.

"Well... I still haven't properly mastered the full-body cleaning invocation," I said, slightly embarrassed.

"We can clean you then!" Roro said. "We know the spell!"

"You do??"

"Yes!" both my daughters sang.


They cleaned me with great swirls of light and loud chanting, their spellcasting still flashy and wasteful, yet surprisingly precise in the end result. In less than a minute, I was squeaky clean, my scales almost sparkling in the morning light.

At that point Kiki and Keke came around the corner of the nearest spa center building, and descended upon us with indignant howls.

"You have had fun with Dad without us!" Kiki protested. "Not cool!"

"We shall have our own fun with him, then!" Keke added.

Before I could react, they grabbed me and began furiously making our with me, tongues and snouts flashing all over my upper body and competing for attention with mine. Their monstrously endowed breasts rubbed against me, and their tails curled around and twined with mine. Muscular yet soft in the right places, and only a head shorter than me, Kiki and Keke were like porn stars in a timed contest. I was too shocked and pleased to follow events, and my thoughts became coherent only when I felt my dick gushing with a relieving sensation. My daughters had jerked me off in the commotion.

"There," Kiki said smugly. "Now we had our fun, too." Next to her, Keke giggled with a claw to her mouth.

"Not fair!" Roro and Ruru fumed in unison. "We wanted to give Dad a clawjob, too!"

"Well, you should've done this while you had the opportunity!"

"Excuse me, little starlets, but Daddy has to go," I said as diplomatically as I could.

I left my elder daughters squabbling, and went to look for Jared, to coordinate matters with him for today's Very Important Day.


In the morning, a major construction brigade hired by the porn company arrived in Makinata District. They began to raise a huge scene, with premium viewing stands for chosen audiences. (Such as the UN delegates.) I was surprised how sophisticated the whole operation was: construction supplies were brought by a pair of heavy-duty cargo helicopters, while the work crews were shuttled in via a convoy of microvans which easily navigated the narrow streets of the currently-crowded district.

Once on site, the construction brigade went into action with astonishing expediency and efficiency. I had heard about the legendary speed of Japanese construction, yet only now I was able to witness it myself: standing agape I looked on, while scores of workers assembled tons of raw materials, and in the meantime a mobile construction crane and heavy machinery had materialized seemingly out of nowhere. By early afternoon was complete; where a farm field stood before, now a brand new kaiju-sized performance stage was residing, complete with seats, public toilets, and other amenities. The scale was staggering: by my estimation the mini framework stadium could seat perhaps ten thousand people, not counting the VIP and TV lodge in the center.

While the stage was being built, I checked opinions on the matter of me and Miko 'performing' publicly before the whole world.

Mrs. Kawano wasn't impressed. "I most certainly do not approve," she said primly.

Kauri had the exact opposite reaction. "I think it's a very adventurous idea," she said, excited. "Miko-sama is so awesome for agreeing to make such a grand gesture to humanity!"

I thought with slumped shoulders.

"It's sexy as hell, beyond doubt," Jared said, when I asked him. "However, what makes my boner even are all those money involved! Just thinking about our future business prospects makes me go nuts!"

"Our??" I exclaimed. "Since when did you come into the deal, Jared?"

"Aw, c'mon, dino dude! I'm your best friend! Didn't I help you enough this past week? Can't I be your manager, too?" Jared looked at me with hopeful – and greedy – eyes.

Man. Money tends to be such a game changer. And not always for good.

Alex had the most moderate opinion. "I might put it on TV," he said over the phone, "if I have the time. Big changes are coming around here, too, and they aren't entirely related to your societal upheaval."

"Oh, really? I'll call you tomorrow then, so you can tell me more," I said, genuinely interested.

"Yeah, sure," my brother replied, and hung up.

I put the cellphone in my pocket, watching the construction crews work. I felt like I was dreaming.

Miko came to stand next to me. Her looming shadow was as always soothing and arousing in equal measure.

"Are you having second thoughts?" I asked her. In truth, I was more asking myself.

"No," Miko said simply. She put a claw on her swollen belly. "I'll be laying today," she told me.

"What?!" I turned to look at her. "When?? Before or after the live performance?"

"Probably during," Miko said, her snout twitching with a toothy smile.

I was speechless. Those lucky bastards from the porn company were getting a nice fat bonus. I wondered if I could make them pay extra. Perhaps I should really hire Jared as our manager.

Meanwhile, Miko told me the current clutch would probably hatch today, too, sometime in the evening. Now I really became flush with emotion: it was almost as if the Cosmos itself wanted to see the full package live on TV. We sent our daughters to the shrine temple to retrieve the eggs, and Jared directed the (braver) Makinata Shadow Warriors to accompany them to serve as bodyguards and disperse troublemakers.

Afterwards, we gathered to celebrate our familial birthday.

We commemorated the occasion with a private party at the spa center. There were only a handful of guests: the Kawanos (duh), Jared, the (again, braver) Makinata Shadow Warriors, Farmer Jingyi and his wife, and Mr. Takeda (who was divorced). I invited the last three out of respect (and in Mr. Takeda's case, politeness). Everybody surprised me, however, by bringing numerous gifts; even Jared and the Shadow Warriors had presents for me, Miko, and the children, although mostly trinkets and baubles. Our daughters were delighted and happy beyond measure – this was their first party, and an entirely new experience for them, in terms of both novelty and nicety.

Miko supplied the cake this time, creating a giant version of the one Mrs. Kawano had shown her via magic. Everyone had a generous helping of cake, with a side order of mochi balls, and carrots-and-napa-cabbage autumn salad with soy sauce for a salty dish. For drinks, there was simple sparkling water, but it was enough. Mrs. Kawano and Kauri had strung flags and other festive decorations between the spa center buildings.

We let the children* have free reign (but we kept close watch on the perimeter, to prevent random people wandering in), while us adults (ugh, how geriatric that sounded) made some light talk, mostly happy to have the lockdown at last lifted. Finally, we crowned the birthday party with J-Pop karaoke**, with Miko and, surprisingly, Farmer Jingyi being the indisputable talents among our group.

*(classified as 'children' in this case being my daughters, Kauri, Karogi and a couple younger Shadow Warriors)

**('karaoke' in this case being a pair of hi-fi speakers, a microphone, and a widescreen TV with internet access, all salvaged by courtesy of Jared, and arranged at one of the kaiju-sized gazebos; I know people mean a different setup when they use the word, but for me karaoke has always been simply 'singing pop songs with friends and having fun' – purists, deal with it)

To keep the crowds of 'tourists' and media crews at bay, we publicly announced the upcoming 'live performance' by me and Miko. The effect was more than welcome: the throngs of people were at once ecstatic and reigned-in, saving their energy for the big show tonight.

Later in the afternoon, as the sun was already firmly setting on the horizon, another large commotion stirred Makinata District, when the UN delegates began to arrive. The VIPs came by helicopters, and I watched amazed as they touched down on the fields north of the spa center, looking at the distinct blue emblem on the fuselages. Then I remembered that Japan was a major United Nations hub, with the UN University's headquarters situated in Tokyo. Each helicopter carried a quartet of officials and a score of armed bodyguards; there were five helis in total, making for an impressive sight when they landed one after another.

The UN delegates settled at the nearby Ogo Elementary School. Introductions and lightning-round meetings followed shortly, with me and Miko presenting our case in brief before the various officials. Polite exchanges abounded (and much surreptitious staring) and preliminary plans for more thorough talks were drawn.

Then we had to breach the topic of, , tonight's programme.

To my puzzlement and relief, most of the delegation members were (relatively) young; some looked under forty even. This gave me hope they wouldn't be too scandalized by our live performance.

Mrs. Kawano also helped smooth things out, graciously offering the delegates to visit her spa center for a relaxed experience before the main event. This being Japan, there was no easy way for the VIPs to refuse; not that many wanted to, and it gave them something else to think (and do) about instead of contemplating the fact they were going to witness a glorified peep show.

Finally, minutes before sunset, the film and executive crew of the porn company arrived. They came by helicopter, too. (The trend becomes entirely rational, if you saw the totally congested streets of the whole Ogocho region, stretching full of people and vehicles into the neighboring districts).

Me and Miko signed an official contract with the CEO (again, with much surreptitious staring involved, but way more appreciatively) while around us the film crew were busy preparing the stage, checking equipment, mounting projectors, lining cables, and so on. Then, with help from liaisons hired by Alex, our newfound wealth was deposited in the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi: a grand total of one billion yen, or about ten million US dollars, .

We were rich.

Yet again I felt as if I was dreaming. Everything seemed so surreal: the cheering crowds of people, the dignified air of the UN delegates in their official attires, the jaded porn film crew who regarded me and Miko with only professional interest, and our daughters who were still occupied with the remnants of the birthday party.

This should be the best birthday in my life. Everything was perfect.

Yet for some reason a cold sensation had gripped my gut and refused to let go.


The evening began, and with it – the great show.

The stage was at last set, and people were invited to enter: first the UN delegates, who had the prime spots reserved for them; then the rest of the visitors and fans poured in great living waves, settling wherever they could, taking seats, leaning on railings, clustering at the edges of the service areas, crowding at the exit zones. Jared was busy circling around with his own (by now full-blown) crew of helpers, selling 'tickets' and collecting payment. (Which was totally unregulated, but that never stopped Jared.) The numerous police platoons kept things mostly in order, although many of the officers themselves were keenly interested in the spectacle.

At the 'backstage' – a plain area sectioned off with tall curtains instead of walls – me and my family were busy in preparation: Miko and I checked our equipment for the live performance, while our daughters were instructed to keep watch over the eggs and bring them on stage when signaled – and also retrieve Miko's fresh clutch, once laid. They were also told to look out for general trouble, although thankfully we also had Mrs. Kawano and Kauri's support in this, the two sorceresses standing in the wings to prevent people creeping onto the stage.

With everything done, there was nothing but to begin. I swallowed, sneaking a nervous peek through the curtains. Miko noticed, and curled her tail around me reassuringly. I gave the go-ahead to one of the stage hands.

It was showtime.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the greatest live performance in modern history!" called a professional show host, to much ovations. Speaking in both Japanese and fluent English, the show host made the introduction with grand , explaining the nature of tonight's event.

'Love conquers all, and it naturally leads to sex' was the motto of the live show. The introductory speech was also full of double entrendes.

Despite the gaudy purpose of the show, I couldn't help myself but feel inspired by the host's smooth and dramatic presentation – and it made me want to do something better than merely have sex with Miko before spectators. Which didn't help one bit to alleviate my scenic fever.

The introduction ended, and me and Miko were called onto the stage. The curtains parted away, and we walked under the glamor of the projectors.

The stage itself was made of meshed steel, strong enough to support Miko's weight. Even so, the whole floor bounced a little when she walked. There was a giant mattress-like bedding in the center of the stage, the logical place for such an object, with two other constructions on either side: a П-shaped wooden frame made like a Torii arch, and a wide shallow pool filled with water. These additional items were requested by me and Miko to accommodate the ideas we had for the show.

We entered the stage fully clothed in our official garments – me with my dark blue uwagi and hakama, Miko in her tropical-patterned kimono – and the crowd cheered fiercely as we appeared. We stood before the huge bedding, basking for a moment in the glory. (And I was sweating a little.)

We bowed deeply in the Japanese style. Then with smooth, synchronized motions, we stripped naked, letting our clothes fall to the floor. Our saurian scales gleamed under the projector lights – mine jet black and red-striped, Miko's deep azure and magenta-streaked.

The crowd again made an uproar, cheering madly. Slow, sensual music rolled from the heavy-duty stage speakers. Me and Miko looked at one another, her amber eyes meeting my emerald gaze.

she asked me mentally.

, I replied. , Miko.


Miko swept me off my feet, embracing me in a bridal carry, and we began to kiss sweetly. The crowd whooped in approval. "Lucky guy!" people shouted over the general tumult. , I thought warmly, being one myself; indeed, I a lucky guy.

Miko's delicate closeness and the encouraging cheerings melted away my worries. There was nothing wrong with this; people wanted this, and I wanted it, too. So what if we were watched? There was nothing to be ashamed of. This was who we are, and that was what mattered.

, I mindcast, smooching her snout tip.

, she replied, licking me under the chin.

, I said and that was the truth.

I lost my nervousness. In response, my penis hardened and became erect, and the spectating crowd cheered at the sight of my arousal. I kneaded Miko's kaiju-sized breasts and nipples while we continued to kiss and nuzzle. Microphones were clipped at the base of our throats, and our pants and moans echoed from the stage speakers. We breathed and expressed our pleasure louder than usual, to reinforce the erotic effect, but not by much; we were noisy lovemakers by default.

, I pulsed mentally, rubbing and pressing my snout against hers.

, she burst with a lusty wave.

I obliged her, squeezing Miko's meaty nipples and they squirted jets of warm creamy milk. The crowd howled with unrestrained glee. Miko then carefully toppled on the large bedding, and spread her legs wide, revealing all her jewels to the audience. The crowd gasped in rapture, the more rowdy elements whistling and hooting. I climbed down from Miko and went between her legs.

Miko rumbled mentally.

I turned to face the crowd, Miko's full glory semi-obscured by me, my lips parting in a naughty smirk. Then I lifted my prehensile tail and plunged it straight into Miko's nethers. Miko let out a loud, lustful moan, her whole body spasming with pleasure.

The crowd actually applauded. I stood dumbfounded for a second. I tried to see the UN delegates' reaction, but the glare of the stage projectors made me unable to make out their expressions.

Recovering from my surprise, I straddled Miko's massive tail and hugged it snuggly. Then I began grinding against it, while I pumped Miko's vulva with my tail. Our telepathic connection was flooded with lust and rising pleasure. At that point I forgot I was before an audience, losing myself entirely in the immensely enjoyable experience of mating with my dream wife. I vaguely kept in mind that I had to face a particular direction; yet beyond that, there was only Now, that eternal moment of being entwined with another soul, both becoming one, writhing against one another, uniting in act, thought, and being, soaring towards nirvana on the waves of Life's essence.

We climaxed, our bodies soaked slick with fluids. We rose from the bedding, and I grasped and wrung my penis, squeezing out the remaining sperm for added effect. Distantly, I was aware of a thunderous, shifting din. Cheers.

Me and Miko bowed again, and the stage music changed, becoming a soothing, downtempo Japanese rhythm. Dreamlike, we went to the back of the stage and returned bearing long coils of heavy crimson silk rope.

The announcer spoke first in Japanese:

<"Sore de wa, mina-sama, jikoyokusei wo keshi, seitekina kuusou wo musubu Nihon no dentoutekina erogijutsu wo shoukaiitashimasu. Douzo shibari kinbaku no miryoku wo otanoshimikudasa!">

And then in English:

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, we present to you an ancient Japanese erotic technique which has the power to unknot all your inhibitions and bind your sexual fantasies into a singular experience! Behold, the enchanting art of shibari-kinbaku!"

I dropped the ropes mid-walk, and ran slowly across the stage, Miko pretending to chase me with ponderous strides. She 'caught' me as we reached the faux Torii arch, and hauled me by my legs and tail, holding a bunch of silk rope in her huge claw.

Miko looped my legs and tail with the silk rope, tying it to the arch, and dangled me upside-down from the wooden frame. She strapped my arms with strands of rope on either side of the frame, and then re-tied my legs one by one, spreading me star-shaped wide.

With me thoroughly tied up, Miko sat down, presenting her huge clawed feet to me, and rubbed my half-erect penis with a taloned finger. My spiky shaft hardened, crimson-red as the silk ropes and glistening wetly under the stage lights. Miko began boinging it with her finger, humming lustily with a toothy smile. Meanwhile, I was licking the soles of her feet, which were just in range of my long forked tongue. The taste of Miko's feet and the upside-down bloodrush of my submissive position drove me crazy with horniness, and I moaned with desire for release between my greedy licks.

Miko continued to tease my malehood, bumping it and twirling it in her fingers, which became sodden with precursory juices as I began leaking. She played with me in this maddening fashion, pushing her feet against my snout so I could lick them more thoroughly. Meanwhile, she used her other hand to touch herself, her taloned fingers stimulating her engorged nethers with wet -ing sounds. At last, she made me climax, my penis gushing semen all over her leaning snout and gigantic breasts.

She licked her jaws clean with relish, letting out a salacious , and continued to play with herself until she also came. She trailed her soaked fingers across my snout, letting me lick them too, and began to rebind me. She freed my arms, tying them again behind my back, and similarly re-tied my legs together, pinning my tail with them. She then made elaborate knots with surprising deftness (and magical precision), covering my whole body in patterns of silken rope.

Thus re-tied, Miko left me hanging, still upside-down, and she lay down, below me. She then opened her great jaws wide, and glommed my entire torso.

She played with me in her maw, grazing and licking me, hissing and purring passionately. She simultaneously brushed her tail against her nethers, working her genitals with swift, sensual flourishes. Her teeth gripped my scaled skin, painful and arousing at the same time. Her tongue smothered and strangled me, aggressive and predatory, like a monster disturbed in its lair. Miko sought to dominate me completely, opening her jaws intermittently for the sake of the performance. Her tail had already plunged directly into her vibrant, quivering folds, pumping with strong and frantic undulations.

(How did I have such a complete picture of events? Well, by now me and Miko were almost melded into a singular state of being by the intense mental and physical contact.)

We both growled and panted, incoherent, our minds focused only on mating in the most showy fashion. Then Miko rumbled deep within her throat, climaxing with an excited spurt. She opened her maw, revealing me drenched in saliva and having emptied my load into her mouth.

That was my cue.

I heaved mightily, casting a spell that slashed all ropes at the knots, and somersaulted to the ground. I rose with widespread arms to fire up... the crowd, I believed. Then I grabbed a length of crimson silk rope, and lashed it out at Miko, hitting the stage with a great snapping impact. She retreated, cowering theatrically, and I advanced toward her, waving the rope in wide arcs.

I herded her toward the bedding, whereby with a stern growl I commanded her to lie down. She submitted with a submissive growl, and I took more coils of rope to bind her.

I first tied her massive tail, looping rope around it in a diamond-shaped pattern, to make her scaled skin puff enticingly between the coils. Then I wrapped her gigantic breasts in rope, tying them in a chest harness, making them bulge even more monstrously voluptuous, their swollen, engorged nipples squirting jets of milk every time I pulled at a knot or tightened a wrapping. As a final stroke, I bound her wrists to her thighs, making her, the thirty-foot tall monster, look trapped and vulnerable in a submissive pose. Several ropes went to each wrist-to-thigh binding, to give the impression of true capture – and to slow me down a bit, because I was mad with lust at that point.

My bindwork thus done, I left Miko pointing head-first toward the spectators, her ginormous roped breasts spilling above her in harnessed knots and lactating rivulets of milk. I slowly circled around her, teasing her by slapping her curves; rubbing my shaft against her snout, and snatching and pulling her rapidly flicking tongue. I caressed her triangular horns lovingly, so rarely able to enjoy them, and briefly interlocked them with my own, rubbing the crown of my head against hers.

I then rose, and jerked off myself, my fapping echoing loudly over the stage music. I sprayed the resulting release over Miko's head, while she squirmed and tried to avoid it in fake resistance. Done, I circled around again, and Miko began to twist around, growling and moaning with pleasure while I worked her out of sight from behind her massive figure. She climaxed with a drawn-out reptilian purr, and I slurped her nethers drunkenly for good measure.

Afterwards, I grabbed her by the tail and hauled mightily (with real exertion this time), turning her sideways. I then took more rope, and tied her great jaws shut, leaving only enough wriggle room for her to open them a small amount. I circled around her again, teasing her with slaps and affectionate rubs. She tried to trip me with her rope-knotted tail, but I caught it and made a great display of wrestling with the colossal limb. I armlocked Miko's tailtip, flexing my dino-sized biceps until I 'pacified' her tail, letting it fall limply.

I moved along and mounted Miko's broad shoulders and muscular neck, settling myself between her swollen breasts and tied jaws. I paused to suckle a few indulgent swallows of milk. I then brandished my penis, making sure the stage projectors caught it in its full spiky, serrated, crimson glory, and inserted it in Miko's mouth.

With another overdramatic gesture, I grabbed Miko on either side of her snout, and began to thrust. We both growled and hissed, staring at each other, playing the role of savage predators who enacted a ritual of dominance and primal passion. The stage music was mixed with tropical sounds now, thunder and animal noises to reinforce the illusion, smoke machines and green-yellow lights enhancing visual fidelity.

I climaxed and Miko gulped my load, mewling obediently. I slid off her and moved back to her nethers. I rubbed my sagging shaft lightly against her broodmotherly thighs to harden it again, injecting sheer willpower alongside arousal, as pain already shot through my genitals at every touch from so much overstimulation. I penetrated Miko with my re-roused malehood, working to satisfy her both with it and with my clawed hands which played and squeezed her engorged, throbbing, enormous clitoris.

Miko came with a muffled roar, the ropes around her jaws tearing partway. I turned her around a final time, leaving her to face the crowd again nethers-first, only her massive legs, huge tail, pregnant belly, and worked-up genitals visible.

This time, I was entirely center stage to the erotic performance, with Miko being reduced to a wall of inviting azure flesh, poised for my pleasure. I went all out again, clawed hands gliding over soft curves and caressing firm muscles, tongue trailing across salt-sweet scales, teeth grazing lush skin, all of it laden with sweat and redolent love juices. I nipped at clawed toes and tasted quivering feminine mounds, methodically thorough, going slow as much for my pleasure as for the spectacle I was putting on.

Growing impatient, feeling the fire building in me yet again, I knelt before Miko's nethers, straddling her bound tail, and pushed my snout into her vulva. I drew a shallow breath, her scent invigorating me fiercely, and I supped and slurped at her inner folds with wild abandon, my tail trashing in frenzied excitement. I felt Miko climaxing from my intense snout-play, her juices showering my head in a hot spray of joyous release, and I grinned, preparing to get my own subsequent satisfaction.

Suddenly, my snout tip touched something hard inside Miko's nethers.

Great Cosmos.

An egg was inside her birth canal already!

, Miko mindcast to me. I was still processing things, when Miko broke her bonds with ease and rose, heading hurriedly toward the water pool on the stage. The announcer barely had time to present the next part of the show as Miko entered the pool, crouched low, and almost immediately laid a huge, shiny egg.

I reached the pool as Miko began to push out another egg, panting with strain and arousal. I sat at the pool's edge and jerked off furiously at the sight of my wife egglaying, paying no heed to the spectating crowd. (And probably not being paid any in return, honestly.) The film crew pulled their cameras closer, catching the act in all its glory for the world at large.

Miko pushed out her eggs in a steady rhythm, grunting and moaning half-consciously, her eyes closed. She laid one egg after another, the glistening ovoids falling from her tremendously swollen nethers into the pool with wet splashes.

I finally climaxed, and sat watching. Being a passive observer for a couple of minutes cleared my head enough so I could take stock of the situation. The crowd was completely mesmerized by the view on stage, the only sounds being the quiet chillwave music and Miko's soft panting.

Miko let out a whimpering growl and climaxed while pushing out the sixth egg, spraying her juices wide, and climaxed a second time during the laying of the eleventh egg. At last the twelfth egg popped from her nethers, joining the pile of its kin between Miko's trembling legs. Miko flopped on her ass with a large splash of water, her hot breath coming out in great vaporous clouds in the cool autumn evening air.

The music ended. There was a perfect moment of stunned silence, broken only by Miko's panting.

"Yay!" I shouted into the hushed lull, striking a victory pose.

The crowd exploded with cheers and applause. Many spectators rose from their seats, and those not sitting jumped up and down in Mexican waves. Even the UN delegates were applauding enthusiastically, their expressions a mixture of wonder, excitement, and – – arousal.

I left the pool, and summoned our daughters, my voice barely audible over the still-going thunderous ovations. Roro, Ruru, Kiki, and Keke got on stage, carrying the shells of their future sisters.

"And now, for the most momentous occasion in the program of this unique spectacle!" the announcer boomed. "The beginning of new life!"

Our daughters put the mature eggs on the mattress bedding, and then stepped back respectfully. Me and Miko went to the eggs, kneeling on either side of them; they had already begun to hatch, trembling slightly. The hardened, dry shells cracked one by one, bits and pieces flying off. Small, saurian snouts poked from the holes, followed by tiny claws and stubby tails.

Our children hatched in a chorus of chirps and meeps. "Mama! Papa! Mama! Papa!" they warbled, reaching out for us.

I scooped them in my arms, hugging them, while Miko leaned her broad snout to nuzzle them. "Our children! Our beautiful children! Welcome! Welcome!" we sang in unison, overjoyed. Behind us, our older daughters were squeeing with boundless glee, tails wagging wildly.

The crowd was so moved at that point that it actually awww-ed. Then people cheered again, heartwarmed by the power of the moment.

I put down the hatchlings and began naming them. "Nono!" I said, lifting the eldest one, Miko's lookalike. "Nana!" I named the second one, bearing mine likeness. "Nunu!" I lifted the third hatchling, Miko's second. "Nini!" I shouted, bringing aloft our youngest daughter. Thus done, I gathered all four, me and Miko hugging them again, and our older children piled onto us with happy yells. The crowd made a fully-standing applause, solemn, overwhelming, and sincere, having witnessed one of the greatest live performances in their life.

Cameras flashed everywhere. Flowers and other small items rained on the stage. The show host climbed onto the stage, his dramatic speech drowned in the sheer ocean of joy.

Everything was perfect.

Then Miko was shot.