This is a work of fiction
created from the mind of the author's imagination.
Incidents and names of characters,
that resembles any person,
living or dead.
Is purely, and entirely coincidental.
South Atlantic 2022:
After explaining to "Kurt Mañalac" (Deck Cadet), the rudiments of manual calculation. In solving to find the "Intercept" and "Azimuth" of a celestial body. By using the "Marc St. Hilaire" method, to determine the ship's line of position. With the use of a "Sextant", "Nautical Almanac", "Sight Reduction tables", and other various publications. Without using any electronic software, gadgets, and calculators. Whatsoever, in the middle of the sea.
"Aaargh! my head is beggining to hurt." Said Kurt.
"Alright Kurt, lets tke a break. Since there's no traffic, we can take a breath fresh air at the Bridge Wings." Said 2nd officer Roberto"Bobby/Bobbot" Dela Cruz.
"I don't see the logic, of why do we half to do it the hard way. And besides, nobody's been doing this crap since the Galleon trade." Said Kurt.
"Truly I agree, but later you will reap the benefit's of it's reward, once youget older. By using your brain, in solving for calculations no matter how tedious they may be. It stimulates the mind, by firing up your neurons, sharpens your memory, and helps you maintain focus." Said Bobbot.
"You may be right, but for the moment, I don't see the immediate application." Said Kurt.
Suddenly, a huge terrifying "Baslisk" (Sea Dragon) emerged from the bottom of the sea. And it's heading on a collision course directly towards their ship.
Bobbot, immediately ordered "Jo-berth Manzano" (AB/Quartermaster) to manned the wheel and engage in manual steering.
"Hard Starboard!" Said Bobbot.
"Rudder, Hard Starboard Sir!" Said Jo-berth.
Bobbot called Captain "Leroy Martinez", to inform him of the situation, and request for supervision.
After executing avoidance maneuvers,the Captain arrives, and immediately took over the conn from Bobbot. He raised the emergency alarm signal, to alert and gather all personnel, to brace for impact.
A bright star, apparently shinning high above the night sky. Was actually, the near earth-orbiting Global Defence Station. Known as "THREAT-CON SENTINNEL" , brilliantly illuminated by the reflected solar rays of the sun. From its photo-voltaic solar energy collector panels.
"Threat-Con Sentinnel" was created, under the umbrella of the recently formed: "Earth's Defence Force". Always on the lookout for any sightings of any "U.A.P.'s (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon), previously known as "U.F.O.'s", that which may pose as a threat to Earth, and it's inhabitants.
Constantly reporting, and relaying all their video feeds, and other valuable information's to the higher echelons of the United Goverments "Combat-Information-Center" (CIC)
The "Supreme Allied Commander of Earth's Unified Republic", gave the order to initiate "Operation Thunder Boar". A set of "Hyperkinetic Spear Bundles", with a fair amount of radioactive- uranium, at it's spear tip.
Released from the orbiting space station, the acceleration due to gravity, enables it to travel at "Hypersonic Speed". Then if gradually decelerates, until it finally reaches its "Terminal Velocity". At a speed of "Mach 10" (Ten times the speed of sound).
The Celestial Spears exploded upon impact, temporarily knocking-out the terrifying beast. Minutes later, it began to recover and regain its composure. Streaks of glowing blue light, and micro lightning sparks. Began flaring on it's outstreched wings. (Powering up its bio-etheric energy)
Suddenly, it flew into the air. Spewed out, a supercharged ray of plasma-beam, coming out of its mouth. Directly aimed towards the hovering space station, above earth's geosynchronous orbit.
"Threat-Con Sentinnel" was instantly obliterated, from the ionosphere. The electrmagnetic pulse (EMP) within the impact radius of the Celestial Spears, fried up the merchant ship's electronics. Thereby rendering the vessel, in sea-man's term: "Dead in the water."
The "Basilisk Dragon" was totally drained and exhausted, as it plunged back into the water. In order to cool off, and dampen it's overheating "Thermodynamic Internal Organs". Carefully relaxing its pace, to stabilize it's biological core temperature. In order to avoid reaching "Critical Mass". Thus preventing a fatal system crash, and collapse.
It was last seen, heading in a "Southerly" direction. As it's silhouette, vanishes off into the horizon.