Chapter XXIII - Scuttlebutt

"Activate C.Y.R.IL." Said Capt. Amah Lei.

"Booting CYRIL (Concept, Yammering, Rationale, Imbuing, Logic), checking parameters." Said 2nd Officer Falco.

"De-activate, Vorpal Energy Tether." Said Capt. Amah Lei

"Vorpal Energy Tether, de-activated." Said 1st Officer Arco.

"Quartermaster, take the wheel." Said Capt. Amah Lei.

"Manual steering engaged." Said Trevor Luz (Quartermaster)

"Stabilize, rudder counter-thrusters, to maintain position." Said Capt. Amah Lei.

"Aye Captain, steady as she goes, Suh!" Said Trevor.

"CYRIL: Interactive A.I. system, commencing multi-functionality checks:

Internal Security Systems checks, carried out: No malware virus detected.

Weapons, Navigation, Propulsion, and Steering systems, at optimal working range. Shields at 85 percent, Fire-Control systems, fully operational." Said CYRIL.

On board personnels, were fully vetted, according to the meticulous standards, of H.R.'s verification process.