The Stars

Amare 19th, 1454

As the Moon fell over the Sun the Kingdom truth waited, as did the King waiting for his wifes pain to end. Soon cries of newborn children rang through the halls of the Kingdom.

"My Lord, the children have been born." The King paused, children? Not child.

Overjoyed, the king walked into the room where the queen once laid in pain, who now held two children in her arms.

The king knelt down to the bedside and observed his new born children, one a girl, the other a boy.

Both had the same brown hair as their father, they had the skin tone of their mother, and both had eyes of the sun, big, bright, and yellow, the same as their fathers.

"What will we name them my dear?"

The King looked at the little baby girl, her big yellow eyes stared back until she gave a little giggle. "Lana."

The Queen now looked at her son in her arms and thought of her younger brother who died when he was young. "Emir."

The King smiled in acceptance. "Lana and Emir, the Princess and the Prince." The King and Queen would spend the rest of the afternoon basking in the presence of his new family.

"My Lord, who will you choose to rule?"

"My King, prehapes killing one of the children would make it easier?"

"My King-"

"My Lord-"

Question after question and soon the King shut up the council, however he knew they were right. He one day had to choose.

So he turned to the only person he felt like could.


Cleodora, The Witch of Water-Wind.

"Ah, My King, you have traveled far, no?"

"Tell what I came for, I know you know the answer."

"Yes, well, are you sure? You might not like the result."

"The King has ordered something from you, fulfill it."

"As you wish."

Almost like mist surrounded them Cleodora's eyes that were once crimson red now opened at a bright green.

"King Mael"

The voice was no longer Cleodora's, more the thing that spoke through the woman.

The voice was chilling, Unwelcoming, and downright Malevolent.

"The Ruler of the Kingdom of Truth. I foretell unmatchable power in your children's future, The Powers of Dusk and Dawn will arise in your kingdom, As well as jealousy, sanity, Insanity, and death. The Star of Dawn Big and Bright will fight with The Eye of Dusk, the one who survives will become the ruler of your so-called Kingdom."

"Do you understand the birth of your children?"