One Day

The guards held Lana down as her rage became more, Emir could see it in her eyes, there was hate, disgust, hurt, and sorrow.

"Escort her out."

"Yes your highness!"

The King looked at Emir and expected a reaction from his son, and in return got nothing but a cold hearted look, not the look of the son he once knew. "Well if you have something to say, speak your mind." Mael wanted a reaction out of his son so badly, the king was terrified to even think his son was so emotionless.

"When am I going to meet her?" The prince asked, and the king striated out his improper posture."Tychi 24th, in 4 days." With that the 13 year old prince left the throne room and returned to his quarters. Emir knew nothing could be done with the situation, so unlike his female counterpart, Emir accepted fate.


Amare 16th, Year 1472.

"Emir!?" The teen girl cried in the prince's ear, Emir never liked Ece, it had been five years he had gotten to know her, she had her sweet moments, yes, however Emir just felt no love towards the woman he is betrothed to, maybe a friend in his opinion but not a lover.

"Yes, Ece?" "You sound so mean." Emir then proceeded to get up and make his way to the art room. "Emir!?" Ece whined, and the more she did the more the prince would get annoyed, but Emir knew not to take it out on the female so he never did. "Emir? Where are we going?" 'More like where am 'I' going.' "The Art Room." "Oh- I don't know. I don't like painting. Perhaps we can go to the Ballroom? or The Garden? Maybe The Hi- Emir?"

When Ece looked towards where Emir was before he was gone.

Emir walked through the large doors of the art room, the place he loved since he was a little boy. He remembers the day he showed his mother his paintings of the Aurora Borealis, the way his mothers eyes looked so full of pride and admiration towards her son, he remembered watching his mother as she hung the painting in her bedroom.

The prince walked up to the wooden panel and started painting the tale of Akasuna. The Red Lady made of sand who was said to be a warrior, and she was the one to turn the tide in the war that once took place in the kingdom of memories. The picture the prince planned had a beautiful big red tree, said to be the grave of the fallen warrior, Emir smiled to himself as he started painting the background of the painting.

"Prince Emir?" The male twin sighed to himself, knowing his peaceful time was very short lived.

"Yes. How may I be of service." The knight almost jumped, not seeing the nobel beforehand. "The King has summoned you to the throne room, it's urgent news." The brunette male just hung his head low for a second before picking it up and making his way out of the room with the knight who stood at the door waiting for the prince.

The hallways were filled with portraits of all the different families, there was King Mael next to his brother the Duke, Awnis, there was another portrait of Queen Tamaya and Princess Lana. Portrait after portrait showed the different ranks of the Kingdom of Truth, The King and Queen, The Duke and The Duchess, The Prince and the Princess, The Marquess, The Earls and the Counts, The Viscounts, The Baron and the Baroness, Baronets, The Presidents, The Knights, The Esquire, The Lords and Lady's, and The High Priest and Priestess.

It was all truly much in Emir's opinion, but despite his high rank the council was stubborn.

"Your Highness we arrived." The seventeen year old male looked at the grand doors in front of him before looking back to guard nodding.

Emir pushed open the door of the throne room, taking a knee in front of his father as he got to the middle of the room. Lana however stood glaring at her father, even after five years Lana had held a grudge against her father for her arranged marriage with Azael, the Prince of the Kingdom of Mist. Who was surprisingly very calm and laid back, often not caring for politics, and in general was a good guy, though Lana didn't think so.

"As you both know, in three days time you both will be turning eighteen. The rightful age to take the throne." The King stated as he gestured to the throne he sat upon.

"However, you both are twins. So I have devised challenges across our land for each of you to separately complete, whichever of you is to complete these tasks with the love of the people behind you will take the throne." On cue Lana and Emir looked at each other, however Emir's eyes held sympathy as he did not want to challenge his own sister, while Lana's held arrogance and confidence as she doubted Emir's skills.

Emir turned back to his father in question. "When do we leave?"

The King's eyes flashed in sympathy towards his son, "You both leave today at dawn." Emir stood up completely now beside his sister, who scowled at her father. "Didn't even give us a chance to have an option? Emir may be your ass kisser but I'm not."

"Then the throne goes to me." Emir's tone was sharp, evidently annoyed that he was called an ass kisser. In their feud the King cleared his throat grabbing the attention of the twins, Mael then snapped his fingers as two guards ran up to Lana and Emir handing them scrolls. "Those scrolls hold the places you will be helping, there are five places total in each scroll, my children, I wish you luck and may you come back to me safely."

"Thank you father, I pray that you are safe in our absence." Emir said before bowing and turning on his heels to leave to the front gates of the castle for his leave.

"Yes, thank you." Lana said curtly before turning her back to the King, and following the direction of her younger brother.


Emir sat on top of his black and white horse Fengari, a beautiful horse that was gifted to him since he was young. On the back of his horse were all his necessities, and in his hand was the scroll that felt heavier than before.

Lana had already taken off not a feeling behind her as she left the castle, Emir on the other hand really didn't want this. Leaving the place he grew up in felt weird and uncomfortable, but at the same time something in his mind wasn't okay with Lana taking the throne.