Days of Gold

Lana left the castle a while ago and she was absolutely disgusted as she saw the people around her in rags. Lana knew she did not belong here, she practically wore gold compared to them. Things in the castle were so much better to Lana, she didn't have to even look at these kind of people, hell she didn't even want to go to Angelfell, but she heard that Angelfell had something that would help her take the throne.

Dawns Illusion, or the Illusion of the Light in other myths.

They say the Sun God Kalesperi tricked the Serpent God of Deceit, Sazasiri, by using his Illusion of Light tricking the god into going after their older brother Selveri, the Moon God, who made Sasasiri fall from the Heavens. But Kalesperi in his last desperation to take the Throne of Heavens from his twin brother used his own son Solis, the God of Divine Light, as a last defense for himself. He made his son insane, killing mortals, monsters, minor gods, all until he got to Selveri, having sympathy for his nephew he turned Solis into a weapon, a Bow, that carried the secrets of the Night and Fate of the Stars and gifted it to mortals in hopes they would forgive Solis.

Selveri, finally having enough after the death of his nephew, hunted down his twin brother and stripped him of his title as god. Making the Sun God descend from the heavens taking his power with him as he embedded his power into Nakivani, the Angel of Order but the Sun Gods wrongdoing was to much for Nakivani and they fell to Earth on a ball of white fire, the only thing left of Nakivani was their heart which still held the power of Kalesperi.

Apparently this is what people believed was the start of the Eclipse cycle, Selveri stood over the Kalesperi, Dusk fell over Dawn, or The Moon fell over The Sun.

But to Lana the most important part of the story was the power that fell to Earth, Lana wanted that power- No in her eyes she needed that power. She would not let Emir take the throne; he didn't deserve it in her eyes. He was soft to soft, not wanting to ever pick up a sword despite his immediate mastery over it, he was only interested in his art, a gift he got from their late mother. Lana believed Emir didn't deserve any talent, the gods should have killed him in the womb if they knew that he would be the pampered one, where was their father's attention? To Emir. Where was their mother's attention even on her fucking deathbed? To Emir.

Lana looked up, frustrated with her thoughts, the gate of Angelfell in front of her and the guards holding both her and her horse at spear point. "State your business!" One of the guards yelled at her, Lana who was already frustrated before grabbed her scroll and threw it at the guard. "How dare you talk to me like that!?" Lana spoke with a scowl that all the guards returned, not liking her behavior. Opening the scroll the guard's face dropped, as he handed it back to the Princess before dropping to a knee, "Welcome to Angelfell Princess Lana! We did not know it was you!" All the other guards followed in suit of the first.

"Bring me to the Chief of this city." All the guards simultaneously got up and guided both the horse and Princess through the town and to the long house the chief lived in. Hopping down from her horse Lana walked into the long house and the first thing she saw was the chief sitting on a pathetic throne and that made her smile, "Chief Malcolinus!" The chief got of his throne and bowed in knee to Lana, "Princess Lana."

"I have a favor to ask of you Chief." Lana said slyly. "And what is that young princess?"

"Fire these pathetic guards, who dared to threaten me even after figuring out who I am." Malcolinous' head snapped up as he looked in disbelief and his guards had the same look. "Wait! No! We didn't know who she was, we promise!" One of the guards shouted in disparity.

Lana grinned and spoke up. "Are you daring to call me a liar?" The guard became choked up on his words like he didn't know what to say.

"Well then lads, this is the end of your time as a guard, you're all fired!" The Chief spoke sternly across the long house.


Lana had already killed the Council Mage, and Right hand to the chief, now all that was left was the chief himself. Lana had seen it earlier connected to the crown the chief wore, Nakivani's heart right in the middle of the jewel. Dagger in hand Lana walked over putting her hand on Malcolinous' mouth as she plunged the dagger into the man's heart as his eye shot open from pain and panically looking around but it was too late as he felt his life force slip away from him. Lana smiled in delight and she felt Malcolinous' warm blood on her skin, in her eyes it was a perfect sight. This was art, not the lousy shit Emir did.

Lana walked over to the crown and picked it up with her crimson covered hands, she studied it for a second before ripping out the heart and dropping the crown.

Lana prepared herself before stabbing the artifact into her heart, falling to ground screaming Lana smiled as she felt the power coursing into her very soul, shaking Lana stood up the wound over her heart was gone and she was much better. Guards ran into the room after hearing the screaming only to see the chief dead, and Lana bloody, but before they could even move their minds went blank as Lana lifted a hand and spoke.

"Princess Lana has freed you from the cruel rule of Chief Malcolinous, and she is revered as the new hero of Angellfell."

"Princess Lana has freed us from the cruel rule of Chief Malcolinous, and she is now a hero of Angelfell." Not only did the guards repeat this but rather the entire town, Lana even believed the Gods said it.