My Love

The necklace was gone.

Isla realized it after Sebastian had long pulled her away from the ocean and dried her body on the beach. It was gone in the ocean, and now, she felt naked and exposed without it.

Sitting in front of a fire, she previously asked Sebastian to let her search for the necklace, but he refused to let her touch water again. As a compromise, the man offered to search for her... if she promised she would stay in his peripheral vision and not move.

Sebastian silently scolded his horse for helping her on another trip he didn't approve of, and now the black horse was also in charge of watching her.

Isla was no longer quivering from the cold. It was just that her hair was still a bit damp. Behind her back was a tree trunk Sebastian put there for her to lean in, and the man also put another bigger tree trunk around the fire to put some layers of their wet clothes to dry.

The sun was about to rise.