Something Similar

The grand assembly of Leonis' elites was over. Isla walked out of the throne room with Sebastian on her side, but as they entered the corridor, they saw Adam and Kisara bickering loudly.

"Your name is February, spring season; your other name is autumn's flower, but you were born on the peak of winter? What kind of nonsense is that?" Adam mocked.

"You're silly! Just because I was named after an autumn flower doesn't mean I was born in autumn! Autumn was just when they sold me to the red-light district! And don't insult February because it was the time I met my Lee Hi! You, you ugly, rude thing!" Kisara puffed out her cheek, looking the most energetic she had ever been.

"I'm not ugly. You said it yourself, I'm handsome."


"The first time you saw me."

"Y-you heard?!"

Of course. If an exquisitely attired beautiful girl from across the corridor inquired about his identity and complimented him as handsome, how could he not take notice?