Tristan Albireo


Tristan's face twisted in anger as he saw the mage return with Otto's head in a dirty cloth sack. It was only three days since the man left with five hundred thousand men, and only his head returned?

"Demons! Hell had come to the living world! There were too many of them! Traps everywhere... death...! I blinked, and the general's head was... gone!"

Even the mage who brought it back was so traumatized he collapsed in uncontrollable shivers in the throne room, in front of so many nobles, as soon as he arrived. He screamed in horror, words of terrifying images before he became a muttering mess and had to be restrained by soldiers. Tristan couldn't believe anything he heard.

It should be a three-day journey from Cygnus to Ursa... it meant that they were defeated the moment they set foot on the Ursa Kingdom!

What happened?!