
The boy couldn't stop thinking of the girl and was extremely excited for the next day to finally arrive. At first, Garen was the one who always waited for Liliane to finish with her shots until, Liliane started to follow the boy every time that break time comes. The girl would take the shot after school from then on.

Perhaps a certain amount of weeks have passed and it was after school, Garen was able to convince Liliane to stay for a while. In Liliane's mind, she was afraid to be caught by her parents but, thought that as long as her parents are still not home that everything should be alright.

The two hanged around the school, in some corners where they would play cards, marbles or just talk the hours away.

They find some shade and the two would sit down at the green grass and the wind would blow some refreshing air on their way. As the sun continue to move and its light would be able to hit inside the shade, they would move, sometimes they would use Liliane's umbrella to shade their feet from its sneaking streaks.

"What do they inject you?" The boy asks as he looks through the marble between his fingertips.

"Medications." The girl answers.

"What kind?" Garen asks this time, he diverts his gaze from the marble and placed it upon Liliane's blue eyes.

Liliane's long lashes fluttered once, it was quick but Garen payed attention to every detail of the girl, her every move, even things that she unconsciously do.

"To better my body's state?" It was such a unsure reply that it wouldn't count as an answer.

"Are you sick? Is that why you can't run much?" The boy asked with a genuine worried expression but, the girl felt offended.

"What do you mean I can't run?!! I CAN!" The girl said so strongly that Garen laughed out loud from her reaction.

How could Garen never notice Liliane's constitution? She has a normal physique but, she seem to have a weak leg that she couldn't run much. Garen always easily catched her during the game of tag, she always barely catched anyone back whenever she turns 'it'. Thinking of it, the boy just realized how he might've been tiring her out.

"We should play Hide and seek tomorrow." The boy said.

"Are you tired of Tag?" The girl asked because she was confused.

Liliane knows how much Garen loves the game to the point that it annoys Liliane whenever Garen gets hysterical everytime that the 'it' couldn't reach anyone. Of course, Liliane was mostly the 'it', she have always been an easy target because she couldn't run fast. Little Garen might've still unknowledgeable of the term "Gaslighting" but, he sure was a pro when it comes to this. The boy was extremely tactless beyond and he new perfectly how to rile people up.

"Dude, you run slower than the girls, are you even a boy?"

"Why do you run like you're an ostrich?"

Such were merely few of his simple words. The boy was also great at the tactics of distraction. He was able to run off from the 'it' many times thanks to his skills.

"Say, Garen, what do you want to be when you grow up?" The girls stared on the streak of lights slipping from the tree's shade.

"I'm going to be the president and make a law that bans all the subject I hate!" Garen laughed so evil afterwards and the girl could simply sigh.

"I could also be a millionnaire!" Garen says.

"How do you do that?" Liliane was sarcastically indulging Garen with his jokes.

"We could rob a bank! You go steal while I get ready outside with the car." The boy replied with a smirk.

Liliane raised her brows and softly chuckled.

"Then, you're leaving me." She says.

"Then, I'm leaving you." The boy says with a nod and the two laughed and laughed.

They would talk like a villain and joke about it but, these children really means no harm. Sometimes, they would be warriors fighting against each other. Other times, Garen would be a king and Liliane would be his right hand person, his knight, and his commanding general. There were also times that Garen was a tyrant and Liliane would turn into a rebel that takes his life. Garen loved dramatically playing out his end.

The two had one sycronized vast imagination that they easily turn their surrounding into a whole new world, a world where they live and play.

"I wish I could turn the clouds into cotton candy." Liliane murmurs.

"I wish I could turn the rocks into diamonds." Garen follows and the two would talk alternately.

"I wish I could turn the leaves into gold."

"I wish I could control time."

"I wish I could go into another world." Liliane says and she would reach her hand up high and stare at the blue sky with her eyes that were of the same hue.

Garen couldn't help but lose himself in those beautiful eyes. Her eyes was like the clear blue sky on a sunny day, glowing like the blue crystal-clear sea. It was mesmerizing and beautiful. The boy have always been fascinated by it, it was also those eyes that caught his biggest attention back then. Those eyes that would reflect himself, he really love to gaze upon it.

"I want to create a world." The boy says and the girl simply laughed it off.

"Your ambitions gets bigger by the day." Liliane says.

"What kind of world would you like?" Garen asks as he stare at the girl and smiled softly.

The girl hummed for a moment and her eyes turned relaxed as she spoke softly.

"A world that is peaceful." Liliane said as she stares back to the boy's eyes with a smile.

"That's nice too." Garen softly said.

It was peaceful back then, no verse, no restrains, they could be whatever they want, play as a child, talk about their dreams and aspirations.

For Liliane, Garen was her first friend, her hero, her king, her comfort, and her peace. But now, he is her most bitter memory, her nightmare, her damnation, her sadness, and her suffering.

Ironic how he gave her all of the first good things she came to knew but, also gave her last the most horrible things she could realize.

The Liliane now, she's to weary to risk any hope for their connection. Garen broke her heart already and she barely healed from it, actually, the wound was too deep and still vivid that it still bleeds. She barely stitched the wound in her heart, any more cut and she will really die.

Liliane, ten years have passed since she first met the boy. The difference is so drastic like a long gone fantasy and a nightmare.

"I hate you so much." She says one last time and her breathing was so painful to hear.

Garen couldn't possibly talk against that. He have no right nor even the desire to justify his actions even when one might argue that he was simply a child. It is a painful mark in life, to know that the one who broke the one they love, is themselves. To know that they were the one who destroyed the precious one they wanted to treasure in the whole entire universe.

Maybe, Garen was too hopeful to glue the shards that were already pulverized to dust, foolishly trying to fix it all.

"Please... Don't leave me..." Garen begged. He wanted to ask Liliane to not cut ties with him, to not abandon him, to not let him die because, the thread he desperately held onto have only been Liliane, she was his lifeline.

This time, the girl felt sharpened blades piercing her chest. Burden or pity, Garen didn't knew what Liliane stared him with but, he desperately hopes for the latter.

"Please... Tell me... how can I make things work out?..." He asked.

Silence enveloped the two. He knew he could never fix it anymore. The girl let one last drop of tear fall before saying any more.

"I don't know..." She lost it, the glimmer in her eyes was devoured by hollowness.

Liliane felt too weary to think, too weary to try, to weary she have gone numb.