
It was already the afternoon when Garen's mother came home.

"Garen?" His mother called out many times but, no answer.

Madam Rine was worried with all the things that just happened with Garen's school. She was still a mother after all, she was worried specially knowing of the state that her son was before she sent him away.

"Garen! I know you came home! You never washed your dishes as always!" Madam Rine says as she continued to look for Garen inside their house, worried that he must've passed out somewhere.

Madam Rine tried searching in the garage and she stopped when she noticed that one of the motorbikes was gone.


The town is as quiet as Garen remembered, he could feel a familiar breeze blowing on his face as he place a teeny-tiny bit of speed with the motorbike. The motorbike was his dream vehicle as a kid, he always talked about how he dreams to drive it once he turns into a teenager. It was such a norm for those around fifteen to drive one, the youth on this town specially loved going to the beach which is not so far from the town.

This motorbike that was a gift when I turn eighteen, I never planned to ever get on it... Garen thought to himself as a memory flashes for a split second.

"When I get one, I'll even give you a ride! Doesn't that make me cooler than a prince?"

That was a silly thing to say and he wouldn't deny how many times he said things to make Liliane impressed, Garen is coming into a realization of how much of a primary schooler boy that has a big crush to this one girl, showing off in many ways, dragging her around, he was that kind of boy. Garen couldn't even imagine how Liliane was able to withstand him.

Garen goes to the town's plaza which is just a few walks away from Liliane's house. He took out his phone to call Liliane. A few ring have sounded and she picks up, her voice still sounded soft even with the tune effects from the call.

[Garen?] She answers, her voice a bit quiet and breathy that his heart felt like it stopped for five seconds.

"Lili, have you eaten?" He asks.

[Mn... Yea...] Her voice seems tired but, it sounded this way for days now, the sound of sadness.

"Do you mind me visiting you?" Garen asks but, he already knew of how she'd agree to it.

Garen knows how her parents are not around home during these times and that she was always alone. Garen didn't want to leave her alone with her current state. Yuhan's friends specifically asked of him to stay by her side as they can't be present for Liliane for the bombing attack is being thoroughly investigated at the moment.

[I... Don't really mind...] Liliane answers.

"Alright, I'm coming there." Garen spoke softly and warm.

The call ends and Garen drops by to a convinience store, buying some instant fried noodles, soda, and ice creams. He drives his motorbike to Liliane's house. Garen rings the doorbell and was greeted by Liliane.

"I brought more food." Garen softly says as he smiles warmly towards her.

He saw her cold eyes melting for a bit and a small force was pulling on the corners of her lips.

"You have to eat the ice cream before it melts." Garen says as he hands over tiny buckets of strawberry ice cream and cookies and cream, first step of comforting someone.

Liliane seemed like her eyes was forcefully trying to hold its self back from crying. The two enters inside and as Garen expected, Liliane was all alone, every curtains were closed and there was only the telivision light illuminating the entire living room. It plays news featuring the bombing back then, Liliane hated watching news because of how often it report events that shows the cruel side of humanity. Omegas being oppressed and abused, alpha rivalry leading to murder, It's just all messed that she could never stomach it but, right now, she replays an Alpha's great sacrifice.

"I... Lost track of time..."

Liliane turns the lights on and switches off the TV. The two heads to the kitchen and they starts to cook the noodles. Garen couldn't help but, feel nostalgic upon seeing the bright surrounding. The TV is new but, it's simply larger and more latest. The arrangment of the sofa, still the same place as he remembers.

The two used to hang out in Liliane's house after school. The two would sit down on the tiles and watch some cartoons, there were no need for snacks as they were so drawn to the thing that they are watching. Though, there were times that Garen fell asleep, he would wake up an hour later.

"Lili, let's cook the noodles and take it with us to the beach later." Garen says and the two went to the Kitchen.

If there is one great talent and flaw that Garen has, it's his talkative mouth. He let himself do the talking for now, Liliane gladly listens may it be some random joke, some silly thoughts, it could be anything and she would love to hear it as, the mere sound of his voice brings comfort to her heart. At some point, Liliane felt more comfortable to talk and she would reply.

"Yes, we already had a date." Garen says.

"No, we never." Liliane replies.

The two replies one after another.

"Laying down under the tree and watching the sky?"- Garen.

"That doesn't count."- Liliane.

"What about the times when we walked around the streets?"- Garen.

"No... We were children, I didn't even know of dating..."- Liliane

"Then, can we count this one now?"- Garen asks.

Liliane was flashed red from her cheeks to her ears.

"We're also going to the beach later on and have a tiny picnic with some noodles, we could also buy more snacks before going!" Garen says and he smiles warmly at her.

Liliane could feel a soft tug within her heart, she felt warm from her chest to her fingertips. Liliane remembers the warmth of the old days. She obviously never had a warm home, her whole body used to to ache and sting from many wounds formed from being stricken repeatedly. In those times, Garen's warm smile was her great comfort. It was what kept her from being numb of all the pain she's gone through as a child.

The two stayed in the house for a few more hour and went to drive to the beach afterwards. Alas, it is [4PM] a time when the sun is calming down, no one near the beach, just them.

The few memories they have of the sea are mostly during evenings, when there is a big figure's birthday celebration and many of the the town's people would attend. Liliane would attend along with her mother and so does Garen. The two used to run around and count the stars in the night sky and talk about more dreams. After all, child could have many dreams that changes often as they grew.

The two lays down a blanket they bought and placed some tones on every corner of it so that, it may not be blown away. The two brought some towels to wrap themselves up. The two used to stare at the vast sea and Garen knows of Liliane by her gaze and her pouts, Garen knows how much Liliane wanted to swim by the waves, though, she is not allowed by her mom. But for now, no one sets the rule.

"Are we really swimming?!?" Liliane ask worriedly, it was never in the plan, they simply brought towels as a subsitute for blanket because, her mother might question if one of the blankets would went missing, the towels on the other hand, are many.

"If we're wet, we'll dry up by riding the motorbike home."

"Let's be a little bit unruly like in the old days!" Garen says as he wasted no time and went to the water.

"Come, Lili, the water is a bit cold and refreshing." He says as he stretched out his hands, calling soft and sweetly to her as he smiles lovingly with his eyes that glows golden more than the sun itself.

Ah... A sigh that only sounded within Liliane's mind. It's like in the old days, Garen takes her pain away as soon as he stretches out his hand and calls unto her name. Liliane follows him to the water and as soon she felt the water rising to her chest,everything just starts to over flow from her eyes. Garen embraces her within his arms, he felt the heat from her tears.

Brother Yu... I still feel sad but... I can't help but, let all missery melt when he comforts me... I'm still sorry... I still feel hurt... I feel regret... Fury, still swirling within my soul for your death... Everything will surely haunt me for eternity... I prayed nonstop... I lost hope... But... I... He always became the answer to every prayer I sent...

Yuhan... You taught me how to fight, how to be strong... I really regret not saying how much thankful I am when you treasured me as your own sister... I was willing to take a dagger for you and you were the same... I miss you so much when I imagine of how you're no longer here... You became my family... I feel guilty, undeserving, and afraid to be happy... I'm sorry...

Can... I... Really accept a happiness that costs your sacrifice?...


Liliane could hear a nostalgic voice speaking from her memory.

"Liliane... The world is cruel and disgusting."

"But, I'm glad to have met you guys. It's amazing how broken people meet and could create such a bond like this."

"You guys are my family and I wish that you all find happiness."- Yuhan

"You should also say that to the others."- Liliane.

"That's embarrassing."- Yuhan.

"You said it to me, though?"- Liliane.

"You're a kiddo that wouldn't judge an adult even how much silly and embarrasing it is."

"You got to know each and one of us by heart. And we also know you by heart."

"We love you Liliane, and we want you to be happy! Specially me! I'm your big brother after all!"- Yuhan.

Thank you... Brother...