The Picture

I PACED back and forth in my room as I wondered what she meant. I kept thinking for hours until I realised, she was kind of familiar. Despite this I can't seem to point out who she was. Suddenly someone called me. I felt the tension rising as I looked to see who it was. Its.. Its my mom.

I picked up the call and I can hear her sobbing. Mom, are you okay? I said to her. "Yes Honey. Im okay." You don't sound okay. I added. "Honey, I just wanted you to know, that I love you. Take care of yourself."

Okay mom I love you too, I'll come out soon I'm starving. When I responded she immediately hung up.

AFTER what Destiny said the other day, Someone whispered behind me; "Miss me?"

The voice was oddly familiar and it sent chills throughout my whole body.

As I turned to look for the source of the sound I realised no one was there. When I looked back at Destiny she vanished.

Ever since that confrontation I was left curled up in my room with the only goal to remember why she was oddly familiar. I didn't leave my room for hours which felt like years.

As I layed on my bed thinking, I heard a knock on the door. Mom is that you? What do you need? I shouted. -Silence.

I sat up, waiting for a response, when suddenly I heard a familiar giggle.

I immediately stood up 'cause I realised why that giggle was familiar. As I took reluctant steps towards the door, I heard my own heartbeat racing. It's as if I'm about to uncover something strange.

I held the door handle and gently twisted it. As the door creaked open I noticed there was a really putrid smell. I went out of my room as I felt the smell getting stronger. I continued walking through our hallway and noticed my mother's door was open. My heart raced even faster as I yelled; Mom! Is everything okay?

No one answered.

I bolted through her room, And I finally saw the source of that putrid smell.

My heart sank as I stared... at the lifeless body.. of my mother.

I can't seem to process how I'm supposed to react in the moment. All I feel is Guilt, Regret, Anger, and Sadness. "She just called me earlier." I didn't know it was our last call. If I had known I would've said farewell, properly.

As I came back to my senses, I immediately called 911. It took them 5 minutes to arrive.

Yes. I counted the passing time as I stared at my mother's body. I noticed she had a few stab wounds on the side of her waist.

Who could've done such a terrible thing. And to my own mother. They took my mother to a hospital but sadly she didn't survive. It was expected due to the many stab wounds she had.

I've never felt this kind of intense emotion, in my entire life. But I decided to brush it off and focus on finding her killer. Whoever did this to her. I will find them. And hopefully, Kill them. I will avenge you mom.

I will seek Revenge.

When I went back home I searched for clues to who might've killed her. I went to the scene of the crime and examined her room. I was checking the contents of her drawers as I stumbled upon a picture. It was old and dusty so I can't make out what was in it. I decided to wet a piece of cloth and wipe the dust and grime off. As I wiped it all off I noticed a familiar tree, on a familiar hill, with a familiar kid with Destiny. What's this? I questioned myself. As I realised what the image depicts, I suddenly felt a weird presence behind me. It was as if it didn't want me to see the picture. I quickly grabbed the picture and stormed of the room with my eyes closed. After I was sure I was out I opened my eyes. And then I saw.. Her.. Destiny. Standing In the middle of our hallway. How, can she enter our house. I was certain I locked it. The window from our hallway was wide open, So i thought she entered through there. As cold gusts of air spread throughout the room her hair flowed as if it was being manipulated by the wind.

We just stood there. staring at eachother. When I stared at her eyes. I noticed they weren't shiny anymore. It's like she lost her innocence or something. As my eyes scanned her whole body. I noticed shd had a Bloody knife on her hand. Which had the same foul smell of my mother's deceased body. As I thought about that, I suddenly remembered my moms stab wounds.

Y-You.. You killed her? Why?

Well.. you killed me.. It's only fair.