Deprived of food

"A pity, even now I don't feel bad. But I applaud your efforts, you've finally made me angry." Rhea rolled up her sleeves while taking intimidating steps towards the two sisters, "Come on girls, let's have a nice chat. It's been long since we've done this."

Zoorah swallowed hard as if recalling a bad memory, she quickly held out her hand, "Don't even come close to me or I will use my powers on you." She warned, but Rhea ignored her and continued to approach.

Zoorah's arrogant expression started to twist, she quickly raised her hand, and a ball of light appeared, "If you get any closer, I won't hesitate to hurt you. Rhea..."

"Do you think I'm scared of what your stupid fire magic could do to me?" Rhea laughed coldly as she popped her knuckles, "I really don't understand all of you, you've all decided to get rid of me by marrying me off, and I will soon be out of this hellhole of a house. But again, what's the point of coming here to pick on me? Isn't this what you want, to see me angry?"

Zoorah and her sister instinctively started to retreat backwards as she approached. Zoorah was only good at controlling flames, and it was a powerful thing to possess in their realm, which was why she was liked by everyone in the city, and also the reason she became the flower of society. Everyone wanted to be close to her to gain her favor.

Nonetheless, for some reasons her flames had never seemed to work on Rhea, and she had no martial arts skills. For all the years she'd bullied Rhea, her mother or father were always there to defend her, however, now they were in her courtyard without their parents.

"Rhea, don't even think about attacking me with your ice spike, Delia and I will gang up on you if you dare." She warned, her voice slightly shaking revealing the hints of dread she was trying to hide.

Rhea didn't have any magical powers since birth, but that wouldn't hider her from taking care of this pair of fools. Of course, it goes without saying that her ice spike was sharp enough to pierce through anything. She laughed coldly without a single care,

"What? Do you plan to burn me? Ha, go ahead then, I'm too cold for your flames to burn."

Zoorah saw that Rhea was still approaching them, she raised her trembling hand for a golden light to appear, but when she threw it towards Rhea, it only extinguished before even touching her, she then said to her sister, who looked frightened as well, "Delia go and get father immediately."

Delia ran out of the courtyard to go and get their father, while Rhea didn't even care to stop her. She no longer cared about what would happen once their father gets here as long as she could pay back all the humiliation she'd endured for twenty years, she elegantly lifted her hand and pointed a finger towards Zoorah, four ice spikes immediately sparked out and stood in the air as if waiting for her command to attack.

Rhea now stood in front of the frightened Zoorah, she was already backed against the wall and couldn't retreat any further. She looked at Rhea wide-eyed, "Just because your spikes can harm me doesn't mean father will let you off when he finds out."

Rhea laughed, she slightly bared her bunny teeth, it made her seem a bit wicked, but what to do when they were the ones who walked into her yard to bully her?

"Since I will be sent away soon, I will like to be the bully for a change. Let's see how father won't let me off." Rhea lifted her hand and crooked her fingers before twirling the spikes, with a clang, she stabbed it right next to Zoorah's shoulder, it pierced through her expensive cloth and into the stone wall behind her.

"You know I have a bad temper, but yet you test it everyday, Zoorah."

Zoorah was scared to the point of turning pale in fright.

Rhea's manner seemed like she was just carelessly joking around with Zoorah, but the latter could fell the wave of murderous intent assaulting her senses. It scared her to the point that her limbs were going numb from the cold radiating from Rhea. She regretted coming to the lion's den to steal a piece of meat.

"Zoorah, you've bullied me for many years, and I never thought to fight back. Shouldn't you apologise to me now?"

"Pah! Over my dead body, I will never apologise to a lowly person like you!" Zoorah spat angrily on Rhea's face.

Rhea simply grinned, she pulled out another ice spike, the sharp tip pressed against Zoorah's chest. When the chilly wisp almost seeped into her chest, she cried out, "Are you crazy?!"

Rhea's voice was indifferent as she spoke, "Yes, I am. You've been arrogant towards too many people, and that's not nice at all. I want to leave a mark on you so you'd remember me with it once am gone."

Zoorah was so scared she could no longer hold on, she was about to apologise when she noticed their father and mother rushed inside, she then cried out, "Father! Rhea is using her evil ice spikes again! She's trying to kill me with it."

Rhea raised her hand to control her ice spike when she was suddenly hit by a full force.

"I have forbidden you from using that evil thing in my house! How dare you try to kill your sister with it?!" Came Gerold's angry voice.

Rhea who was hit by her father's magic, couldn't stand to her feet as he'd used the retraining spell on her. She glanced up at her so called father who was glaring venomously at her as if he'd kill her if he had the chance, she knew she was being reprimanded for her willful and rash action.

In the past, she feared him showing this hostle expression of his the most. But what did it matter now, he was sending her away without a care if she'd live or die. She might as well do as she pleased before the day she'd leave.

Rhea watched as her father tried to console the crying Zoorah. While she was left on the ground not able to move any of her limbs. She also watched as her step mother landed a slap on Irene's face for not stopping her from harming Zoorah. She felt anger swelled inside her as she witnessed the scenes before her eyes.

At first she was against the wedding, but thinking about it now, it was a great way for her to escape from this hellhole and also the devil general. She would go far away where no one knew who she was. Her foster mother was only going through all this because of her, if she wasn't here, no one would humiliate her anymore.

'Mother, don't worry. Once I become rich, I will come back to get you out of here as well.'

Rhea could hear her father yelling at her but she couldn't make out what he was saying as she was too consumed in her thoughts and plans. All she heard was,

"...You shall be deprived of food until the day you'd leave!"

Food? Her eyes widened in disbelief. Why food of all the punishments?