Bite it off!!

Because of Rhea's crazy heart beats, she was dumbfounded for a long time.

But what was more puzzling was that Rhea had already snapped out of her long spell of absent-mindedness, yet the handsome angel was still blankly staring at her.

Rhea thought about it and was immediately filled with astonishment at her sudden realization. Could it be...this angel was also touched by her? Was he charmed by her?!

But if she remembered correctly, earlier she was soaked, and then she had rolled around in the pile hay. Who knew how sorry of a figure she was cutting. Would this handsome angle really be moved by her?

Rhea secretly thought it was because her face was too entrancing. However, she gradually realized something was wrong with the handsome man...

The light in those pale blue eyes of his were too intense. He stared at her like a hawk staring at a rabbit, like a hungry wolf staring at an easy prey, like a prisoner on death row staring at the key locking his cell.

Rhea couldn't help but want to crawl under his intense gaze, it was like he was trying to see through her soul.

"Hey." She called out to him when he still didn't look away. It seemed as if she'd suddenly woken him up from a dream, he blinked a few times, scattering the intense light. His eyes turned away, no longer meeting Rhea's gaze. But she actually never looked away from him, instead her eyes trailed his body again.

But she felt her eyes widened as she noticed something on the left side of his shirt...

General Jurian Qieldan!

Rhea couldn't help but ask to confirm, "Are you really the general? Old Lila's grandson?" How could such a handsome man like him be the said hideous Jurian Qieldan?

It was said that the general had a body like that of a beast, a face like that of a baboon. But this man in front of her was extremely handsome, his face was like that of an immortal, he was everything but ugly. His damp raven hair poured down his shoulders, as if he'd just taken a shower. And...his complexion, whether it was because of sickness or because he'd just gotten out of shower, was overly pale, just like hers.

The man looked away from her and focused single-mindedly on the things in his hands. His calm look was completely different from before.

He ignored her earlier question, minding his own business, he walked in holding a food basket, containing some bowls in hand. He knelt down in front of her and placed four bowls one by one on the floor.

Rhea was confused. Wasn't the general said to be ruthless? What was he doing here being the one to bring her food?

Perhaps the human trafficker was right, he does seem to listen to old lady Lila. She must have asked him to come and feed her like Mrs. Sabina had said. But she still couldn't wrap her head around something...

The higher ranked wealthy men of the capital had clearly said they'd seen the general before in the palace. He wasn't pleasant to the eyes, but how come this one looked pretty?

"Hey...!" Rhea called when the handsome man finished putting down the bowls and got up to leave.

Rhea blanked for a moment. Her gaze swept over the rich rice porridge, pickled vegetables, and sweet red bean cakes, her favorites. She immediately panicked, forgetting everything else. She hurriedly yelled at the man's broad back,

"Wait! Wait! That's all you are going to do? I'm still tied up, do you expect me to put my face in the food and eat like a pig?"

Leaving after throwing the food here, did he think she was a pig?!

The man's footsteps paused. He seemed to be considering something for a moment before he turned and walked back to her. He knelt down in front of Rhea. Then he grabbed the bowl of rice porridge and placed it by her mouth.

Rhea had been deprived of food for the whole day, hence when he tipped the bowl, she gulped it clean. She then rudely ordered,

"Feed me the bean cake and add some of those pickled vegetables on it."

The man's eyebrows jumped snapping together at her rude instructions.

Right now, Rhea had no patience to spare nor be nice to him. She was preoccupied with the delicious food in the bowls, "Hurry up and feed it to me!"

The man didn't say a word. He only crouched down and did as she said. His delicately long fingers moved swiftly as he added the pickled vegetables as she instructed, he then held it towards her mouth.

Rhea didn't pay any particular attention to the man and wolfed down all the bean cakes he fed her. She continued to eat until her stomach could no longer take anymore. Only then did she spare the effort to look away from the food.

She chewed and shot a glance at the angel like man in front of her, whose hand was outstretched holding the last bean cake towards her mouth. Right now, his gaze was dull, like someone who hadn't slept for days. It was hard to say if he was the general or not, but at least he no longer had that terrifying intense gaze from earlier.

Right now, he looked so calm and collected to the point Rhea thought she had imagined the intensity in his blue eyes earlier.

It was unavoidable for Rhea to have an impression of the man in her heart. However no matter what impression she had, she couldn't deny the fact that he was indeed too handsome for a human.

Moonlight shone in overhead through the cracks in the wood planks, it fell upon his face, and she dazedly stared at his handsome face as she quietly opened her mouth and took in the food he offered her.

She felt apprehensive, she had seen and even beaten up a lot of handsome noble young men in the capital since from childhood, but she hadn't ever set her eyes on any like this man. She could bet anything that he would rank number one on the list of the most handsome in Birhhan.

Kidnapping such a handsome man would fetch a good price if she were to sell him off to those rich single women in the capital. Rhea thought, but she quickly cleared her throat when she met his eyes again,

"Ahem...I am no longer your wife to be, I have already cut the marriage thread by running away. But that heartless human trafficker and your grandmother forcefully brought me back. Did you know?"

Seeing that Rhea had stopped eating, he put the remaining half of the bean cake back into the bowl.

She continued despite the fact that he wasn't answering her, "Your grandmother is old and seems pitiful, I can't get mad at her, but supporting someone like Mrs. Sabina will bring down heaven's vengeance. For the sake of old lady Lila, release my bonds and let me go my own way, I have a goal to achieve."

He still ignored her dipping his head down and quietly continued to clear the bowls, he then stood up to his feet.

"Don't go!" She clenched her teeth and said, "I'll tell you the truth, I am on a mission to catch a demonic serpent, I pursued it here and also injured it. It couldn't have gone far, it's very likely hiding in this small town of yours, and who knows when it'll turn into one of the citizens and move amongst you all, absorbing your pure magic. If you don't let me go, no one else can catch it. When things go bad, don't blame me for not warning you."

The man briefly stopped, his blue eyes flashed for a brief moment. Then like nothing was heard, he continued to walk away. There was no reaction at all. That only made Rhea more annoyed than anything he could have said.

After being tied up for a day, her fiery temper that she had been suppressing flared up, "Hey! Are you an idiot, or are you just acting dumb to annoy me! I am no longer your wife to be, let me go!" Like before, there was no reaction. Rhea angrily berated,

"Stop right there! I'm still hungry I want the rest of those bean cakes."

He halted for a moment, then as expected, he turned back and brought back the remaining half of the food, he knelt down in front of her and offered the cake to her just like he did before.

Rhea glanced at his overly pale face, then she looked at his delicate hand offering the cake, she opened her mouth and bit down hard on his hand.

He slightly jerked, it seemed like he wanted to withdraw but in the end stayed still. He let her bite his thumb and the cake.

Rhea bit down hard, her voice was muffled but forceful as she spoke, "let meeh go or else I'll bite it off!" She leaned back her head while biting his thumb to get a better look at his expression. But unexpectedly...

His expression was placid as ever. He looked down at her, maybe it was the angle, but in his pale bule eyes, there was a whiff of pure dislike and disgust.