Love, trust... NEVER AGAIN

Rhea's mind drifted to serval places before she finally fell asleep. She slept till the sun was starting to set in the evening, it wasn't until her growling stomach woke her up that she realized she'd unexpectedly slept for too long under the blanket. She sat up and wiped off her drool before crawling out from the blanket.

Rhea didn't even waste anytime, she went straight to the kitchen to look for food.

Exiting the kitchen, she sat alone in the dinning hall munching on the food on her tray. However, her meal time was soon interrupted by her maid, Mielle who came to to inform,

"My lady, you're being called in the parlour room by lady Sabina."

Rhea almost choked on her food hearing the word 'Sabina.' she'd been trying her best to avoid that woman for all the days she'd been here. But it seemed she couldn't do that for long. That human trafficker doesn't know to stay in her own residence, but to stick her nose in matters that had nothing to do with her.

Rhea stuffed her mouth with food before standing up to go and see why she was suddenly being called in the parlour room.

Upon reaching the corridors, she could already hear the loud voice of Mrs. Sabina speaking to someone in the room. Entering the room, she saw old lady Lila laying on the couch, while Mrs. Sabina stood with a middle-aged man. Who Rhea didn't have to ask to know that he was a shaman judging from his attire.

Upon catching a glimpse of the shaman, Rhea's emotions boiled over as a deep-seated rage bubbled up inside of her. In an effort to bottle up her fury, she balled up her fists. The memory of standing before a shaman as a child still remained vividly etched in her mind, as the shaman had persuaded her father to put her to death, claiming that she would bring nothing but bad luck to the Duke's household. This experience had kindled in her heart a burning hatred for shamans, who seemed to care for nothing but their own financial gain by spreading lies.

Her father's resentment towards her had intensified due to the shaman's message.

Rhea was soon snapped out of her thoughts by Mrs. Sabina's words to the shaman.

"Are you sure that would cure old lady Lila?"

The shaman nodded, "Yes, as long as her wish is fulfilled, her health will improve. Where is the girl?"

The shaman's eyes turned towards Rhea who stood at the entrance with a blank expression. "Is she the one?" He asked Mrs. Sabina, who glanced at Rhea with a glare. She still had a grudge against this girl, and perhaps today would be the best day to teach her lesson.

"Yes, she is the one."

The shaman gave a nod, affirming, "Observing her, one can note her impressive traits and positive character which would ensure a peaceful and happy home. Elder Qieldan, rest assured that your grandson's wife has been brought up with great care and upbringing."

The Old lady Lila's eyes squinted as she smiled, upon hearing his compliment. Mrs. Sabina, on the other hand, snorted to the side, saying, "Don't judge people based on their appearance; this girl is ill-mannered, a cursed seed."

Rhea coldly chuckled and proceeded to roll up her sleeves, staring fiercely at Mrs. Sabina. She would like to hear the woman label her as a cursed seed again.

Why was she even called here to begin with?

The shaman proceeded to speak as if hearing her thoughts, he mentioned, "The pill that we had discussed previously, I have brought it along with me. Administering it will facilitate speedy conception for the woman. If Elder Qieldan can have a great-grandchild, it will cure her illness and promote her health."

Rhea was dumbfounded by the shaman's words. What sort of absurd thing was that? She found his words illogical and believed that he was a fraudulent spiritual leader just like the one from her childhood.

After those words came out of the shaman's mouth, Mrs. Sabina glanced towards Rhea with a smug look, "Did you hear him? If you want to help old lady Lila, you have to take the pill he's going to give you."

Understanding the situation, Rhea's gaze intantly chilled and she stared at the shaman, "Don't spit out nonsense illogical words, if you can't help her illness, then say so." Her tone had a heavy murderous intent as she added, "If you don't leave this residence right now, I will make you leave on your back."

The shaman's eyes twitched as he swallowed hard on hearing her words of threat. However, Mrs. Sabina who was standing on the said dramatically covered her mouth in astonishment,

"Oh Heavens! Listen to those words coming out of that vile mouth of yours. You are such a heartless being not taking pity on the poor sick old lady. Someone like you should be struck by lightning!"

Old lady Lila who was laying on the couch raised her hands in an attempt to stop Mrs. Sabina while she was coughing, but Mrs. Sabina didn't even pay heed to the old woman and continued, "Today, I will educate you on how to respect your elders . You must swallow this pill." She took the pills from the shaman and commented, "Guards, enter!" 

Immediately, three brawny individuals strolled into the parlor room and positioned themselves on either side of Rhea, who gazed at them with a hint of dread in her eyes. Although Rhea was a skilled combatant, but she was aware that these two were not the only ones on the premises; there were more outside if she tried to fight them, there was no saying what this Mrs. Sabina would make them do to her.

Nevertheless, she put up a courageous demeanour and warned, "If any of you attempts to lay a hand on will face the consequences of my rage."

"... Sabina let it be, don't_Cough! Don't force her if she doesn't want to take it, Jurian won't be happy about it if he knows you forced his wife_Cough!." Came old lady Lila's weak voice from the couch. However, Mrs. Sabina wasn't taking any of that. She had waited for long to get back at this young woman who dared to disrespect her in front of the guests on the wedding ceremony. She had become a laughing stock in the border town all thanks to this ill-mannered girl. Hence, she would take this golden opportunity to deal with her!

"Hold her down!" Mrs. Sabina barked orders at the guards, who were quick to obey her and grabbed Rhea by her both arms, they pulled her down by force.

The air was thick with tension as Mrs. Sabina held out the pill to Rhea's mouth. Her eyes widened with fear as she tried to push away, but the guards were too strong for her, she clenched her teeth tightly and refused to open her mouth. This woman was out of her mind. Rhea thought as she glared murderously at Mrs. Sabina who loomed over her with the pill.

"Stop being difficult!" Mrs. Sabina snapped as she tried to force the pill into Rhea's mouth.

Rhea didn't even know what the pill was going to do to her body. But this repeat human trafficker was trying to shove it down her throat by force. If only she still possessed her ice spikes...

"Hold her nose, she'llopen her mouth to breathe!" Ordered Mrs. Sabina to one of the men, who was quick to hold her nose.

Rhea's face reddened as she felt her lungs desperately tightening for air. However, she still didn't open her mouth and stubbornly clenched her teeth together. Just when she thought she'd pass out from lack of air, a voice boomed through the room, causing Mrs. Sabina and the guards to turn their heads.

"Stop it, aunt Sabina!" Draven shouted. "Let her go!"

Mrs. Sabina looked shocked but quickly regained her composure. "This is for your grandmother's good," she said, her eyes flashing with anger for being interrupted.

"I said, let her go!" Draven repeated, his voice growing louder with irritation.

Mrs. Sabina hesitated for a moment, but seeing the murderous glint in his eyes, she quickly released her grip on Rhea, who stumbled backward, gasping for air. Rhea looked up at Draven, her heart racing with relief and confusion. She had never seen him like this before, looking angry, defending her.

"Get out," He said, his eyes fixed on Jurian's aunt.

Mrs. Sabina glared at Rhea for a moment before hurriedly storming out of the room along with the shaman and her men.

Rhea, who was still gasping for air looked up at Draven, unsure of what to do or say. She hadn't expected him to come to her rescue. She wasn't sure why he helped her in a situation like this, but in this moment, she realized that maybe he wasn't all bad.

Rhea gazed at Draven as he walked past her without a word and made to Jurian's grandmother on the couch. He supported the old woman out of the parlour room without sparing Rhea a glance nor a word. It was as if he wasn't the one who just stood up for her a moment ago.


When night fell, Rhea and Draven stayed in their room. As usual, Draven laid on the floor while she took the bed. He hadn't even spoken to her the whole day. He didn't bring up the events of the day, nor ask if she'd thought about helping him yet.

It was Rhea who first broke the silence in the room, "About what you did for me in the parlour room...thank you." She said softly. However, there was no response from him.

The room sank into silence again. Rhea had already lived with him for more than a month now, she was used to his taciturn personality. Thus she paid no mind to his lack of response.

She laid face up and gazed at the pitch black darkness in the room. After a moment, she decided to ask, "How did your dragon essence end up in Birhhan?" She asked, but yet there was no response.

Rhea decided not to push him to speak again, she yawned and turned to the side. Right when she was starting to drift off to sleep, Draven self-mockingly laughed,

"Because I was foolish enough to fall too deeply in love not to realize I was being misled by her. She made me trust her enough before stabbing essence my dragon form...she took them. And locked them up behind my greatest weakness. Her mere sword couldn't kill me, so she took my essence..."

Rhea, who had already drifted off to sleep was deaf to his storytelling. She only pulled up her blanket and rolled over on the huge bed while murmuring in displeasure, "Your voice is too loud. Let me sleep and stop disturbing my peaceful..."

"...!" Draven scoffed in disbelief. However he didn't speak again. Not long, he could already hear her steady breathing from the bed.

"She's too childish to be the one..." Draven murmured, his voice was picked up by the breeze from the window and dispersed into the quite night.

As the bright moon shone into the room through the slightly opened window, its beam illuminated his pale face. His blue eyes fixated on the glowing sphere in the sky before he finally shut them.

Memories of twenty years ago resurfaced in his mind again, the time when Alina had mercilessly stabbed him. As the vivid images occupied his thoughts, his fists involuntarily clenched by his side. The echoes of her laughter and the sight of satisfaction in her eyes after stabbing him haunted him still. These torments had plagued him day after day, never allowing him to forget her betrayal.

'Love, trust...NEVER AGAIN!'