Openly kissing

Rhea's eyes snapped open as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the window, remembering her conversation with Draven last night, she threw off her covers and leapt out of bed.

In a swift motion, she made her way to the main kitchen. She knew that a substantial breakfast was the key to keeping her emotions in check. As she entered the kitchen, she saw a table filled with food, plates piled high with pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit. Without hesitation, she served herself and dug in, devouring the food with an intensity that matched her overwhelming mind.

She didn't want to think of anything at this moment.

As Rhea wolfed down the breakfast, Draven appeared in the doorway, watching her with keen eyes. He couldn't help but notice her unruly manner, her hoodlum-like demeanor as she chomped down her food.

With a sigh, Draven quietly leaned over the doorframe to wait for her, but careful not to disrupt her voracious feast.