
Rhea, who had slept at sunset didn't wake up until the next morning. She woke up and stared blankly at the ceiling as she tried to remember how she ended up on the bed, and what happened last night. It took her a minute to remember she'd slept off on the couch, but woke up on the bed.

Did he carry her back to the bed? Those thoughts had not settled in her mind, when she suddenly heard some commotion outside the window. There were panicked voices but she was unable to hear what they were saying.

Rhea hurriedly got off the bed and opened the window, she looked down on the streets, and noticed the townfolks running around in panic. What were they running away from?

She was still standing by the window in bewilderment, when she heard sounds of horses galloping from the distance. She looked towards the direction and saw three men riding the horses while announcing to the town people.

"Everyone, be on alert the dragons have declared war against humans!"