Meeting her stepsisters

Rhea was frozen as she heard the female voice that just called her name. She instantly recognized the voice as her sister's, but couldn't understand how Zoorah had ended up here. Puzzled, she looked in the direction of the voice and realized it wasn't just Zoorah.

Rhea's eyes widened as she saw a group of people near the entrance of the restaurant. There were more than ten of them, including her two stepsisters with whom she had a long history of animosity. She also spotted Cal, whom she had recently met with Draven a few days ago. And to top it off, there was Oriana, Alina's niece and her greatest foe!

It seemed like they belonged to the group of fire controllers who were assigned to this part of town to monitor for any outcasts. They were all dressed in maroon attires. However, Zoorah, Delia, and Oriana's clothes stood out with gold thread embellishments, despite being the same color as the others.